Vice President Kamala Harris and Doug Harris Inauguration Day Body Language Read by Body Language Expert Patti Wood

Kamala Harris & Doug Emhoff's Inauguration Day 2021 Body Language Is Telling

Just when you thought they could not possibly get any cuter, Kamala Harris and Doug Emhoff's Inauguration Day 2021 body language confirms they're an incredible team. The couple made history on Jan. 20, 2021 as Harris was sworn in as America's first female vice president, first Black vice president, and first Asian vice president. For his part, Emhoff made history as the nation's first second gentleman and first Jewish first or second spouse.

Even before their inauguration body language knocked the socks right off my now-bare feet, Emhoff and Harris had made it pretty clear that they're one of the most adorable couples in American history. The two first met via a blind date back in 2013 and, from there on out, they were serious about making their relationship really happen. "The morning after our first date, Doug emailed me with a list of his available dates for the next couple of months. 'I'm too old to play games or hide the ball,' the email read. 'I really like you, and I want to see if we can make this work,'" Harris recalled in her 2019 memoir, The Truths We Hold.

The couple was engaged by March 2014 and married just five months after that in a small courthouse ceremony in Santa Barbara, which was officiated by Maya Harris, the vice president's sister. And now they're literally making history together.

Check out their inauguration body language below.

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While on stage, it seemed as though Harris and Emhoff were in their own little world, according to Patti Wood, a body language expert and author of Snap: Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language, and Charisma. "What is striking is how we see that — with the world looking on as she turns from being inaugurated — this is their moment, exclusive of anyone else," Wood says. "Their focus is solely on each other. This — and his eyes looking down on her, her uplifted head, and open, up-raised arms — show their love."

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Harris' joy was also apparent in the moment. "Note her front teeth, open mouth, full, real smile," says Wood. "Also, notice her open, palm up energy [and] happy hand gesture, showing she wants to caress his face and share her happiness," Wood adds.


And let's not forget that oh-so-adorable hug shared between Harris and Emhoff. "This what I labeled years ago the 'Heart Hug' — see the full-on secure and locked front of the body contact," says Wood. "And note the equality in the giving and receiving of this hug. He is leaning in and reaching around and laying his face on hers and holding her in the same way she is holding him. That is quite special and bodes well for them dealing with this new to us power structure. I also am struck by her closed eyes, face up at the moment, love, and giving to him at this moment."

I don't know about you all, but I'm so ready for four (or more!) years of Harris and Emhoff's sweet body language. President kamala harris-doug-emhoffs-inauguration-day-2021-body-language-is-telling-58205839

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

President Barack and Michelle Obama Body Language at the Joe Biden Presidential Inauguration

Barack & Michelle Obama's Inauguration Day 2021 Body Language Is Strong As Ever

Barack and Michelle Obama are as beloved a couple as it gets, and you better believe they were not about to miss the inauguration of their good friend, President (!!) Joe Biden. These two always show up as a united front, and today was no exception. Barack and Michelle Obama's Inauguration Day 2021 body language was strong as ever. They took their place outside the Capitol Building alongside the Bushes, the Clintons, the Harris and Emhoff families, and of course, the Bidens, in addition to several other politicians and guests (including Lady Gaga, boyfriend Michael Polansky, Jennifer Lopez, and Alex Rodriguez).

As always, the former President and first lady did not come to play. Michelle stunned in burgundy Sergio Hudson trousers, a turtleneck, and coat with a gold statement belt, per Glamour. Barack's look was also classically elegant; he rocked a long black coat. They both wore matching black face masks.

Elite Daily spoke to Patti Wood, body language expert and author of Snap: Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language, and Charisma, about what Barack and Michelle's inauguration day body language says about their current relationship dynamic. Here's what she had to say. (Spoiler alert: It's still strong as ever.)

Their Strong & Steady Hand Clasp Shows A Consistent Connection.

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Wood says Barack and Michelle's steady hand clasp while they descended the stairs is a strong indicator of the connection between them. It was consistent throughout their arrival to the Capitol, and as they approached the platform.

It's Clear This Isn't Their First Rodeo.

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One important thing Wood notes about this photo is how stepping out onto the platform makes the Obamas vulnerable to potential attacks. "I train all branches of law enforcement body language and psychological assessment of risk," says Wood. "This would have been to anyone both a terrifying and noble moment." Nevertheless, Wood sees no signs of fear in the couple. "This makes all the warm, positive moments more powerful."

It's clear this is not the Obamas' first rodeo. Wood points to how close they're standing, and how both their arms are down and close to their sides. Matching strides and mirroring body language is always a sign of a strong connection between a couple. Barack and Michelle couldn't be more aligned.

They Look Confident & Strong.

Rob Carr/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Wood says Michelle's choice in wardrobe was powerful, making her resemble a super hero that looks "so strong and confident." (Truth!) She also points to the fact that the Obamas are still holding hands and stepping down the stairs perfectly in sync. "What I noticed in the first few minutes of watching them is how close they walked and stood with one another — always in sync and in contact."

This Fist-Bump Moment Is Special In More Ways Than One.

Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images News/Getty Images

According to Wood, there are several reasons this photo is both "magical" and "unique." She points to Barack and Michelle's matching posture, and how in-sync they are with their closed fist-bump greetings. Matching postures in couples is always a good sign the two are on the same page. Wood also points to the similarities between this moment, and the iconic fist-bump the couple gave each other back in 2008, when Barack accepted the democratic nomination for President. "I also like how Michelle is leaning her head forward to make the greeting more connected and personal," says Wood.

All in all, Barack and Michelle came to serve and they did not disappoint. Absolutely — and I cannot stress this enough — love to see it.

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at