Attraction Tips, Smiling And Eye Contact Research

Attraction Tips, Smiling and Eye Contact Research

In my body language programs you learn not just what to do but why certain nonverbal behaviors work. It's great to say, smile and look someone in the eye to enhance the attraction process, but to know the research that shows why that is such a powerful action in the attraction process really informs you and can motivate you to change and or improve your nonverbal behavior. So when you say, "You need to smile and make eye contact to win a mate." Here is the why behind the do.

Here is the link and the research.

Eye contact and a smile will win you a mate
11:22 07 November 2007 by Debora MacKenzie
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It's official: you are more likely to think other people are attractive if they are looking straight at you and smiling. The finding helps to explain long-standing questions over the subtle ways in which evolution can determine human preferences.

An important question in biology is whether a particular function or ability is the result of evolution or an accidental byproduct of it. Some biologists believe that human perception falls into this second category because there has been little evidence that how we perceive things like faces affects our biological success in ways that are selected for or against.

But the evidence is mounting that evolution has conditioned our perception in subtle ways.

Claire Conway and colleagues at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland, UK, paired nearly identical photos of computer-generated faces, with smiling or disgusted expressions. The pair differed only in where the irises were pointed: straight at the viewer, or off to the side (see image top right).

Several hundred Aberdeen undergraduates, in the lab and online, rated the faces for sexual attractiveness, and for likeability, a sexually neutral quality. Both men and women found faces looking straight at them to be more attractive and more likeable, even if the faces looked disgusted though unsurprisingly, there was a greater preference for smiles.

Sexual bias
But when the viewers were rating the faces for attractiveness, the preference for being gazed at directly by smiling eyes was much greater for faces of the opposite sex, especially when they were rated by men. There was no such sexual bias in the preference for a direct gaze when the students rated disgusted-looking faces, or when they were rating any faces for likeability.

The Aberdeen team says the sexual bias in subjects' perception of sexual attractiveness in a direct, smiling gaze is hard to explain as a functionless byproduct of perception. But it could have evolved to ease the effort of mating, by directing efforts towards people who are already expressing an interest.

The idea that evolution played a role in determining our facial preferences is backed up by other work, such as research showing that perceptions of attractiveness change depending on peer pressure, or even the time of the month.

What about cultures, common in Asia, where gazing directly at someone is rude? "The Asian participants [in the study] demonstrated preferences for direct over averted gaze," Conway told New Scientist. But these are private preferences, she cautions. "Whether or not such preferences are also expressed in public situations we don't know."

Journal reference: Proceedings of the Royal Society (DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2007.1073)

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Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

John Cusack's First Foray Into The World Of Tweeting.

I just did a read of John Cusack’s first foray in the world of tweeting for Fox

I will put up the link to the article when I get it from Fox News. I have my rough notes below.

Coincidentally, I was working on the techno impressions chapter of my new book when I got the request. I told the journalist that most tweeters speaking on political or social issues tend to make strong declarative statements. They start their sentences with a capital I; they put lots of exclamation points at the end of their tweets and use caps to shout out what they feel. John is not so self assured. The few sentences he starts with an I he uses a little I. It's clear in a content analysis that he is not sure how he should act in this medium. He starts a tweet sharing his opinion, but, in more than half of the tweets I analyzed he stops in the middle of the sentence to ask if he is following the rules or saying things correctly. This is particularly interesting when you compare it to how he is in camera interviews. I have done many nonverbal reads on Johns' TV interviews. He is calm, self assured, intelligent and articulate and often witty. In his tweets he does not use capital letters, or follow the rules or spelling grammar or punctuation. The spelling seems phonetic and the vowels inside words or incorrect phonetic spelling and letters inside words being mixed up are mistakes I see in people, who are dyslexic. That is personally, very easy to recognize as I have dyslexia. It is interesting that he chooses to ignore the rules here but cautious with his words.

1. was that who it was?? RT Shawn Hannity sings 4 Cusack... . filmed live at a satanist celebrity cult death center.2:33 AM Sep 2nd via TweetDeck



2. doesnt that guy work in politics? or was it entertainment?10:42 PM Sep 1st via TweetDeck



3. whats been going on guys? wh PM Sep 1st via TweetDeck



4. freindship tour rolling through santa monica today..12:15 PM Sep 1st via TweetDeck




1. ummm.. was sbeing sarcastic about the rules- i'm irish -- dont do well with arbitrary authority1:54 PM Aug 31st via TweetDeck



2. i want to be a good boy for them all-- did i miss something? any other rules i should follow?1:48 PM Aug 31st via TweetDeck



3. hope twipolice tell me what' sok comming out myown little jokes no CAPS-- no tonaly quesytionabe insights into politcis1:47 PM Aug 31st via TweetDeck




i would sadly agree- a bit overstated- but sadly true-RT @jeffjfyke: Gore Vidal says US has a one-party govt with two right wings.1:42 PM Aug 31st via TweetDeck

1. the gop establishment has been in a shamfull cycle of fear mongering for years in my opinion..1:27 PM Aug 31st via TweetDeck



2. ron paul on everything - but i think he has character in many ways.. depends on the peroson.1:26 PM Aug 31st via TweetDeck



3. nothing... i may not agre with RT @RambobeatsRocky: John, I've watched your movies for 25+ years...what do you have against conservatives?1:25 PM Aug 31st via TweetDeck



4. and the flag..? i know were not supposed to make jokes about anything - now that america has turned back to the lord..1:23 PM Aug 31st via TweetDeck




without changing context.. am i for or against ? how about a celebrity death cult center? i will join as pennance to the folks who own god1:22 PM Aug 31st via TweetDeck

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

Touch, How A Man Touches A Woman, Reading Your Man's Body Language...Touching Body Language

Booty Body Language. What does it mean when a man touches your rear end? How men touch the posterior of women says how they feel about the women, themselves and the relationship.

Those posterior pats are packed with meaning says Patti Wood, body language expert, in US Weekly. If you're curious what they mean, check out the link below!

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at