Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes

I read photos of Tom Cruise and Katie Homes for this weeks IN TOUCH weekly magazine. They where tired and stressed, and though there are rumors that the stress was between them the photos did not show they where upset with each other.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
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Kate Gosselin's Emotional Today Show Interview 8/10/09

I read Kate's body language and paralanguage in her recent Today Show interview. US weekly sent me two video's to read how she is feeling about her divorce and note any cues that she had an affair or feels she made a mistake in doing the show. Here are the links to the video's Notice how Katie’s keeps all her limbs close together. Her feet are touching her knees are pressed together her hands are clasped together her arms are held to her side, she often presses her lips tight together with the edges turned down. Symbolically she is keeping it together. The knees pressed together and the hands held up in her lap show the protection after an assault on her sexual trust of her partner.
When she is asked, “I notice you still have on your wedding ring, why is that Kate.” Kate pauses. She tries at first, to suck in her grief and then is overwhelms her. The overwhelming grief comes out in a rush of air and tears leak out as well as Kate says, “For them.” “I don’t want to upset them.” This is the only time in the interview Kate’s voice trembles. Otherwise, her voice is strong and confident. She is sure she made the right choice to do the TV show that this is the best thing for her children.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
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