Workplace Bullying and What You Can Do About It.

I speak and write about how to avoid workplace bullying and how to deal with it in the workplace. 
Here is an article I contributed to on bullying.

What does workplace bullying look like?

Patti Wood, a human behavior expert, spoke to us about what bullying can look and sound like.

She says there are physical cues to look out for, such as a head jutting forward, teeth-baring, and space invasion. It can look like vocal intimidation, “Raising the volume of the voice, lowering the voice, speeding up or slowing down, punching certain words, or growling”.

It can also include targeted jokes, threats, humiliation, unjust criticism, and continued denial of requests without a valid reason. Workplace bullying can often be subtle and can include ‘gaslighting’, which is where a bully engages in abusive behavior but then denies it occurred. It’s important to be aware of both overt and subtle bullying behaviors to identify them.

Patti says you can identify bullying by noticing how you feel in the presence of someone else. If you feel bullied, pay attention to what the other person is saying or doing that could make you feel targeted.. A lot of workplace bullying can be subtle, so this can be a practical way for your employees to identify bullying.

Another marker employers can look out for is a change in workplace behavior. This can include increased absences, low morale, and changes in performance. There may be other reasons behind these changes, but noting them and enquiring can help managers monitor the early warning signs of workplace bullying.

Here is the link to the rest of the article. 

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at