Body Language of Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga's Steamy "Shallow" Performance Body Language Insights, Patti Wood

There's absolutely no question that Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga have on-screen chemistry. Their Oscar-nominated A Star Is Born performances are testaments to that. And thanks to their clear, err, comfort levels with each other, everyone who has an internet connection has speculated that there's been an off-screen relationship brewing as well—regardless of how unfair those rumors are to Cooper's girlfriend, Irina Shayk.
There's absolutely no question that Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga have on-screen chemistry. Their Oscar-nominated A Star Is Born performances are testaments to that. And thanks to their clear, err, comfort levels with each other, everyone who has an internet connection has speculated that there's been an off-screen relationship brewing as well—regardless of how unfair those rumors are to Cooper's girlfriend, Irina Shayk.
What struck body language expert Patti Wood, author of Snap: Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language, and Charisma(and, frankly, everyone else watching) was their extended, atypical, unbroken eye contact.
91st Annual Academy Awards - Show
Sure, it was a carefully choreographed performance, but Wood says this mutual gaze was a “longing to touch” or a "pre-coitus" stare. "That’s why everybody went crazy watching it!" Yep. Felt that.
Patti Wood, MA, Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

How to Recognize A Dangerous Person, Body Language Cues of Dangerous Person.

Contributed to  body language expert Patti Wood 
Creepy Habits Untrustworthy People Have In Common

I contributed to this article in Bustle with my body language insights from my forthcoming book on Malignant Narcissism

They Don’t Break Eye Contact
When it comes to manipulative people — see: sociopaths, narcissists, etc. — many have a habit of staring intensely at others, and making creepy amounts of eye contact. "They look at their target with [a] focused, intense gaze," body language expert Patti Wood, MA, tells Bustle, usually as a way to test boundaries. "They may do or say something uncomfortable right before or after the hypnotic gaze to test how the target responds." To figure out if the situation really is unsafe, Wood says you should break eye contact or move away, and see how they react. If they get upset, or you feel a hugeamount of relief, your intuition was likely correct.
They Dominate The Conversation
While some people just like to tell stories, manipulators will try to dominate entire conversations. "This 'over talking' involves auditory space invasion and other paralanguage factors that show they are in control," Wood says. "They are often quite charming and good storytellers, so it may be hypnotic to listen to them." But if you don't feel included, or can't get a word in, they are likely someone who doesn't have your best interests at heart.
Since narcissists tend to get really upset when things don't go their way, keep your eye out for shocking mood swings when interacting with others. As Wood says, "They can shift all their nonverbal behaviors in the blink of an eye and transform themselves."
This might include switching from really sweet, to super irritated a second later. Or they might morph into an entirely different "character" in order to get their way, Wood says. It can be so manipulative, you might not even realize it's happening until the person's already sucked you in.But the moment you do, don't be afraid to reach out for help, or to leave the situation as soon as you can.
More of the article at the link below.

Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

Miley Cyrus & Liam Hemsworth's 2019 Oscars Body Language Analyzed by Body Language Expert Patti Wood

Miley Cyrus & Liam Hemsworth's 2019 Oscars Body Language Analyzed by Body Language Expert Patti Wood Was A Little Concerning

After tying the knot in December, Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth's 2019 Oscars body language gives us some insight into what their dynamic may be like as newlyweds. The two took on the red carpet together at the star-studded Vanity Fair after-party, and as you can imagine, they were the center of attention. There were plenty of pictures snapped of them and plenty of short video clips of them interacting posted all over social media. And, to figure out what all of this means, we asked some body language experts to help determine what their posture and physical connection tells us about their relationship dynamic.
Cyrus and Hemsworth are known to be pretty flirty — on the day before Valentine's Day, she even posted a hilarious meme letting her husband know that she's ready, willing, and able to get down to business. So, fans might expect that the couple would be all over each other and super passionately in love all over the red carpet. But that actually couldn't be further from the case, according to the body language experts. No, in fact, both the experts I spoke to mentioned that, in general, the couple's body language indicates that they seem to be more interested in the cameras snapping their pictures than they are in each o
"The only thing in [this] clip that indicates they are in any way a couple is that she looks up to him when he’s talking briefly but, otherwise, they’re standing so far apart and he’s stiffly standing up straight, not leaning towards her," notes Patti Wood, body language expert and author of SNAP: Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language, and Charisma. "It’s not romantic or steamy or anything that would indicate they’re hot to trot for each other."
On the other hand, Traci Brown, body language expert and author of Persuasion Point, has a more positive take noting that his quiet distance could actually be a sign that he's "silently supporting her watching over the situation."
"There’s a brief shoulder-to-shoulder touch, but even if you look at the way they’re oriented, he steps over away from her and then turns towards the reporter to talk, rather than leaning in towards Miley to talk as a couple," says Wood. "She steps away to talk and he steps away to talk."
Wood notes that throughout her years as a body language expert, she's read plenty of celebrity couples and has never seen a dynamic quite like that of Cyrus and Hemsworth. "In this case, she steps away and answers the question and then when the reporter asks him something he steps away and turns towards the reporter," says Wood. "So, typically, in situations like that, either couples stay together or they lean in towards each other or put a wrap arm around each other and they’re answering as a couple. But because they’re both stepping away, it doesn’t bode well. It doesn’t make sense."
"Sometimes if it’s their event, one member of the couple will do that but not both," she continues. "And usually it’s a step forward instead of a step away which, again, doesn’t dismiss that as a couple by their behavior. Them being off to the side to answer typically says, 'I don’t want to be seen as a couple. I want to be the only one on camera.'"
"They take the photo and he has his arm around her briefly and she has her arm around him and then he just walks away," Wood recaps. "And I know it’s directive. I know there’s somebody saying, ‘Come with me,’ or, ‘Walk this way,’ but I would be looking for a moment between them before he walks away and he just goes. There’s no little affection touch. There’s no linger. There’s no look at her. There’s no kiss. There’s nothing. And she doesn’t look at him as he’s leaving! She looks at the guy who’s telling them that they want photos of just her, but she’s looking forward; she’s not looking at him. She’s just adjusting her dress and getting re-established for her photo. Yeah, I don’t see hot and steamy in any of this."
That being said, Brown notes that Hemsworth has his head down as he moves away from his new wife, which indicates that "he’s not that excited about" being pulled away from her.
"We see him pointed towards her with his shoulders, but she’s pointed towards the camera," notes Brown about the above image. "We know everyone was yelling her name and it was clearly her night so not surprised her energy isn’t 100 percent on him."
That being said, Hemsworth is the actor and the Oscars are for acting. So shouldn't it have been his night?

"Here she is leaning away again in the third straight pose," Brown notices. "Is there trouble in paradise or does she really just want the spotlight all to herself?"
Wood thinks it may be the latter. "They’re more about themselves than each other," she says. "That would be the overall takeaway."
Now, of course, walking red carpets and doing press events like this is all part of their jobs. So let's be sure to take that into consideration before judging them for not being more focused on each other than the task at hand.

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

Bradley Cooper & Irina Shayk's 2019 Oscars Body Language, Body Language Expert Patti Wood

Bradley Cooper & Irina Shayk's 2019 Oscars Body Language Is Pretty Uncomfortable

unlike his performance of 'Shallow' that pretty much made the entire award ceremony, Bradley Cooper and Irina Shayk's 2019 Oscar body language is pretty dang uncomfortable. Elite Daily asked body language experts to look into images of the couple before and during the show and... well, their findings weren't super positive. Simply put, it seems as though Shayk wants more attention from her partner and, unfortunately, he's more willing to give that attention to his mother than he is to her.
"You do have to state the obvious that it’s very unusual for an actor up for an Academy Award to have his mom on one side and [his partner on the other]," says Patti Wood, body language expert and author of SNAP: Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language, and Charisma. "It was already highly unusual that he went to all of these events for several years with his mother. So it becomes more unusual that now he’s in the middle like a cookie with a filling — having himself in between the two of them."
Yep, that's right. While most of us were focused on the potential of a Lady Gaga-Bradley Cooper-Irina Shayk love triangle, the real love triangle might actually be between Cooper, Shayk and Cooper's mom Gloria Campano, who he very obviously loves very much.

"We see his energy divided between the two women in his life! So sweet," says Traci Brown, body language expert and author of Persuasion Point. "And they’re doing a remarkable job staying composed in the chaos. We do see her steal a few extra seconds with that modeling look for the cameras as Bradley and his mom walk off without her."
Wood also draws our attention towards Shayk's attention-grabbing poses, but she believes it could be a sign that the supermodel doesn't necessarily love third-wheeling her partner and his mom. "Irina wants more," she notes. "And she gives him more. She turns her whole body towards him, she leans the front of her body up against him, she tilts her head down to his shoulder. She does several poses to make it look like they’re more intimate but he typically is staying straight up and down in response to all of that affection. She does bids to have more affection with him, bids to show everybody, 'I’m your favorite, I’m your partner.' And he 
doesn’t go full-on to do that."

"[Shayk] doesn’t look all that excited to be sharing the spotlight," notes Brown when first seeing this picture.
On the flip side, Wood notes that his mom is totally cool with third-wheeling the couple. "His mom is fine with it," she says. "It’s funny because he said in an interview that his mom was really nervous, but I was watching videos because I wanted to see her in movement and she’s not doing anything to indicate, ‘Oh, honey, you need to be with your partner. You shouldn’t be with me. Give her more attention.’ She’s just happy in her world with him. She’s very comfortable in her world with him exactly as it is."
The happiest one here is mom," says Brown. "He’s clearly irritated at something and [Shayk] looks angry."
"It looked to me from the hand-hold and how the space was between his mom and him, that they’re both really comfortable and they comfort each other," adds Wood. "Obviously they’ve been doing that for a very long time. So they comfort each other, they draw comfort from each other."
"He’s puckered up and away from her, and if you look at the hand, there’s so much opportunity for him to be touching her back. Instead, we see the little fingertips," says Wood. "In these situations, I have a little bit of reticence about analyzing kisses because the guys don’t want to mess up the girl’s makeup. But, though she may have sprayed her back [with makeup], that shouldn’t keep him from touching her back."
"It’s so tentative and, of course, Lady Gaga is right there," she continues. "It could be that he doesn’t want to mess up the makeup on her face and/or possibly her back. But it’s very tentative. His chest is pulled out and away from her rather than bringing the chest in towards her. So it’s a lot of tentativeness
 mean, I've got to hand it to Shayk. To have to third-wheel your partner and his mom and then watch him perform the steamiest song ever on stage with his on-screen love interest would not be easy. Props to her for staying so cool.


Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

How Bradley Cooper and Irina Shayk's Oscars Body Language Looked to an Exper

Last night's Oscars were an affair to remember, with surprises—Olivia Colman! Period. End of Sentence! How Angela Bassett is apparently de-aging!—but nothing got the people going more than Bradley Cooper and Irina Shayk. On the red carpet, Cooper and Shayk, who have together since 2015 and have a child together, were joined by Cooper's mother, Gloria Campano, before heading into the awards ceremony, where A Star Is Born would walk away with only one statue from the eight nominations the film had scored.
It wasn't all doom and gloom, though. Campano got a shout out from Julia Roberts, and Cooper joined co-star Lady Gaga on stage later on that evening for a steamy, sultry performance of "Shallow." Overall, however, the night was kind of a bummer for A Star is Born fans. But one thing nobody could drag their eyes from was Cooper and Shayk, and how their body language read on Oscar night. (Hint: Gaga/Cooper stans, you might be onto something there.) spoke with body language expert Patti Wood, author of Snap: Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language, and Charismaabout her opinion of one of Hollywood's most intriguing couples.
Last night's Oscars were an affair to remember, with surprises—Olivia Colman! Period. End of Sentence! How Angela Bassett is apparently de-aging!—but nothing got the people going more than Bradley Cooper and Irina Shayk. On the red carpet, Cooper and Shayk, who have together since 2015 and have a child together, were joined by Cooper's mother, Gloria Campano, before heading into the awards ceremony, where A Star Is Born would walk away with only one statue from the eight nominations the film had scored.
It wasn't all doom and gloom, though. Campano got a shout out from Julia Roberts, and Cooper joined co-star Lady Gaga on stage later on that evening for a steamy, sultry performance of "Shallow." Overall, however, the night was kind of a bummer for A Star is Born fans. But one thing nobody could drag their eyes from was Cooper and Shayk, and how their body language read on Oscar night. (Hint: Gaga/Cooper stans, you might be onto something there.) spoke with body language expert Patti Wood, author of Snap: Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language, and Charismaabout her opinion of one of Hollywood's most intriguing couples.
"I like that his chin is up, I like that they're looking at each other. But if you didn't show these photos, you wouldn't see that they have a lot of fun, are very playful. You'd be a bit worried, actually, that it's a cover, because he's so balanced with his mom." Wait, what does that mean?
Of course, we had to ask Wood about that performance between Lady Gaga and Cooper. She explained that the dynamic between Gaga and Bradley on stage was vastly different than the one between Cooper and Shayk. "It was so hot." What it comes down to is a difference in relationship dynamics, though—I'm not trying to stoke the flames of any Gaga/Cooper stans out there, and neither is Wood. "This is affection, this is having fun, it's very different. The song was a performance, but it was an extended performance, and he knew all the right things to do." Basically, Jackson Maine may have taken over for Bradley Cooper.
All in all, Cooper looks like he's found the balance in the relationship between his girlfriend and mother, and he's nervous—but none of it compares to the chemistry with him and Gaga on that stage. Even if it was a performance. Hear that, guys? It was a performance.

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

Amy Klobuchar Body Language. Body Language of a Leader or a Bully,

Stories about Amy Klobuchar's mistreatment of her staff have dominated headlines since the Minnesota senator announced her run for president earlier this month.
Ex-staffers say Klobuchar emails at all hours of the night berating them for minor mistakes in all caps, humiliates them verbally and has even thrown objects, once accidentally hitting an aide with a flying binder, as BuzzFeed News reported. In multiple news reports, they describe an atmosphere of constant anxiety and fear that contrasts with the senator's outward "Minnesota nice" brand.
But other staffers have praised her for the high standards and expectations she has for her office, and for being a great mentor who's always there for them through major life events. And even though this behavior is clearly unacceptable for any boss, some have argued that there are gendered overtones in how her management style is discussed and the fact that it's overshadowing her presidential run. Consider that Klobuchar is high on the list of "worst bosses" in Congress because of her high staff turnover — but also that, according to Vox, in 2016 about a third of female senators were considered worse bosses than about 96% of male senators. Sounds like there might be another factor involved.  When asked about her behavior, Klobuchar reverts to a line about being as tough on America as she is on her staff. When George Stephanopoulos posed the question to her on ABC News, she replied, "I am tough. I push people, that is true, but my point is that I have high expectations for myself, I have high expectations for the people that work for me, and I have high expectations for this country." Then, when he asked whether she's ready to handle the scrutiny that comes with running for president, she made a point to say that she has "grit" and has overcome adversity, including her dad struggling with alcoholism and her daughter being sick when she was born.
Will this work with voters? Patti Wood, body language expert and author of Snap: Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language, and Charisma, said she thinks voters will absolutely care about Klobuchar's treatment of staff, and that they will, unfortunately, care more because she's a woman. Justifying her behavior by saying she has high expectations for the country was not quite convincing, said Wood. "She was tense, her voice got tight, she was very uncomfortable and trying to overcome that discomfort."
She added: "It worked. It was memorable, and I know people were quoting it afterward. These were well-crafted talking points."
Wood said she noticed that Klobuchar "grimaced" as she said, "I have high expectations for this country."
"I think it's because the line didn't work for her somehow. There was something she was conflicted about and she didn't sell that line. She didn't sound or look like she believed it," she said.
In a CNN town hall, Klobuchar struck a similar note, talking up her long career of managing people. "Am I a tough boss sometimes? Yes. Have I pushed people too hard? Yes. But I have kept expectations for myself that are very high. I've asked my staff to meet those same expectations. The big point for me is that I want the country to meet high expectations," she said.
Here, Wood said she sounded a little more convincing, but she still had her doubts. "The way it came out, it sounded like an excuse for her bullying rather than what it should have done, which is leave us with the impression that she's going to be tough on America because it's a great country. I found it interesting that she's being accused of bullying and she seems nervous and tense, that doesn't bode well."
When it comes to Klobuchar's "baseline," however — when she's talking about issues that aren't as touchy as her treatment of staff, such as student debt — Wood said she seems more comfortable, which is telling.
Wood noted that she thought it was interesting when Klobuchar showed some vulnerability. "When she started talking about her experience with her alcoholic dad, that tactic was so fascinating to me because it was appealing to her vulnerability and the pain she's been through in her life that has made her tough," she said. "It worked effectively, but a guy could probably not have pulled that off." Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

Rami Malek & Lucy Boynton's Oscars 2019 Kiss Reveals, Body Language Expert Patti Wood

In Elite Daily
Forget the awards — the real crowning moment of this year’s Academy Awards was Rami Malek kissing his girlfriend Lucy Boynton when he was announced as Best Actor winner. This couple has had everyone swooning since they confirmed their relationship back in January, so naturally, the internet collectively lost its cool on Sunday night when this went down. Since this is one of the couple’s first public appearances together, all eyes are on them — and Rami Malek and Lucy Boynton's Oscars 2019 kiss did not disappoint.
To catch you up to speed, Malek and Boynton met in 2017 while filming Bohemian Rhapsody in London, and they’ve been hanging out ever since. It’s assumed that they’ve been dating for quite awhile now, but Malek only recently went public about their real-life romance, calling Boynton “my love” as he accepted his Breakthrough Artist Award at the 30th Annual Palm Springs International Film Festival’s Film Awards Gala on Jan. 3. Since then, they’ve totally dialed up the PDA, and fans are here for it.
Malek and Boynton are clearly great together on-screen, but to get some context for what all this might mean about their chemistry IRL, I reached out to body language expert Patti Wood. She had a lot to say about Malek and Boynton’s body language at the Oscars, but most of all, she found the kiss to be seriously revealing. Here’s how it all went down, in case you missed it:
mean… OMG. For starters, we can see that each of them is an active participant in this kiss. Malek leans in, Boynton pulls his head in toward hers to make it passionate, and then he leans in again for a tender smooch. Wood says this is a great sign of their chemistry. “You have both members of the couple initiating it — he initiates, she makes it passionate, he makes it tender,” she explains.
If you check out the full video, you can see that Boynton helps Malek wipe lipstick off his face before he goes onstage. "That tells me more than any other aspect that they have an intimate relationship,” Wood says. “She's care-taking.” It’s totally unplanned and shows how much attention she is paying to her man.
The couple also kisses three times in total here, which isn’t a coincidence. Wood explains what she refers to as the “theory of three” — when things happen three times in succession, it usually means something.

“The fact that this happens three times feels like completion,” she notes. “It’s a signal that it is real.” Nothing about this moment feels staged because the couple clearly can’t get their hands off each other, and they’re acting like there is no one else in the room.
Another sweet thing to notice is that when Malek’s name is announced, he turns immediately to his lady. “The kiss started when he was still seated, and that tells us that she is the most important,” Wood says. “He went to her first instead of getting up ... when you rise, you're making the focus on you.” Malek wants to share this moment with Boynton before acknowledging anyone else.
When you compare this kiss to the couple’s interactions the rest of the night, it makes the moment even more powerful. Wood notes that Malek has a tendency to look uncomfortable on the red carpet. “The rest of their photos indicate that he has a lot of tightness,” she says. “He's not at ease at all … but once he wins, there is a relief for them.” He’s gaining comfort, and by the time his name is announced, he seems more relaxed. Boynton is by his side the whole way.
If I wasn’t already obsessed when I saw this kiss, now I stan Malek and Boynton more than ever before. Who doesn’t love a couple with such an authentic, magnetic connection? I can’t wait to see them at more events together in the future, and maybe we’ll see Malek relax on the red carpet as he grows accustomed to the spotlight — because after that Best Actor win, it doesn’t look like his star status will die down anytime soon.

Ivanka Trump Is Acting. AOC Is Not. That's A Key Difference In Their Body Language.

Ivanka Trump Is Acting. AOC Is Not. That's A Key Difference In Their Body Language.Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at