Patti is one of the experts in this pod cast series: "Spot The Frogs - Find Your Prince, How to Date Differently & Create the Love You Crave"

When it comes to dating, do you ever feel like you're stuck in a vicious cycle? You attract the"wrong" guy. You flirt with, date, tolerate, and eventually break up with him, only to find yourself attracted to another "wrong" guy. 
They're frogs ... and all you want is a prince! In fact, you've considered giving up on dating all together. (I mean really ... do the good guys even exist?) 

Before you give up, I want to invite you to join me for a complimentary online interview series my friend Teagin Maddox has created, "Spot the Frogs, Find the Prince: How to Date Differently and Create the Love You Crave." It's scheduled for April 11th - May 2nd. 
Skip the reading and sign up, right here: 

Finally Find Mr. Right (
<<< Join Us At No Cost, April 11th - May 2nd 

When you go to the link above and enroll in this complimentary event, you'll hear from Teagin, an Empowerment Coach, Post Break Up Specialist and the Founder of Date Differently, as she provides proof that you can overcome a bad track record with dating, and find real love with a great guy. (According to Teagin, yes, they DO exist!) 

You'll also hear from dating coaches, matchmakers, healers, doctors, energy workers, and other experts-including Yours Truly! We're sharing our best advice, information, tips and strategies for spotting your not-so-fantastic dating-related patterns and, more importantly, changing them so you can turn your love life around. 

You should know:
This isn't your mother's dating advice! It's specifically for people who have experienced their share of dating disasters ... because we know ordinary dating advice just isn't going to cut it. 

Here's a taste of what you'll learn when you join us:
  • The real reason you keep ending up with the "wrong" men (and what you can do about it).
  • How to deal with one major factor that has a clear (and usually negative) impact on your current dating situation, so you can put it to rest for good.
  • What's really going on when you get bored, fast, with "good" guys?
  • How to change your energy so you stop attracting frogs and start attracting princes.
  • Subtle body language cues that speak volumes about a potential suitor-what to look out for so you don't get drawn in to the wrong guys.
  • And SO much more. 
You'll leave the event empowered and inspired, and armed with what you need to identify why you're attracted to (and attracting) the wrong guys, how to spot subtle bad guy behaviors, and what to look for in a good guy ... so you can grab-and hang onto-the prince you want and deserve!
Plus, as an added "bonus," when you implement what we're teaching, you'll likely begin to experience positive results in other areas of your life, too. 

Here's that link again where you can join us
April 11th - May 2nd at no cost, for "Spot the Frogs, Find the Prince: How to Date Differently and Create the Love You Crave": 
Spot The Wrong Guys & Shut Them Down (
<<< Join Us At No Cost 

I'm familiar with Teagin's story, and her work, and I highly recommend her. She's walked this journey, herself, and is passionate about helping other women overcome destructive dating patterns. Everything she teaches is based on real-life principles that work. 

I hope to "see" you there! 
To finding your prince, 


P.S. If your dating patterns are destructive to your life in any way, that's really all you need to know to begin making changes. Let us help you get to - and fix! - the root cause of those patterns, so you can create a new pattern of enjoying healthy, loving, fulfilling relationships. Get expert advice, here: 

Get Expert Advice On Finding Real Love(
<<< Sign Up Here At No Cost

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at