Watch Bill Gates Get Very Uncomfortable When Asked About Jeffrey Epstein

Watch Bill Gates Get Very Uncomfortable When Asked About Jeffrey Epstein

Bill Gates is currently doing a media tour but was not prepared to be asked about his meetings with the late pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Here are my rough notes on his body language that I gave in an interview for MEL Magazine. 

“I also want to ask you about something else in the public arena, it was reported at that time, that you had a number of meetings with Jeffrey Epstein—who, when you met him ten years ago, he was convicted of soliciting prostitution from minors,” Woodruff said as a preamble to her question to Gates on Tuesday night’s show.

What did you know about him “What did you know about him when you were meeting with him—as you’ve said yourself—in the hopes of raising money?”? (Jeffrey Epstein,)

“He had relationships with, ah, people he said, you know, would give to global health, which is an interest I have,”

“You know, I had... dinners with him... I regret doing that...”

Gates moves his body out forward and to the side in a “symbolic down and run” movement that shows he wanted to escape the question. Then squirms painfully in his seat as he pauses before he speaks and has lengthy uncomfortable pauses as he struggles to figure out what to say. First, he  says, “You know I had dinners with him.” As he says that final word, “Him” His hands clasp together and go into a closed, “steeple” the steeple hand gesture is an attempt of someone who feels they have the power to regain that power and the handclasp is a way to gain comfort by in effect holding your own hand. The blending of those gestures shows he can’t maintain his normal power façade in response to the question. Along with that hand motion Gates twists his head up and away his gaze moves into the memory and he shows a mixture of fear and anger.

Then as he says, “AHHH’ He sticks out his ring finger separately from his other fingers and plays with the tip of it with his other hand grasping the tip. As he says, “You know, I had dinners with him.” “I regret doing that.” As you might expect A married man playing with the wedding ring means a man is thinking about his marriage and specifically if he slips it off it means he would like to slip off the bonds of the marriage. GATES is even more obvious in specific as he is saying it as he saying that he is his decision had an impact on his marriage ending. What’s interesting for him is that he’s typically such a tactical individual and so awake and aware of his impression and yet his subconscious still Took over. That indicates to me that he feels the loss of his marriage profoundly. 

 “He had relationships with, ah, people he said, you know, would give to global health, (Gates oddly gives a faint shuddered laughs as he finishes that phrase which could indicate that Gates knew that was all a ruse a fun laughable cover for Epstein’s real goal, the nefarious goal for connecting people. ) is an interest I have,” Gates continued.

“You know, not nearly enough philanthropy goes in that direction. ( Gates verbal bride to this statement feels highly coached, as if a media coach said keep bridging to the philanthropy whenever you get a tricky question, but sounds very odd here in response to a question about having meetings with a known pedophile.

As Gates says Uh, you know, those meetings were a mistake. ( As he says mistake his hands to fling up and out palms up and move up and down in a classic supplicant posture, in an effort to push up and away from his mistake and be found innocent. (Uplifted palms suggest a vulnerable or nonaggressive pose that appeals to listeners as allies rather than as rivals or foes. Throughout the world, palm-up cues reflect moods of congeniality, humility, and uncertainty.)  of They didn’t result in what he purported, (Gates rubs his hand together here a tilts his head and gives an odd smirk that communicates to me that Gates feels Epstein was good at fooling people and Gates is oddly amused and upset by that.)  and I cut him off,” ( See how he now rubs tother his hand mostly at the tips trying to rub away the dirt from the situation and the question.

Gates said. “You know that goes back a long time ago now. I just... so there’s nothing new on that.” ( He looks away and gestures away indicating he wants the fact that it happened a long time ago to have significance then end the sentence with a large frowning clown downward masking smile in a strong attempt to mask his deep displeasure with the question and the situation. If you do a screengrab of that masking smile you see how big and award it looks and his sideward gaze that also shows contempt for the journalist.


“Is there a lesson for you... for anyone else looking at this?” Woodruff asked.

“Well, he’s dead, (As Gates says this again has his face turned away and gives the side-eye and makes this first statement quickly loudly and confidently showing nonverbally he believes that should have ended his problems with Epstein and so he (Gates)  doesn’t have to have learned anything to take to his current life. And the way Gates flings his hands up and out also shows his desire to fling away the problem.

Gates continues, “…so, uh, in general, you always have to be careful,” That is just a really odd statement overall.  You have to be careful of what???? Does that mean Epstein wasn’t careful of how he dealt with the super powerful or does Gates needs to be careful, or he will be killed? In either case, this remark makes us think that if you’re not careful someone will off you.

Gates emphasizes this by saying, “…in general you have to be careful” as he gives that stuttered laugh again and gives humor-filled smile that goes all the way up to his eyes at time code1:29. And holds his hands together knuckles up in a closed confident steeple. He is getting some glee from this that makes me think Gates feels he was smart enough to be careful. He then stumbles and stutters his cover statement about his philanthropy. Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at