How Do You Know Someone is Fake Crying, Do Narcissists' Cry?, Why Do Narcissist's Cry? By Bod Language Expert Patti Wood

As a body language expert, I am asked by the media and my clients to analyze politicians, celebrities, and others to see if their tears are real or fake. Unfortunately, time and time again, I find that malignant narcissists fake cry. They cry, but the timing is off. It often comes out of nowhere. It doesn't show authentically at the top and bottom of their face, their breathing is off, and they often look to see if their fake tears are having a persuasive effect on their audience.

Body Language Analysis of Kyle Rittenhouse's Crying. Real Tears or Fake Tears? Kyle Rittenhouse Murder Trial. I can't say with certainty that Kyle is a Narcissist but, I can tell if he fake cried during the trial. 

Though anyone can fake cry, Malignant Narcissists are the most likely to do so. They can also cry authentically but mainly use crying to manipulate others.

For example, A malignant narcissist can take their girlfriend to a movie and sob during the sad love story in the film. So they get their girlfriend's full attention away from the movie. Then when their girlfriend asks, "Why are you crying?:" they can reply, "Oh, it reminds me of the loss of my relationship with my true love, the love of my life." So their girlfriend will comfort them, losing her enjoyment of the movie, overriding her importance to him for the lost love, and giving him the attention he craves. He gets a "hit" for gaining her attention over a great movie and the "hit" from making his current girlfriend feel sorry for him for losing someone he describes as his true love, making her less than and not his true love.

The Malignant Narcissists never feel satiated. They never find total peace or contentment. Instead, they are screaming for the cavernous depths of their insides to be filled up. So they seek attention by manipulating others. One method to get a narcissistic supply is to play the Victim and fake tears to get attention.

Like a child who fakes crying to get attention, they will pretend to be helpless, in pain, and act persecuted to manipulate others into feeling sorry for them. Any empathetic person wants to aid someone who is crying. Fake crying can help them gain alliance, turn their audience against someone they want to punish, and isolate and receive aid. So for example, media personality Alex Jones used his show to falsely accuse Sandy hook victims and their surviving family members of being crisis actors. But now that his victims are suing him for the harm, he is crying that HE is the Victim. He cries he is bankrupt though he was recently revealed to be a multimillionaire who is siphoning funds to dummy accounts to hide his wealth from his victims. In fact, he is currently fake, crying to his audience that he needs money to fight what he calls his attackers, who are, in reality, his victims.

And in truth, Malignant Narcissist thinks they are the Victim anytime they don't get what they want. As in, "I am crying, poor me, I am alone, my mean wife left me." Not revealing the wife left because of abuse and infidelity. So the ex becomes the villain the Malignant Narcissists get the sympathy.

And part of their confusing and mindbending behavior means they can exhibit a confusing mixture of superiority and inadequacy, victimhood. They show macho or superwoman confidence, except for circumstances where the appearance of low self-esteem, poor me I am helpless, oh please help me behavior is required.

In a romantic relationship, they will have two or more romantic targets they can play against each other. That way, they can always have at least one to run off to cry that they are the Victim. For example, they can cry in their lover's arms. "My wife does not understand me." "She is so cold." "Hold me because my wife gives me no affection."  And or cry to their wives, "This woman knew I was married to you, but she was relentless and kept sending me racy photos of her and would not stop." "I was a victim of her siren-like pursuit."  Crying can gain their wives' sympathy and forgiveness and turn the wives' anger away from them and to their mistress.

 Body Language Analysis of Kyle Rittenhouse's Crying. Real Tears or Fake Tears? Kyle Rittenhouse Murder Trial.

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at