Why is it Fun to Meet and Date Someone When Traveling?

What happens when love and travel are paired? What happens when we only see our date when we are both someplace new and exciting?

Part of the fascination with the idea of only seeing your love comes from the memories of dating someone I met on a plane many years ago.
I am a professional speaker and travel every week and he also traveled every week  and was separated with small children so when he was home he had his children.
So when we started dating we often met not only in our home cities but in cites we happened to be traveling to at the same time.  We wanted to spend much more time with each other once we fell in love!

What I know about nonverbal behavior, specifically how intense short bursts of time to interact and various new environment effect interspersion interactions is that this kind of dating can be very fun, heady and exciting. For example, there is research that shows
in dating there is a significant positive correlation between adrenaline and attraction, which means as levels of adrenaline increased, so did level of attraction. 

1.       Choosing exciting places for a first date increases the chances of the other person falling for you. There is a definitive link between danger and physical/romantic attraction.
2.      There is also a classic experiment conducted by Arthur Aron and his colleagues, researchers gave upper-middle-class middle-aged couples a list of activities that both parties agreed were “pleasant” (like creative cooking, visiting friends or seeing a movie) or “exciting” (skiing, dancing or attending concerts) but that they had enjoyed only infrequently. Researchers instructed each couple to select one of these activities each week and spend 90 minutes doing it together. At the end of 10 weeks, the couples who engaged in the “exciting” activities reported greater satisfaction in their marriage than those who engaged in “pleasant” or enjoyable activities together.
3.      Surprise and novelty is also a potent force for attraction and liking. When something novel occurs, we tend to pay attention, to appreciate the experience or circumstance, and to remember it. 
4.      Travel can make people feel free for worries and cares and we like those who are associated with rewarding events and whose behavior is intrinsically rewarding. We dislike those whose behaviors are a burden to us. At the level of motivation, conscious or unconscious, we seek to maximize our rewards and minimize costs. We seek relationships and continue in these if the rewards exceed the costs and therefore yield a profit (Kelley, 1979; Kelley & Thibaut, 1978; Rusbult, 1980).

I also know that if you love someone you want to be with them as often and for as long as possible and you want them to be a part of every day. My cell phone is 678-358-6160

Called, “The Gold Standard of body language experts” by the Washington Post, credited in the New York Times with bringing body language to the national consciousness, Patti does several national media interviews a week.

She is the author of eight books she speaks to and consults with Fortune 500 companies, law enforcement organizations, Hospitals and groups like ours.

You can see her regularly on The Today Show, CNN, Good Morning America, Fox News, PBS, The Discovery Channel, and The History Channel as well as in publications such as Psychology Today, Bloomberg Business Week, Fortune, Esquire, Oprah, USA Today, the Wall Street Journal, and many more. She has been the National Spokesperson for many products such as Wrigley’s gum and Pup-Peroni Dog Treats.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at www.PattiWood.net. Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at www.snapfirstimpressions.com. Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at http://youtube.com/user/bodylanguageexpert.