Be Wise and Brave and Do Not Fear Change.

Be Wise, Be Brave and Do Not Fear Change

  • May we be wise enough to recognize the illusions that make us suffer. 
  • May we be brave enough to let go of them. 
  • May you not fear change, difference, infirmity or death. 
  • May you be free of fear and the need to control life. 
  • May we together live mindfully in the present and enjoy every moment. 
A few years ago I had plans to see a dear friend of mine while I was in Florida working, and very sadly just before we were going to see each other he passed away suddenly of a heart failure at just 50 years old.
The quote above was on the signature line of his last email to me about getting together.
He certainly lived by its message.
Perhaps you may want read this quote again and take one phrase from it and really think about it this week. Or maybe you may want to email it to a friend or put it up on pintreast. 

I am reblogging this quote today in honor of Russ Crumley. 

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at