Are Handshakes Out?


I still keep learning about body language. Over the years I have updated my first body language book. One of the interesting changes is how people feel about touching as they greet someone. It seems that handshakes are going going gone with the wind as a daily inner office greeting ritual. I am even hearing that recruiters would like to avoid having the shake hands with job candidates. What are you noticing about the hand shake ritual or lack of handshake? I have blogged about the death of the handshake. Is is gone?

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel
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89 Tips for How to Start Your Workday off Right

To find out tips on how people start their work day off right go to the link below. I contributed to the tips. There are a ton of them. Interesting how many people check their emails and twitters at the beginning of the work day.
You can view the article here:

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel