Fox Channel Five Job Search and Job Interviewing Webcast.

For great information on finding a job, writing an ageless resume, using social networking and body language for job interviews check out Atlanta Fox News website for a webcast panel discussion. As a body language expert on the panel today, I shared how important it is to visualize your success before the interview. Job seekers sometimes get so anxious before an interview that they imagine all the mistakes they will make. Instead prepare by first practicing live then visualizing your success. Practice how you will shake hands well and sit with confidence, be warm and friendly, listen well and answer all the questions your asked with confidence and play the movie of you giving a successful interview in your head over and over so that when you are under stress you can easily go to the positive successful responses you have rehearsed and played over and over in your mind. You body will go to what you have rehearsed the most. Rehearse and nail the interview response. For more tips go to the search portion of Patti's blog and type in job interview body language.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
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