Body language Read Of Mindy Kaling For Elite Daily!

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

Brain-to-brain coupling during handholding is associated with pain reduction

Think of others. Be kind. Know that we our a comunity and your actions effect this around you. Model to your friends your employees and your children how a person of integrity should act. 
That’s not what I see here. I can not explain away his choices. He always wants to be first. It’s not s SECURITY issue. I know the protical. There is no other way to read the body language in this video, he hops out runs up stairs without ever looking back. I’ve analyze the body language over 50 plane or helicopter boarding scenes of presidents with their spouses and our families fir the media, I know what the norm. This is a man who does not think about other people. He always comes first even when he knows he’s been observed.
Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

First Date Signals - Signs He Is Into You - Story For Elite Daily

I just contributed to a First Date Signals story for Elite Daily. Since my links to stories rarely make it on people's time lines, here are a few of my rough notes from what I shared.

Signs he is into you:
1. The most obvious, and not under their conscious control is pupil dilation.
2. Another is body orientation. Woman love to be face to face, so don’t think he is NOT into you if he wants to sit kitty corner or side by side, that is a guy’s signal they want to self-disclose and connect.
3. Leaning in as he says something positive or leaning in as you say something, for example, you talk about a recent loss and he says, ‘I am so sorry and leans in.’
4. Symbolic reaching - placing his arm on the table so it looks like he wants to touch your arm or hold hands. (I love this as the man is not breaking boundaries and touching, but is showing he wants to!).
5. Touching innocently which means on safe nonsexual parts of the body, like touching you lightly and briefly on the forearm.
6. He smiles big showing his upper front teeth, which men, after the age of five, only do when they are really happy!
7. Raises his eyebrows as he first sees you, he likes what he sees and he wants more of it.
8. Locks eyes and keeps looking at you, and your mouth. His eyes on your mouth means he wants to kiss you.
9. Not wanting to end the date!!! Time is a nonverbal communicator and he wants to spend more time with you.
10. Asking you what you like to do.
11. Giving you every bit of his contact information and telling you where he lives and what his place is like. He wants you to be able to reach him and he wants you to see his place!!!

Signs he is not into you:
1. Short answers to your questions
2. Looking left and right or toward the exit
3. Leaning back and staying leaned back to symbolically leave you!
4. Placing his phone between the two of you. Looking a long time at the menus, or commenting on other people who are around you, instead of focusing on you.
How can you distinguish nervousness from lack of interest.
If he is nervous you will more than likely see repeated “Comfort Cues” like touching his side or adjusting his cuff or moving the silverware as he speaks or after he speaks, showing he is nervous about how HE looks. If he does the not into cues or comfort cues while YOU are sharing something important that he should be listening to that’s a problem.

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

The Body Language Of Listening

Below is a chapter in my forthcoming book, "People Savvy."


Remember To Be Gentler
By Patti Wood, MA, Professional Speaker

You’re sitting in the office with your customer as they talk about what they want, or the problems they are having with a product or service. You want them to know you’re listening. You know it’s important to show concern, but you’re a little tired, or they’re going on and on, or maybe they’re saying some negative things and you’re feeling defensive.
What can you do to help focus and show you are listening? What body language cues show you are listening? Just like your sixth grade teacher told you: be politebe a gentleman or gentlewoman. You should be GENTLER with your listening by following these G-E-N-T-L-E-R tips.

Give Facial Feedback
It is so easy to zone out as a listener, but when you do, you can give a blank, open-mouthed look that resembles the face of a kid after five hours of cartoons. Just like you have to work your abs to get toned stomach muscles, you have to work your face to have toned empathetic skills. Let your facial expressions show your emotional response to the message. If they are concerned, show understanding by furrowing your brow. If they are unhappy, frown and lower your eyes. Briefly matching their facial expressions not only shows your customers you are listening, it creates the same chemicals in your brain that body language shifts are creating in theirs, and you will actually feel what they are feeling and understand them more effectively.

Eye Contact
A listener should give more eye contact than the speaker. Research suggests that if you want to have good rapport you should maintain eye-contact 60 to 70 percent of the time that someone is speaking to you. Women have been shown to be better at this than men and actually need more eye contact from listeners in order to feel comfortable in the conversation. Even research on small children shows that young boys told to converse on a topic sat side by side and talked to each other staring off into space; little girls moved their chairs to face each other and watched each other with full attention for their entire conversation. This may be because dominance is communicated by either staring or a lack of eye contact. You need to make good eye contact. Research shows that a normal business gaze focuses on the eyes and the upper forehead and in a social gaze, the listener’s gaze drops down to include the nose and the mouth.

Nod Your Head
You do not have to be a bobble head, just occasionally nod your head to show you are listening and empathetic with the speaker’s message. And here’s an added bonus – nodding releases endorphin-like chemicals into your bloodstream to make you feel good and more affable about the speaker. Similar to eye contact, men and women approach head nodding differently. Women nod their heads whether they agree with the speaker’s message or not. Men may think that you agree with them if you nod too much; be careful not to give mere I’m listeningnods if you disagree with what a man is saying.

Turn Off Technology
We have become so accustomed to answering the phone while looking at our computers, leaving our hands on the keyboard when someone comes into our office or leaving our cell phones attached to us at all times that we forget how rude those things are. Signal your intent to really listen by turning away from your computer, letting phone calls go to voicemail, ignoring your cell phone and saying out loud, “Let me turn this off while we talk.” It’s amazing what a difference it will make in the impression you give your customerbecause so few listeners take the time to be that polite.

Lean Forward
Proximity, or being physically close, signals your desire to be emotionally or physiologically close. I don’t mean get in their face, but merely lean in toward the speaker. Research shows that in a seated conversation, a backward lean communicates that you are dominant. A forward lean shows interest.

Expose Your Heart
You do not need to unbutton your shirt and show your superman “S” to show you’re listening; just make sure you turn towards the speaker. Orient the heart and upper portion of your body toward the speaker. People disclose more to listeners facing them. Even a quarter turn away signals a lack of interest and can make the speaker shut down. It also says something about your response to the message. Research shows that when people feel under attack or have low self-esteem, they protect their vulnerable heart area on their chest. Body language is a wonderfully symbolic language. To communicate you are an open, confident speaker and listener, you need to show your heart.
There are gender differences. When men are sitting directly across a table from one another, the table almost acts as a castle wall and the direct heart-to-heart message becomes a challenge, creating a feeling of competition and making them share less than they would when seated side to side.

Remove Barriers
That means take away things that block the access or view of the speaker and you. The barrier used most often is the arms. Though we have over 60 different motivations for folding our arms, speakers see any arm fold as a barrier and a cue that you are not listening. In fact, of all the different body language postures, the arm fold is the most obvious indication of a lack of interest. You actually retain 30 percent less information from the speaker when you listen with your arms crossed. So unfold your arms. In addition, move the phone, books or stacks of papers on the desk that sit between the front of your body and the speaker’s view. You can even show that you are blocking a speaker’s message by holding your beverage glass in front of your upper chest.

There is no greater gift to give to someone than your interest. Be GENTLER with your listening. Copyright Communication Dynamics 2005

To learn more about using body language to increase your business success contact Patti Wood at

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

Kourtney Kardashian And Scot Disick's Body Language, How Are They As A Couple?

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

Brain-to-brain coupling during handholding is associated with pain reduction

This has certainly been my experience with holding hands of love ones in pain.
I have written about the benifits of touch What is your experience with holding hands?

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

Hope Hicks And Trump Goodbye Kiss, What Did The Kiss Between Trump And Hicks Mean? Patti Wood the body language expert read for

Photo: AP/Getty Images

My article on

Patti Wood, author of Snap: Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language, and Charisma, agrees that Hicks’s hands reveal discomfort. “When we first see Hope standing next to Trump, her hands are in a ‘handcuff’ pose — close together as though she’s being shackled,” Wood tells Yahoo Lifestyle. “It’s not how confident, powerful women hold themselves.”
What’s more, after the pair first shakes hands, Hicks slaps her hand against her upper thigh. “It suggests self-flagellation, a way to rid the tension or say, ‘OK, that’s over,’” says Wood.
Other signs the relationship is complex: At the beginning of the footage, Trump points to Hicks, seemingly to direct attention to her, a move Wood calls a display of dominance. And Hicks’s hair flips,  a flirty, feminine gesture, contrasts with what’s occurring: “The destabilization of an extremely close relationship.”
More at the link below. By the way, what is it with Trump and kissing??


Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

Body Language Read Of Donald And Melania ... Both "Hiding Anger"

I did a body language read of Trump and Melania of them in their winter coats in the article link below

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

The Royal Family's Body Language At The Royal Foundation Forum Shows How Tight-Knit They Are

Here is Patti Wood the body language experts read of the Royal Family's Body Language

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

Narcissists Negativity - Character Assassination Through Name Calling. Notice the Good People

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Narcissists Negativity - Character Assassination Through Name Calling

I speak on body language, how to deal with difficult people, including how to deal with bullying, and narcissistic attacks.

Look at the wall of bad names that one man has used to attack and smear the character of people and institutions he interacts with or that talk about him.

Narcissists devalue people and reduce them to mere objects that have one purpose which is to fulfill their every need. People are just “supply.”  Their world is black-and-white good and bad. If we produce  "Narcissistic Supply" for them we are the best, great guys, good guys, queens, goddesses, gorgeous the best and Superbest.

If we do anything they don’t like, if we see them for who they really are they give us bad names, attacking our intellect our sanity and or our physical appearance and our character. We are dismissed, we are nothing, we are objects. The supply then comes from inflicting pain, they actually are gleeful, as they try to discount what we know about them by calling us the bad names.
Look at the wall on this news show with all the people and organizations and governments institutions Trump has denigrated labeling them with bad names since he started running for president. This image is mind-blowing. These are people and organizations he has discarded. He is making a smaller and smaller world for himself he is constantly having to look for new supply. He even has to pay people to give him attention. His world of his "good guys and terrific gals" becomes smaller as he discards more and more people. Now he is all alone in his room on twitter looking for supply. 

So what can we do? Notice what you pay attention to. Do people you know "name call"? Today what can you do to create good in the world? Turn your focus not to people that name call but to who is good person in your life. Support anyone who is bullied and or whose character has been attacked. That means write to the Parkland kids if you support them. It means telling good people who work in a political office tell a teacher that you support them.  Notice them, compliment them, tell them you are grateful for all they do. Expand who your notice and are grateful for and today thank Firemen,  grocery store checkout person, your dry cleaner, your neighbor, your family members, your coworkers, your favorite news reporters. Be part of the wave of goodness and integrity. Notice what is good!!!

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

Santorm On CPR Comments ... Santorum Did Not Apologize... How To Make A Good Apology

As you know I am a Media coach and prep executives for their media interviews and I analyze apology statements for the media. This is NOT an apology statement. He uses a deception technique of changing the definition of a softer word “misspoke” in stead of saying he made a mistake.
So he uses an inappropriate term to describe his actions. “ I misspoke using the term CPR... I should have talked about school security.” That is not misspeaking. He knows what CPR means and he was telling teenagers to learn to do it, and use it on their friends to deal with their gunshot wounds.
He should have said but didn’t.
“I messed up, I should not have said that teenagers should learn CPR and use it on gun shot victims."
 "I realize now that would be absurd, and I apologize for saying it." Then if he felt like making another point he should have said what I feel strongly about is that we need to make our schools safer with stronger security to guard our children." 

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

5 Qualities Malignant Narcissists Look For In Their Victims – And How They Use Them Against You

I was consulted for this story. I speak on how to deal with difficult people including how to deal with narcissists. She didn't quote me in the piece but she did use my insights.
Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

What Prince William's Body Language Says About Him As A Dad ... He Is Definitely Doing Things A Bit Different From Other Royal Fathers

The fact that Prince William kisses Prince George in public is, well, incredible. "In these intimate moments, Prince George is peaceful and relaxed in his father's arms," 

Patti Wood, body language expert and author of SNAP: Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language, and Charisma, told 

"These moments are proof that Prince William's relationship with his children are completely independent of the crowds or chaotic situation around him." Instead, Prince William is totally focused on his children and making sure they feel safe, secure, and most importantly, loved. More of Patti Wood body language read at the link below.

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

Parkland survivor throws up, continues 'incredible speech' at March for Our Lives

Many professional speakers give speeches when they are sick. But that’s nothing like the bravery of this amazing young woman, who injured from the Parkland shooting, threw up during her speech paused and finished her speech. Read her powerful Words. I am in awe of these children.

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at