What Are The Benefits of Journaling?

I have experienced many benefits of journaling. It can truly improve your mental and physical health. I have been journalling, gratitude journaling, morning page journalling, and more since I was a preteen. I use it to process issues like relationships, pain, grief, trauma and loss, dream analysis, decision-making, goal setting, learning, and creative flow and inspiration for my speeches, books, and songs It is something I recommend to my coaching clients. 

I ask them to journal what they notice related to what we are working on in our coaching and to track interpersonal issues so they have specific experiences to use in coaching. I have them journal about what they notice in the TV shows, and movies they watch related to coaching. FYI one of the areas I coach on is body language so they typically have, among other assignments a weekly assignment to watch one aspect of body language, like handshakes, or “leave-taking” behavior. 

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at www.PattiWood.net. Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at www.snapfirstimpressions.com.