What are the challenges and new things that you can do to ensure a safe meeting and conventions"

I am an expert on body language and first impressions, a professional keynote speaker at conventions, and the Author of SNAP Making the Most of First Impressions body language and Charisma. Here are a few of the articles I have contributed to about changes in interactions in the Post Covid world.




What challenges and new things can be done to ensure a safe meeting?


  1. It's essential to help meeting attendees feel safe and informed before they get to the meeting. I suggest emails and newsletters websites that give as much information about the safety precautions.  I also offer personal phone calls to board members and key individuals to ensure that the information they are getting is clear and accurate. One key member telling potential attendees negative or incorrect safety information can dramatically affect your member's attendance. For example, what are the sizes of the rooms? What are the ceiling heights? What has the meeting facility done to ensure safety, air circulation in the rooms, and how does that meet new recommendations? Will people wear badges with sensors so contract tracing can occur if there is a positive covid case during or after the convention?
  2. Give the group fun ways of safely greeting and interacting. Throughout all cultures, people greet one another as a sign of recognition, affection, friendship, and reverence. Now people may be scared to greet or not know how others in attendance will greet. I have some alternatives listed below
  3. If you are putting the tables further apart and more sparsely seated, make sure you make the tables look more appealing with color choices and centerpieces, so the effect is warmer and more welcoming. Have greeters at the door to safely and warmly greet people as they enter to make the attendees feel more welcome and warm them up for the speaker.  Spend the money to get great friendly, upbeat music in the room, perhaps even live performers. Even someone playing guitar or a quintet playing classical music can warm up the environment.



For in face to face online interaction like your live stream concerts

By Patti Wood, Body Language, and Human Behavior Expert


 With concerns about Germs, I wanted to give you and your company handshake alternatives that can make you and your team comfortable. I want to make sure you feel prepared and know what to do. Because greetings and goodbye rituals have so many physiological benefits, I encourage you to create nonverbal greeting and goodbye rituals when interacting online via Skype or some other format. I want to have ways to acknowledge how unique each human being on this little blue planet is and what a sacred thing we do when we interact.


First, know that without an acceptable form of touch, we will be losing an invaluable bonding mechanism that normally helps us feel safe and lets us bring down the "stranger barrier" and connect.  I share this with you because I want to emphasize that greeting rituals allow to create a positive first impression and connect and reduce conflict. If you don't shake hands or have an alternative ritual, there is a cost, so you need a replacement.  I have done three years of academic research on handshakes and greeting rituals and have spoken and written about them for over 30 years. I know their value. You need to do some sort of ritual, even online.


Start the Greeting Earlier. If you are face to face start at about 8 to 6 feet out. If you are shaking hands, you typically smile when you are four feet apart and again as you get close. If you start the greeting earlier, you can create a contact in time to signal that you want to create a different ritual and NOT SHAKE HANDS.  What you want to do is slow down the greeting, so you have the time to change the greeting graciously.


Wave- hold up your open pam and wave. Open palm signals directly to the primitive limbic brain that you come in peace and friendship. It was said to have originated with American Indians to signal to others that you held no weapon and come in peace.


LEAN IN – Just lean in instead of shaking hand. You can even make sure no one reaches for you hand by keeping our arms at your sides with a slight bow lean in  -This shows that first of all are NOT offering your hand but also that you come in peace and still allows you to acknowledge the person as special, that you honor them and that the and the interaction as special.


The NAMASTE – This was originally a Hindu greeting and used in the 2000s by celebrities who didn't want to shake hands with fans in red carpet greeting. The Namaste is a slight bow and hands pressed together, palms touching and fingers pointing upwards, thumbs close to the chest. In Hinda, you actually say the word NAMASTE but you don't have to but its a beautiful greeting and the actual ritual its called "Añjali Mudrā;"  In Hinduism, it means "I bow to the divine in you".


THE PEACE SIGN or Victory V  -  I wanted to offer another option that signals a greeting that could catch on as we battel whatever this cold/flu/virus gives us and come out in peace and victory. This thought of creating this for our season of germs started with my friend Carl who is a biker. He is smart, cool and he greets fellow bikers on the road with a peace sign. Yes, the peace sign! Who knew the hippy, bead wearing right hand up, palm facing out with two fingers spread in a slight "V" greeting?   Remember, we like people who are like us. The various versions of the peace symbol given by bikers show other bikers they have something in common. During World War II, Victor de Laveleye, a Belgian refugee, suggested during a BBC broadcast that his countrymen use the letter V as a rallying sign. The "V" is the first letter of victoire (victory) in French and vrijheid (freedom) in Dutch. Soon you could see "V" in graffiti all over Belgium and then all of Nazi-occupied Europe and given as a hand sign. It was a message that said to the occupier that "he is surrounded, encircled by an immense crowd of citizens that don't want this occupation.  British Prime Minister Winston Churchill popularized the V symbol as a victory.  1958, the artist Gerald Holton began using the graphic representation of the "V" in an opposite way from the World War II usage, casting it as a symbol for peace to create the peace symbol.         

It is a greeting that shows others your own beliefs and desires and asks in return, "Are you part of my tribe? Will you interact with me in harmony?"

I suggest that if you are meeting face-to-face or online with business associates, friends, or family, you talk about how you would like to greeted. Perhaps pick a team or family or friendship tribal greeting ritual like the fist bump was created to show we are in this together.


Because we also need a ritual to show we are done and grateful for the interaction will return in peace again, I suggest you end with one of these rituals or your own special parting as well.



Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at www.PattiWood.net. Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at www.snapfirstimpressions.com.





For you and for your company

(suitable to send out to those you 

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at www.PattiWood.net. Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at www.snapfirstimpressions.com.

What is collective/group narcissism? What are social narcissism's potential consequences in societies and groups?

1) What is collective/group narcissism?

Group Narcissism consists of people who feed on the narcissistic supply. As a result, they can create more drama from the group and use the power of the group to create havoc on others, creating more emotional supply.  

Malignant Narcissists feed off drama. Research, including brain scans, shows that their brains operate differently. MG's may not feel or get enough supply for healthy human emotions created from love, bonding, and empathy. Instead, their brains light up, are fed when admired, and when they see and or create intense negative emotions like drama, fear, pain, and discord. These emotions create the MG's "Narcissistic Supply." 

 2) What are social

Narcissism's potential consequences in societies and groups?

The most serious is emotional contagion, just like a small group yelling and taunting can create a large crowd to stir to anger an attack like the crowd torch-bearing scene in the classic movie Frankenstein, a toxic group, can contaminate not just those inside that group and those outside the group

In group narcissism, we see unquestioning loyalty and admiration for the group and its ideals and an intense fervor in the persecution of any person who questions the authority of the overarching ideals of the group. The group will do anything to ignore any bad behavior of their fellow narcissists, give him a pass and then another pass, normalize bullying, yelling, crazy, abusive, and even dangerous behavior. They will defend one of their own kind for fear of losing the group. They will even attack any innocent person or persons who threaten the group's status quo. The group is their breath, their life, their sustenance, their "supply." In the presence of other narcissists, who reflect "like" behaviors, they don't see their dark selves. In the group, they are whole and belong. They may see damage in others, yet it only serves to make them feel superior. And in fact, their very acceptance of the dark damage in their fellow tribe members may make them think they are good people. They don't consider that dark damage behaviors are unacceptable in a healthy group. They only see reflections of themselves.


Patti Wood is a body language expert with degrees emphasizing Nonverbal Communication. She writes and speaks to corporate clients about body language and honesty, integrity, credibility, deception, narcissism, and psychopathology. She is also an expert on Hitler's body language.



Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at www.PattiWood.net. Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at www.snapfirstimpressions.com.

How to Teach Kids About Body Language Using Mr. Potato Head, Teaching Kids Healthy Safe Touch Using Mr. Potato Head

I have used Mr. Potatoe's head toys to help teach foster parents a safe way to discuss body parts, how a child feels about each body part, and safe and appropriate touch.

I also have shown teachers how to teach simple body language reading cues in a fun way.

So they talk about eye contact and have the children put the eyes in and share what they can see and they put the hands-on and say what it safe healthy touch and other concepts like body windows and how the feet are the most honest parts of the body.  

Play: It can’t be disputed that children learn best through play as language development can be supported, by adults, in a fun and natural way. Playing with Mr. Potato Head can help develop symbolic play, certain language skills and support overall cognitive development.

Choices: Offer your child choices of body parts when placing them into Mr Potato Head. It can support the understanding and expressive use of, vocabulary for body parts. Talk about these body parts as your child is assembling and experimenting with Mr Potato Head. Providing choices can also support a child’s ability to make decisions.

Requesting: Mr Potato Head is a great tool to help support the skill of requesting. It offers many ways to develop consistent use of communication including, gestures, sign and verbal communication. Adapt the way Potato Head is played by holding back some pieces from the child to provide repetitive opportunities for the child to use all their communication skills.

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at www.PattiWood.net. Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at www.snapfirstimpressions.com.

Dating Body Language Tips to Improve Your Listening Skills

Listen to Your Partner with your


Remember To Be Gentler

Patti Wood, MA, Professional Speaker expert in body language and nonverbal communication. Author of SNAP Making the Most of First Impressions Body Language and Charisma. www.pattiwood.net

What you can do to help focus and show that you are listening to your partner

Give Facial Feedback

Let your nonverbal expressions show your emotional response to the message. Matching and mirroring your partner creates similar chemicals in your body, increases empathy and understanding, and signals your partner that you "GET" what they are saying.

Eye Contact

A listener should give more eye contact than the speaker. Research suggests that if you want to have a good rapport, you should maintain eye-contact 60 to 70 percent of the time that someone speaks to you. Females are better at this than men and need more eye contact from listeners to feel comfortable in the conversation. Eye contact cues are more complicated for men. This may be because dominance is communicated by either staring or a lack of eye contact. It would help if you made good eye contact. Research shows that a typical business gaze focuses on the eyes and the upper forehead, and in a social gaze, the listener's gaze drops down to include the nose and the mouth.

Nod Your Head

You do not have to have a bobble toy head. Just occasionally nod your head to show you are listening and empathetic with the speaker's message. An added bonus of nodding your head is that it releases endorphin-like chemicals into your bloodstream to make you feel good and feel more affable about the speaker. Be aware that women nod their heads whether they agree with the speaker's message or not. Men may think that you agree with them if you nod too much, so be careful not as you use it as mere feedback. Don’t give men "I'm Listening" nods if you disagree with what a man is saying.

Turn Off Technology

We have become so accustomed to checking our phones while talking to someone we forget how rude it is. all those things are.  Signal to your partner your intent to really listen by turning away your laptop, turning off your cell phone, and even saying out loud, "Let me turn this off and put this away while we talk."

Lean Forward

Proximity, that is, being physically close, signals your desire to be emotionally or physiologically close. I don't mean get in their face but merely lean in toward your partner. Research shows that in a seated conversation, a backward lean communicates that you are dominant. A forward lean shows interest.

Expose Your Palms

We hide the palms of our hands when we are nervous or lying. Keep your hands open and visible to create comfort in others.

We all want to be seen heard and understood. There is no greater gift to give to someone than your interest. Be GENTLE with your listening.

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at www.PattiWood.net. Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at www.snapfirstimpressions.com.

What Body Language Shows Joy and Happiness?

This is an example of UP body language. Your body language goes upward when you are joyful. UP body language is a term I coined in the field of body language. The photo is of the preview night of the music man on Broadway. Notice how characters are so filled with joy and excitement their feet lift off the ground in unison in the dance. The lift goes up through their bodies so that many also lift their arms high above their heads. When you see this in the theater you are lifted and joyful as you watch it
Can you think of a movie scene or a character or several characters walking or moving upward with happiness that’s a standard drama or comedy rather than a musical?

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at www.PattiWood.net. Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at www.snapfirstimpressions.com.