What does "How you put on your bra" say about you?

How You Put Your Bra Reveal Your Personality Type
Patti Wood Body Language Expert discusses in Redbook, Cosmopolitan, Good Housekeeping, Women's Day and The Daily Mail. 

Front-claspers, back-claspers, over-the-head claspers (yep)...you'll be shocked what your preferred method says about you.
Getty/Katja Cho
Alright, ladies: Let's stop for one hot second and answer a very important question: How do you put your bra on? 
Before you immediately say something trivial like, "uhh, the normal way," just think about it. Do you put it on and clasp it behind your back? Or do you clasp it in the front, then rotate the bra to the back? Or perhaps you hate clasping it in the back, so you get a front-closing bra. Or maybe, just maybe, you can't be bothered to do something as trivial as clasp a bra day in and day out, so you do it once, then slide that sucker over your head and pull it into place. 
See, it's not such an easy choice. But now that you've taken time to figure out your preferred method, we have news for you—the way you put your bra on reveals a lot about your personality, says Patti Wood, a body language and human behavior expert and author of Snap: Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language, and Charisma. "There are four distinct personality types—drivers, influencers, supporters, and careful correctors—who tend to have very unique ways of doing things, even small tasks," she says. "Everything you do—and the way you do it—comes together to form a story about yourself, and there's no reason your undergarments shouldn't be a part of that." 
Yes, the way you put on your bra ​could ​just be a habit that you learned from your mom when you were a tween, so you've been doing the same thing for the last 20 years. Or it could be providing some important insight into how you like to handle yourself. So read on, my friends, and find out what your undergarments really reveal. 
​You Use A Back-Clasp Bra, And Clasp It in the Back 

Getty/Katja Cho
You're a supporter, which means you like to stick to tradition and tend to follow along with what you've always been taught (hey, if it ain't broke...). So it makes sense that you aim for the back-clasp, as that's how mom—or your girlfriends in the gym locker room—taught you how to do it. You also love being around people and getting along with them, so bra shopping is just another excuse to get the girls together for a fun day out on the town. And if anyone ever needs help choosing a sexy lingerie set or finding the perfect sports bra—you're their gal. Not to mention you always have a safety pin on hand, just in case someone's strap pops. #NeverTooPrepared 
​You Clasp Your Bra In the Front, Then Rotate It to the Back 

Getty/Katja Cho
Hey there, influencer. You're a woman who likes to feel appreciated, supported, and look the part that you're presenting yourself as (businesswoman, mom, sexy wife, whatever), and your lingerie fits into that. You gravitate toward pretty, standout bras (a girl who isn't afraid of color or making a statement), and likely have an entire drawer dedicated to different kinds of bras because hey, you never know where you're going or what you'll be wearing, so your outfit needs to be able to adjust as well as you do. As for the actual clasping of the bra, that's just another way for you to make sure you look your best—there's no way in hell you're missing a clasp, or not taking the time to adjust those straps properly. And once you find a go-to set, you can bet there'll be a review or shout-out on your Instagram so everyone can enjoy the lady love. 
​You Use A Front-Clasping Bra 
As a driver, you look at life as a no-time-to-waste opportunity, so no one will find you fumbling with clasps that you can't even see. That's why you opt for a front-clasper—so you can efficiently get it done and move on with your day. And since you don't like to waste time, you also make sure the clothing you invest in is of high-quality (because if you have to go shopping ​again​, you are not going to be a happy camper). When it comes time to shop for bras, there's no time for lollygagging—this definitely isn't an all-day event with your besties. You make smart, well-researched decisions (no Top 10 shopping choices for you popping up on Facebook), and don't second-guess yourself. In other words, consider yourself a #boss, because you like to kick a** and take names on a daily basis. 
​You Clasp Your Bra Once, Then Slide It Over Your Head Each Day 
Getty/Katja Cho
Consider yourself a careful corrector, meaning you like to make sure things are done right. That's why you tend to clasp a bra in the proper place once, then shimmy it on from there on out—you know it's set where it's supposed to be, and you no longer have to worry about getting it correct every single time (that's also why you likely feel the most comfortable in a sports bra). You don't really like attention, so when it's time to get dressed, you scurry to the closest private area for a fitting. Which also means you're shopping solo—you likely have a calendar notice for when it's time to buy some new bras (according to the expert recommendations, of course), make sure you have the most accurate measurements, quietly select your subtle purchases, and package them discreetly. At the end of the day, you like to have what works, no bells and whistles required. 

Link to actual article:


Are you a dominant front-fastener, or a submissive back-clasper? How the way you put on your BRA reveals intimate details about your personality

  • Patti Wood, a human behavior expert, says there are four distinct personality types who tend to have unique ways of doing things 
  • According to Patti there are four obvious methods of putting on your bra, each of which relates to a different personality type
  • People who fasten their bra at the back tend to have a more 'supportive' or 'submissive' personality
  • The research is based on psychologist William Moulton Marston's DISC theory which focuses on four different behavioral traits
Putting your bra on in the morning may seem likes a completely meaningless task, but according to research by one human behavior expert, the way you snap that clasp closed actually reveals a great deal about who you are as a person.
Patti Wood, a body language and human behavior expert who teaches at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, and is the author of Snap: Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma, has revealed that the way you put on your bra correlates with four different types of people and personality.
'There are four distinct personality types - drivers, influencers, supporters, and careful correctors - who tend to have very unique ways of doing things, even small tasks,' she told Redbook. 'Everything you do - and the way you do it - comes together to form a story about yourself, and there's no reason your undergarments shouldn't be a part of that.'
Back to back: People who clasp their bra in the back are supporters who follow tradition and stay true to what they have been taught
Back to back: People who clasp their bra in the back are supporters who follow tradition and stay true to what they have been taught


How do you fasten your bra?
Patti's survey and observational research is based around American psychologist William Moulton Marston's DISC theory, which focuses on four different behavioral traits: dominance, inducement, submission and compliance.
According to the expert's previous research on how our belongings and clothing reflect our behavior, simple activities such as putting on your bra can give you clues into your inner psyche. 
For example, those who snap their bra on their back tend to fall in the submissive category, while those who opt to fasten their lingerie at the front and then rotate it to the correct position are more prone to inducement.
Here, FEMAIL examines each bra-clasping style and what each means in relation to their linked personalities. 
If you fasten your bra behind-the-back you're a 'supporter'
If you use use a back-clasp bra and clasp it in the back you are thought to be a supporter. People who fall into this personality type tend to follow tradition and stay true to what they have been taught.
In an article about recognizing DISC personalities through body language, Patti explained that supporters think carefully before taking any action, so it is unsurprising that supporters prefer the tried and true method for putting their bras on. 
Turn around: Those who opt to clasp their bra in the front before twisting it around to the back is an influencer who likes to make sure that they always look their best 
Turn around: Those who opt to clasp their bra in the front before twisting it around to the back is an influencer who likes to make sure that they always look their best 
'They don’t like change so you really need to talk them through any new projects or changes in old routines to get them to buy in and follow through otherwise they will keep doing it the old way or what they may consider the way that has "always worked before", she said.
Supporters are said to be friendly, thoughtful and great listeners. They'll always remember your birthday and be there for you if you need a shoulder to cry on. 
When shopping for bras, supporters will mostly likely be found in the fitting room with a group of friends. 
If you fasten your bra at the front and then rotate it, you're an 'influencer' 
Someone who fastens a bra in the front before twisting it to the back is an influencer. 
Influencers are charismatic and love to be noticed and appreciated, so when it comes to their lingerie they are drawn to bright colors and added details. 
Time saver: If you opt for a front-clasping bra, you are most likely a driver who hates to waste time  
Time saver: If you opt for a front-clasping bra, you are most likely a driver who hates to waste time  
Clasping their bras in the front ensure influencers they will look their best because they will be sure they never missed a hook. 
They appreciate a good sense of humor and like to be challenged and learn new things, however, they have a tendency to get bored easily. An influencer may not always follow through on things that require an attention to detail or multiple steps. 
If you use a front-clasping bra, you're 'commanding' 
People who purchase bras that fasten in the front are drivers who refuse to waste time, especially when it comes to trying to clasp a hook they can't see.
Drivers value brevity and efficiency, and they tend to be directing, forceful and commanding. Because they are quick to the point, they expect other people to do the same.
Because they fear a lack of control, it is important for drivers to be in charge in all aspects of their lives.
Unique technique: People who fasten their bra before sliding it over their head and pulling up the strap are careful correctors who like to make sure they are doing things right from the get go 
Unique technique: People who fasten their bra before sliding it over their head and pulling up the strap are careful correctors who like to make sure they are doing things right from the get go 
Patty told Daily Mail Online that drivers prefer name-brands and superb quality, so they may be drawn to high-end end bras from lingerie companies such as La Perla and Agent Provacateur.
Drivers are known to make smart, well-researched decisions, so when it comes to bra shopping the have a no-nonsense attitude. 
If you clasp your bra before sliding it over your head, you're a 'careful corrector' 
If you fasten your bra and make sure it is properly adjusted before putting it on over your head, you are a careful corrector. 
People with this personality type like to make sure they are doing things right from the get go. They are cautious analyzers by nature. Unlike drivers, they crave lengthy explanations and statistical evidence to back up whatever you are telling them. 
Having their bra fastened before they slip it over their heads allows a careful correctly to be sure that it is perfectly clasped as soon as they put it on.  


You Use A Back-Clasp Bra, And Fasten It in the Back 
If you use use a back-clasp bra and clasp it in the back you are thought to be a supporter. People who fall into this personality type tend to follow tradition and stay true to what they have been taught. They are thoughtful, friendly and always willing to lend a helping hand.
A supporter views bra shopping as a social event, and will mostly likely be found in fitting area helping out her friends. 
You Clasp Your Bra In the Front, Then Rotate It to the Back
People who put their bra on backwards and fasten it before turning it around are influencers. They are charismatic and love to learn new things, however, the tend to get bored easily. As for bras, influencers are drawn to bright colors and fancy details that make them feel special. 
​You Use a Front-Clasping Bra
If you buy front-clasping bras, you a driver who refuses to waste time. You value brevity, efficiency, and high-quality items that ensure you will never have to buy something twice. 
Drivers are drawn to name-brand items - even when it comes to their bras. 
You Clasp Your Bra Before Sliding It Over Your Head and Pulling Up the Straps 
Careful correctors will fasten and properly adjust their bras before they slide it over their heads because this type of personality likes things to be done right from the beginning. They are cautious analyses by nature. 
When bra shopping they will most likely be equipped with accurate measurements and expert recommendations.  
Careful correctors are discreet and try to avoid attention, which means they may be most comfortable in a sports bra. 
When it comes to bra shopping, a careful corrector will most likely have accurate measurements and expert opinions handy before heading to the dressing room solo.
However, the way you put on your bra is not necessarily a window into your soul.  
'Putting on your bra is often a learned rather than spontaneous behavior,' Patti told Daily Mail Online. 'Some women have done it the same way all their lives so it does not always reflect their personality.'
And when it comes to her own technique, the human behavior expert explained that she puts her bra on backwards and hooks it before turning it around, which is something she learned in 'charm school in sixth grade'.


The DISC Model of Behavior was first proposed by William Mouton Marston, a physiological psychologist with a Ph.D. from Harvard. 
His 1928 book, Emotions of Normal People, explains his theory on how normal human emotions lead to behavioral differences among groups of people and how a person's behavior might change over time. His work focused on directly observable and measurable psychological phenomena. 
He was interested in using practical explanations to help people understand and manage their experiences and relationships.
Marston theorized that the behavioral expression of emotions could be categorized into four primary types, stemming from the person's perceptions of self in relationship to his or her environment. 
These four types were labeled by Marston as Dominance (D), Inducement (I), Submission (S), and Compliance (C).
Source: DISC Profile

Step by step guide to fitting yourself for a bra

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Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3205160/Are-clasping-influencer-fastening-supporter-way-BRA-reveals-intimate-details-personality.html#ixzz3jSPtUbEg
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Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at www.PattiWood.net. Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at www.snapfirstimpressions.com. Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at http://youtube.com/user/bodylanguageexpert.