Your sneeze reveals your DISC personality style

Mention of my sneeze research on Sandy Watsey's Blog.

3. How we sneeze could say something about us.
Of all the characteristics that potentially reveal our inner selves, I never thought sneezing could be one of them. However, body language expert Patti Wood says otherwise. She did Benadryl-sponsored study of 547 people and their sneeze habits, coming up with four types of sneezes that she believes are personality indicators.

•The “Correct” carries Kleenex and is careful to cover her mouth when sneezing, meaning she’s respectful of others and likes to maintain a dignified disposition.
•The “Supporter” tends to hold in sneezes rather than risk sneezing on someone, which indicates a quiet and caring character.
•The “Expressive” makes a big production out of sneezing and often sneezes multiple times at once, possibly making her a showy and dominating person.
•The “Driver” sneezes loudly but quickly, making her direct and forward-thinking