Melania Trump In Disconnect Mode, Notes Expert Tapped By ‘Hollywood Life’

Here is one of the stories that publications do where they take my quotes from other publications and create a new article without my knowledge. This is a sister publication of the publication I did the original interview with.

Melania Trump In Disconnect Mode,
Notes Expert Tapped By ‘Hollywood Life’

It’s another day, and another body language expert has come up to the plate to take a swing at analyzing Melania Trump through recent pictures that emerged online. The latest scoop on the Donald and Melania Trump connection is that there is none, according to Patti Wood. Hollywood Life conveys that Wood is a body language expert and author of the book Snap: Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language & Charisma.

Hollywood Life tapped into Wood’s expertise for a recent article about the relationship of Donald and Melania Trump, “who don’t seem like a couple” in the new pictures that emerged online this week. This isn’t the first body language expert to make the headlines with a Melania Trump analyzation. The first lady’s behavior at the State of the Union address was also under the microscope of another body language expert, according to HuffPost.

At the State of the Union Adress, Melania was described as “watching from the gallery.” The first lady’s “facial expressions vacillated from smiles to strained looks,” writes HuffPost. Joe Navarro, a body language expert and author of What Every Body Is Saying: An Ex-FBI Agent’s Guide to Speed-Reading People, reported his opinion on Melania’s actions while at the State of the Union Address.

Navarro said, “It was not that she looked stoic, though she often did, it was almost a distant pained look. She almost mechanically stood and applauded, without any form of alacrity. That may speak to some psychological discomfort and emotional pain.”
The latest pictures to tell a story for a body language expert are the photos that were circulated online of Melania and Donald visiting the victims of the school shooting in Florida. The couple was captured on camera as they made their way through the hospital corridors, and it was during this time when another body language expert offered up her impressions of what you were seeing or not seeing to be more precise.

Wood points to the couple appearing very “distant from one another” and painting a picture of Melania’s presence as “tense” with her feet “so close together they were almost touching.” This was most likely due to tension, suggests Wood. Her arms and legs remained very close to her body, and Wood said this is a position people find themselves in when they are afraid.
Melania stance “shows fear,” claims this expert, who went on to say that with “no life” in her arms or legs, she looked as if she was in a totally “rigid” stance. She was seen in this position in the pictures while standing nearby her husband. One of those photos is shown above. Wood conveys an “enormous amount of tension” is seen coming from Melania with her feet so close together and her arms stiff at her side.
The body language expert also pointed to Trump and Melania being in a place that was somber and sad, as they were visiting the victims of a horrendous shooting and this would play on anyone’s emotions. You would expect this husband-and-wife team to console each other through this visit, but there didn’t appear to be any of this going on said Wood from the pictures she analyzed.
Woods notes that Melania stands with her arms stiff at her sides and is not offering any comfort to Trump. He is not offering any to her as well, leaving Wood to say “there’s no connection between them.”
These pictures come on the heels of the reports of Donald Trump’s alleged affairs with a porn star and a Playgirl. Hollywood Life suggests that Melania seems to avoid any type of affection in public with her husband since the first allegations hit the headlines followed by Trump’s lawyer’s admission of paying off an adult film star. These affair allegations have been denied by President Trump.

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

Be The Person That Others Can Trust and Rely On

How we walk with the Broken speaks louder than how we sit with the Great
Angela Buttimer  says, “Great leaders, healers, and sages have demonstrated this truth for centuries. People with this ability have emotional substance, compassion, and character. They are driven by something within that is other-oriented (rather than self-obsessed). It's easy and fun to hang with people when they are on top of their game. Are you able to be there for them when they hit a wall, when they make a misstep, when they dip into the valley? And who will be there for you when you come undone? Too often people invest in others who are unable or unwilling to be there in any meaningful way. Invest in healthy, supportive, and reciprocal relationships. And be the presence others can trust and lean into during difficulties.

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at


Liars lie and keep lying knowing that even the most horrible lie when found to be totally untrue still leaves a sticky residue. You can't stay in a liar's orbit and not get sticky. Step away totally so you don't normalize the liar. Step away before you become use to his constant barrage of attacks and deceit. If you are normalizing a liar's behavior, take what he says in print and read it out loud to a ten-year-old child and try to justify and normalize the nastiness. Then you may get clarity.

The quote is by Adolf Hitler from Mein Kempf:

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

Smiling for Your Health

I did a long interview recently on smiling for Shape Magazine that will come out in a few months.
I did research on smiling when I wrote my book, "Success Signals," and more research as the National Spokesperson for the Natural Dentist products, Yes, I know about a ridiculous amount of research on smiling. 
In this cold and flu season, I advise you to start smiling and don't stop till spring. Smiling can help you fight off a cold and boosts the immune system.  While smiling, your body relaxes and so your immune system reacts more quickly and effectively against invaders. The Department of Clinical Immunology at Loma Linda University School of Medicine found that, when smiling, the serum cortisol levels (stress level) decrease and, instead, the number of white blood cells and natural killer cells increases. So if you want to fight off a nasty cold in the future, forget going to the pharmacy, Just Smile!

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

Body Language Experts Analyze Kate Middleton's Relationship With Her Kids

Body Language Experts Analyze Kate Middleton's Relationship With Her Kids

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at