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Patti on HLN Monday, Oct.1st - Weighing in on Arnold Schwarzenegger's Body Language

 Patti analyzes the body language of Arnold Schwarzenegger as he is being interviewed on 60 Minutes.  Patti shares her insights with Kyra Phillips on HLN - Evening Express. 


Stalh: I've spent time with you, and you are so much fun and you have enormous charm. And I have to keep reminding myself about this chapter of your life. I do, I have to keep saying, "Wow, he did something that speaks to character." (Arnold just stares at her and doesn’t answer the question.)

He is very conflicted. He actually has his eyes tight and focused in an attack glare and has his mouth in what he thinks is a neutral smile, but is actually an asymmetrical sneer. This means he would like to attack her for saying he has done something that mars his character, “I am mad but I am trying to keep that in and smile.”  But after the long frozen expression and silence he finally nods his head yes and agrees with the statement.

She follows by asking, “Do you have to remind yourself or is it always there.”

We see his most difficult coming to grips with the question. He does a tongue flick, his mouth is dry with stress and he has to moisten it. His head comes back slightly. His eyes don’t just shutter close with the bad feelings he pulls his eyes shut so there are visible wrinkles at the corners and his mouth tightens back and you can see on freeze frame his suppressed cry of anguish. As he comes out of it he tries to pull himself together and he says, ““It’s always there.”

Only affair 11:14 or so

You write that Maria did ask you before the confrontation with the marriage counselor “Is that your child?" He is nodding his head yes.  So you lied to her. >>Schwarzenegger: “you can say that.” He has the composed smile that he holds as if for a photograph. Then he uses a tongue eraser to erase what he just said, He feels he shouldn’t have made that admission.

 Stahl: was that the only affair? >> Schwarzenegger: “no, I had others. But, I mean... But, you know, it's something that's obviously between Maria and me.” >> Stahl: she knew? >> Schwarzenegger: “yea.” >> Stahl: so it's a recurring issue with you. >> Schwarzenegger:”I’m not perfect.”

To the questions, “So, It is a recurring issue with you?”  His eyes narrow down into attack focus and he gives that tight lipped smirk his mouth pulling up on his left and he says, “I am not perfect. “ In a very soft voice as his chin comes down.  I have analyzed his body language for many years. His chin usually comes up defiantly in his answers to the media so here we see his version of an admission that he was bad.


8:32 How does money start showing up? >> Schwarzenegger: “I gave it to her and she knew what it was about.” >> Stahl: did you think that, if you gave her money, that she wouldn't talk, like hush money? >> Schwarzenegger: “I don't think that Mildred was at all into talking. He is honest here. He didn’t think Mildred would talk.

19:52:54 you write... Is my child 19:53:17

You write, "I wanted Mildred to continue working in our home because I thought I could control the situation better that way." and I read that to mean that, if she was in the house, you could make sure she wouldn't tell anybody. >> Schwarzenegger: “no” He does an eye shutter here. . It was more that it would be the wrong thing to do to let them go and not make her feel like she's being punished when I find out that this is my child.

What is very interesting is his response to her asking him she remained the house keeper was that strange.  He does a lip suppression cue again focusing to control himself here.  Interesting that then he changes using a light almost playful voice and partial smile as he talks about the bizarreness of the situation. It reads to me as if he enjoyed the bizarreness of the situation.  He at some level is enjoying being “cornered by her in the interview into revealing the bizarreness of it.


You had no idea that this was something she would not want to get back into? >> Schwarzenegger: “no”. As a matter of fact, I was thinking that she would say, "Wow that is amazing. Welcome to the club. We finally convinced you to be a public servant, just like my entire family." none of that. He seems inauthentic. His answer seems pat.  He does something I call edit emotional event.  This is something self-focused people do when their behavior is not met with the reaction they want.  Here I would expect him to describe her emotion. Instead he pauses to edit out her reaction and instead says, none of that.  So, all of a sudden, it came to a grinding halt and I had to now deal with the drama.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

Arnold Schwarzenegger Body Language Read During His Interview On 60 Minutes

Arnold Schwarzenegger Body Language Read during

his Interview on 60 minutes last night talking about his affairs

 and his relationship with Maria.


My notes below include my observations from watching the video

 Current Relationship

 This was from tape shown this morning on CBS news rather than last night’s interview

 He barrels through her question to whether or not by saying I

 did says, “…I apologized for many times (This behavior shows his

 aggressiveness is not what we would expect a feeling of

 contrition and humility) He then says, “I hope (with an

 asymmetrical face, eyebrow far up and sharp) “… that down

 the line she will be able to forgive me for that.”

 He says, “She has been an extraordinary woman (though

 shaking his head no) wife (again as he shakes his head no) and

 mother. (Here he does not shake his head no)

 “I felt terrible about the whole thing.” The emphasis is on how HE feels not the pain he causes.

 He is asked the question “was the marriage over anyway?’ 

Then there is a long pause before he says, “It was really a lot of

strain on the marriage, (then he swallows) relationships (as he gives a downward sour smile.)

 I would interpret this response as the relationship had already

 gone sour, and Maria was strained.

 Only affair-  He turns his head to the right in attack block blinks his eyes tightly shut also in an attack block and dips his head as if he has been jabbed but most interesting is that his voice his paralanguage is the starting tight voiced no that goes up high then playful voice as he smiles and adds I doubt it that shows he is actually bragging that he had the affair with Bridget and would never say that it is his only affair,  the smile stays on his face but turns into a conflicted smirk as he says a sotto voice, but that is between Maria and me. Can I just say the smile lasts so long that it shows his enjoyment of sharing that affair?  This is a bit odd as he wrote about the Bridgett affair in the book that he is now doing a National TV interview and talking about the details of the affair are now not just between him and Maria.

 Notes to go with this video Schwarzenegger: 'I'm not perfect'

 CNN|Added on October 1, 2012Arnold Schwarzenegger opens up with "60 Minutes" ahead of the release of his memoirs.

 To the questions, “So, It is a recurring issue with you?”  His eyes narrow down into attack focus and he gives that tight-lipped smirk his mouth pulling up on his left and he says, “I am not perfect. “ In a very soft voice as his chin comes down.  His chin usually comes up defiantly in his answers so here we see his version of an admission that he was bad.

 His son by housekeeper - It was never discussed but I put the things together here. He is smiling.

 When his wife asks him, He says, “You’re absolutely correct and does a tongue thrust.  That tongue thrust is a symbolic strikeout attacking Maria for outing him.

 Asked, “Do you have to remind yourself or is it always there.”

 We see his difficultys coming to grips with the question. He does a tongue flick, his mouth is dry with stress and he has to moisten it. His head comes back slightly. His eyes don’t just shutter close with the bad feelings he pulls his eyes shut so there are visible wrinkles at the corners and his mouth tightens back and you can see on freeze-frame his suppressed cry of anguish. As he comes out of it tries to pull himself together and he says, “It’s always there.”


Patti Reveals Body Language Tips for the Presidential Candidates During the Upcoming Debates

Patti was asked by a National Correspondent for NPR Digital News to weigh in on three important questions concerning the body language of President Obama and Govenor Mitt Romney and what they need to do during the upcoming presidential debates to win the vote of the people.  See her insights below:
1)    As a body language specialist, what specific advice do you have for Pres. Obama during the debates? 

A.      In the past Obama’s debating style has included great eye contact, a weak laid back style at the beginning and then powerful passionate body language at the end. There was a weak first impression (primacy effect) but an excellent ending (regency effect.)
I suggest he come out strong, warm and charismatic before he begins speaking and make a strong positive first statement before he responds to the first questions.
I would coach him and say, “President Obama, smile more as you make strong positive statements. When you speak about how great and hardworking Americans are and what this country is and has become. “
From now on he is not speaking to just Democrats so he can’t speak with venom about the other guys out there. He is speaking to everyone so he needs to connect more with the audience, he can’t seem angry with his audience or he’s ashamed of us.

B.      He is sounding and looking tired and strained. He needs to relax his voice so he can use it to make us feel confident in him. As a nonverbal communication expert, I have analyzed hundreds of hours of tapes of political leaders and candidates and written and spoken about them.  I have received more emails about my reads of Barack Obama’s voice. His voice use to be very rhythmical, powerful and charismatic and he spoke with ease very loudly without any vocal strain.  Deep, low voices are perceived, according to research, as more authoritative, believable and trustworthy and you can hear his voice coming from the TV in another room and feel its authority and power. Hilary Clinton’s voice strain in the last presidential campaign severely affected her credibility and perceived warmth. A change in Obama’s voice now will affect our perception of him.

C.      He had great positive emotional moments and gestures in his DNC speech. He needs to pull some of that emotion and passion into the debates.  He needs to gesture upwards above the waist as he speaks about where we can go to symbolically show he wants and can bring us joy and hope. And he also needs and look up and out to the future.  His last campaign he did this as he talked about change.

D.     He has started this new bizarre habit that I call “The Tobacco Chew’ where he seems to  cleanse his tongue in his mouth, pursing his lips then pushing his lips outwards and down and out as he says distasteful things (Look at *:59 in his DNC speech) He did this over 20 times in his DNC speech. He needs to look at that tape and note what motivated him to do that. Stop making statements that call forth that emotion and smile more instead.

2)    What specific advice do you have for Gov. Romney?

The single most important piece of advice for Governor Romney is to show genuine warm emotion in his voice and body language. A credible candidate’s movement, gestures and expressions are in sync with what you are saying. Governor Romney should move more to illustrate what he is saying so that we feel he is speaking sincerely.  Look at Romney at minute 7:38 of his RNC speech. He says “When every new wave of immigrants looked up to the statue of liberty or knelt down to kiss the shores of freedom.” but, as he says that vividly visual and emotional content he doesn’t move or look up or gesture up as he speaks of freedom or move or look down to kiss the shores.  There is no Ah or wonder or gratefulness. This unfortunately makes him look like someone who memorized a speech. Again at (10:45 or so) his words are passionate and his voice, in this case, does show emotion but, his body is stiff as he says, “Work harder… hug your kids a little longer. His voice and movement should be in sync.

When someone is genuinely feeling an emotion as they speak the speaker feels the emotion in their limbic brain where body language is processed and they show that true emotion with their body language before the speaker moves to the neo cortex to access the words they want to use to express what they are feeling. As the viewer just a beat before a candidate says I love America we should see the candidate reach out and up, and or smile and look out at the crowd then hear the words, I love the United States of America. Just a beat before we hear their body language express it and we hear it in their voice.

Perhaps due to his car accident, Romney holds his back and pelvis very stiffly.
Gesture more over all. We know his car accident may be the cause of his overall stiff appearance, but he can move and he needs to have more animated and passionate emotional movement, facial and vocal expression. The speech writers did a good job on his RNC speech giving him several emotional stories to share in the first half of his speech and Romney did an excellent job of expressing his parent’s emotional rose story (“…every day dad gave mom a rose” pointing and his eyes teared up. My mom and dad were true partners. Should women have less say than our men? Eyes welled up, his voice cracked.)But his speech coaches needed to get him to reveal more. Many feel that he is hiding his money; he needs to show nonverbally he is not keeping anything from us.

Stiff posture and little passionate body movement - He only has had a handful of gestures in the first 15 minutes of his RNC speech. For example, when he says “…freedom…to build” his arms should have swept up. Instead he stands frozen, arms at his side, not looking out at the audience or up. Then his first gesture as he says, “But not just what we wanted but it’s what Americans deserved.” (9:05) here is a rather puny pinched finger gesture down rather than a passionate sweep up or to the heart. He needs to be present in the moment and connect more with the audience. For much of the RNC speech he seemed into himself rather than connected to his wildly enthusiastic fellow republicans. He needs to look out at everyone and then speak using the power of the pause.

For example he said in the RNC speech With your help we will do something,” He should have looked at the audience, swept his arm out to everyone and said, “With your help.” Then done

an open palm up Gathering Gesture gesturing out towards the audience paused slightly as he looked at them and made a real connection and then brought the gesture back to himself. Instead he kept his hands frozen at his sides and then at (11:23) you see him do eye shutter and close his mouth. Indicating nonverbally Romney either didn’t feel we can do something or he does not feel he needs our help.

See my blog post at Patti reads the Body Language of the Presidential Candidates and Other Speakers at the Republican and Democratic Conventions if you would like more on the convention.

3)    Can you list Three Secrets of Successful Body Language when it comes to political debates – dos and don’ts?

 In my new book SNAP- Making the Most of First Impressions Body Language and Charisma I share that there are four “first Impression factors” we assess when we first meet somebody – credibility, likeability, attractiveness, and power. Charisma profoundly affects which candidate we vote for.  Charisma is based on the last three factors. So I would say the secrets are to

Be Charismatic, Be Powerful –To be powerful you have to take up space nonverbally, be tall, gesture out and away from the body and use a low full voice. (See more on the four first impression factors and charisma below.   Be likable – Let your emotions show. Make sure your emotions and your nonverbal messages are in synch. Speak warmly and have a big, likeable smile and have laser focused eye contact and connect with the audience (See more on likeability below.) and of course be attractive.

Most research says when it gets down to the final two candidates we vote for the most charismatic one. In fact a candidate can have little or no credibility but his or her charisma will win our hearts and our votes. Charisma overrides our ability to detect someone’s deceit. To understand how people use non-verbal behavior to come to those SNAP judgments, we need to understand these four factors.

The first and most important factor they are looking for is credibility. When a person has credibility, they are who they say they are. You can trust them and you can feel safe. Credibility is a very critical aspect to first impressions. 

When a person demonstrates likeability, she smiles easily, laughs easily, and uses friendly upper body language. She shows emotions and visible expressions that allow us to know how she’s feeling. The opposite of likeability is a lack of expression and affect, and often, a monotone voice.

A person who demonstrates likeability does so in person or over the phone. You know immediately he is likable. Sometimes, it’s as simple as how expressive he is. And like credibility, it’s a universal recognition. We can recognize likeability in the first split seconds we meet someone.

Likeability is not commonality, which can be summed up in the statement, “I like this person because they’re like me.” Likeability is more a factor of their affect, personality, warmth, gregariousness, and friendliness. A person who is likable turns and looks at you and opens their body windows to you when they are talking to you. In likeability, you open yourself up to connect with other people.

 Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

Patti's Reads the Body Language of the Presidential Candidates and Other Speakers at the Republican and Democratic Conventions

Click the link below to see Patti on CNN and hear her insights!

Here are Patti's rough notes from her recent appearance on CNN reading the body language at the Republican and Democratic Conventions.
Romney’s entrance: 14

His face is smiling. But look at how stiff his back is tension rod up through his back and neck. (He looks like he hurt his back.  He is so stiff.  His body is in a straight line. He keeps his lower body away.  Romney doesn’t do what I call the Clinton lean in.  When he came up he would step in and bring his whole body around each person in a symbolic embrace.

He comes out on stage.  His body stiff and hunched as he walks to the podium. He gives a rather stilted hand to heart gesture but it looks like faked humility. He is acting humble and teary-eyed but here he’s not in the moment.  He is acting to the audience rather than connected to them as he comes on stage.

Stiff posture no emotional Body Movement - He is more animated than in past speeches but he still has that stiff body language. (Time code 7:10 and then at more so at 7:38 he is talking about freedom, but his body is locked, arms at sides freedom to build a life)  This video doesn’t show him in close up it goes to the crowd but in the video I first watched his gestures should come up.  Only a handful of gestures in first 15 minutes of speech

Lack of Synchronicity of words and message - you move to illustrate what you are saying make us feel a candidate is sincere. Instead look at Romney 7:38 (This is so wild watch him say “Again when every new wave of immigrant’s looked up to the statue of liberty or knelt down to kiss the shores of freedom.” But in that truly emotional content. He doesn’t move or look up or gesture up as he speaks of freedom. He looks like a little kid who memorized a speech.

First real gesture at Puny gesture - When He says”freedom to build” his arms should have swept up. Instead he stands frozen.  But not just what we wanted but it’s what Americans deserved. (9:05) He gives his first gesture a puny pinched finger gesture down.  This gesture pressing the thumb against index and pointy finger make a point not a weapon like he wants to squeeze emotion out of you and make my point.

Again at (10:45 or so) his words are passionate and his voice has emotion but his body is stiff as he says, “Work harder… Hug your kids a little longer. Again no illustrator gestures. Made it ring false.  As he said, “I wish Obama had succeeded because I wanted America to succeed.” I wished he had shown more passion. “

Lack of connection to audience “With your help we will do something,” He had the opportunity to look at the audience and do an open palm Gathering Gesture gesturing out and bring the gesture back to himself.  Instead he kept his hands frozen at his sides and then at (11:23) you see him do eye shutter and close his mouth. Indicating nonverbally Romney either doesn’t feel we can do something or he does not feel he needs our help. Gestures my country deserves better point down cupped hand.

Great Emotional Moment - Typically in Romney’s speech his voice is very monotone.  In this speech he has more emotion in his voice than any other speech and has some genially emotional moment. One of the few in first 15 minutes, “every day dad gave mom a rose” pointing, and his eyes teared up. My mom and dad were true partners. Should women have less say than our men?  Eyes welled up his voice cracked.


Comes out claps with the crowd.  It’s not about him.  He smiles and says thank you several times.

Starts his speech real and warm (:49 “Michele I love you so much,” This is a very warm real moment. Uses humor quickly and well as he makes a reference to his daughter’s behavior” Lightens the first moment.

He leans forward opens and grabs the podium “I accept the nomination for president” then he bows slightly forward slightly humble and holding in emotion flat tight smile.

Gestures frequently and comfortably 4:12 he is giving multiple gestures in a sentence. Expressing himself comfortably.  Both fists closed (5:34 or so) double our exports.

Tobacco chew finds much of what he has to say distasteful. Challenges of our time. 8:59 does that over 20 times in the first half of his speech.

Truly emotional 1 Veteran story, He gives me hope. Share that hope with me. I ask you tonight for your vote, his voice is emotional and truly humble.

Great Strength in his gestures “If you believe that new energy can power our future. Ladders of ..” Watch his gestures grow in strength size and frequency.

Best moment in his speech for Democrats (38:09) “Every One gets a fair shot voice cracks with powerful emotions. Deserves his fair share.

Best example of his best gestures. (38:38 or so) He says, “Yes our path is harder. Yes our road is longer but we travel he grasps up as if to ask us to pull ourselves up from our bootstraps.

(39.20 or so) We pull each other up... We draw strength from victories. Gesture strike out hold out, keep our eyes fixed on that distant horizon.

Finger pointing

Clinton is laughing and smiling and very comfortable with the crowd roaring after he is introduced. That is very hard to do.  We are here to nominate a president (long power of the pause) and I GOT one in mind Clinton, First Thank you his voice is warm.   We have got one in mind, Point gestures high and confident finger point, crisp and elevated thumb clasp points slow slide then at 1:26 knowing all the while hands up above waist palms open fingers spread.

1:16 Clinton is strong and confident and in control right out of the gate.

Listen to his voice striking on each word the pausing, “Just six weeks before the elections,

2.06 “A man who believes with no doubt.”

Clinton gestures with almost every single statement. He has over 14 gestures in the first minute and 45 seconds of his speech.  These frequent gesture show he is confident. Sure of his feeling and open to revealing them.

6:14 Watch Clinton use the power of the point as he says, “We know that investments in education and infrastructure they increase new jobs. “

Jennifer Granholm:   Great emotion enthusiasm open posture. She has more fun than any other speaker. Stand- up comic Pep squad Glee club of speakers.  Show us her side. Holds the gesture longer. Waits for the full impact of her words and gestures.

Chris Christie - Enjoys himself out of the box.  New Jersey republican. Likeable and funny Comedy. Emphasis he knows how to punch just the right word.  On the first four minutes he says we have to FIGHT, or I am HER son He gestures naturally and easily, though at times slow and delayed. 

Open palm internal state of openness and honesty. In Clinton, Granholm, Ann Romney
Closed palm dominance and authority can you get that for me.

Ann Romney consistent open window body language show. Open palm internal state of openness and honesty.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at