Christmas Rituals for the Family

Christmas Tree Treasure Hunt

On Christmas day in the evening when I was growing up our family had a special holiday ritual. Santa and his smallest elves do something just for us little kids so we would stay excited all day even after the big presents under the tree were unwrapped.  I was the youngest so a little after the Christmas turkey and mashed potatoes had been eaten at dinner I would swing my little legs at the table with impatience waiting for the grownups to finish talking so my sisters and I could rush to the Christmas tree. Hidden deep in the branches I would find the special little presents Santa and his elves hid for my sisters and me. We always knew which presents were for who.  One Christmas I found little miniature cooking utensils for my dolls and another Christmas I found five little golden rings.  Funny I don’t remember all my big presents but I remember the joy of the little ones.  The hidden presents were always something unique, a true surprise never something we asked for.  Goodness the tree treasure hunt was fun.

No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed

My favorite Christmas ritual has nothing to do with presents. On Christmas morning my sisters and I would always pile into bed with my parents and wake them up. We would snuggle in bed as a family and giggle and talk about what we thought Santa had brought us. One Christmas morning my sisters and I were a little too grown up for the bed, when the three of us jumped on it to join our parents it broke! We all ended up on the bed flat on the floor laughing like crazy.

Whatever your faith, whatever your holiday or special meaningful events, your life is full of warm, fun loving stories to add to your speeches. My body language website has 7 Plus Great Tips for Holiday Parties.  Find out about Santa’s true message by searching on the site for Santa's Body Language.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at