How to avoid falling for someone too quickly/getting too Attached. What to do if you're the type of person who gets attached and falls in love to easily?

1. How to avoid falling for someone too quickly/getting too Attached.

There are four ways to "ease" into love rather than fall in love. Many of them are to ensure you maintain your confidence and love for yourself and assure you can evaluate the character or your love interest and don't become addicted to them or the intensity of the chemicals created in the "falling stage of love. As a result, you can feel and enjoy intimacy. You need to be able to evaluate the quality of the potential partner and maintain your sense of self.

1.       Create space. Give yourself physical space between you and the other person so you go into the relationship an independent person who can look at the potential love interest with perspective. That's not to say you don't cuddle, hold hands, or have sex. However, it means you also have time when you are sitting apart, in other rooms talking to each other. It's easy to get addicted to physical closeness and attach and "fall" before you know whether it's a good healthy person you are attaching to.

2.       Create time apart. That means you don't see text, message, and constantly call as the dating and relationship building begins. Instead, have free time and establish a sacred time just for you and your friends, family, or work. For example, say I have my class on Wednesday nights that I love and want to keep going to. Or I really like time each week to work out. Let's go through our schedules, so we can find the best time to do our own life-affirming activities while still having quality time with each other. Or, when I am at work, I won't be able to text back immediately. Don't do this harshly. Instead, do this to see how you feel when you are alone and independent and create and sustain your love for yourself apart from your love interest.

3.       Wait to share every intimate story of pain and suffering. That doesn't mean you don't share any bad things. It means waiting till you have built a safe foundation and trust before you share every messy detail of your life. This also is a safety measure to keep you from falling in love with a malignant narcissist, as one of their love-bombing techniques at the beginning of dating is to get you to self-disclose painful past relationship secrets. This exposes you to them, and though it can feel special and intimate, it can also create TRAMUA BONDING. It makes you feel close to someone who has not yet earned your trust if this is truly a love match for you.

You have all the time in the world to talk about your abusive ex, your absent father, or you are bullying your sibling. Wait.

4.       Watch and Question. Notice what your love interest does. Not just what they say. Do they say something about loving and caring for you but not following through with their actions? Wait to see how you feel. Do you feel safe? Do you feel cared for? Do you feel happy and healthy? Are you anxious and or not sleeping well? Do your friends and family like your love interest? Do your love interest show empathy and care for you and others?

 2. What to do if you're the type of person who gets attached easily include? 

Empaths, those who are naive about what healthy mature love looks and feels like and who show unexamined trauma and other unhealthy past relationships, may fall "In Love" more quickly. 3. The dangers of falling too fast for someone. You may attach to a person who does not love you. You may make demands on the other person that is not healthy. You may fall for someone toxic, emotionally immature, or not ready for mature love. On the other hand, you may only feel a need or emptiness in you rather than falling in love with the love interest.


Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at