More on Six Tips For Body Language in Job Interviews

In a previous post on Six Tips for body language in a job interview I recommended you just remember to S.O.F.T.E.N. T in SOFTEN refers to turn off technology. You want to make sure that all your electronic devices are turned off before your job interview. That may sound like a "no brainer." but sometimes when your under stress you forget the little things. You do not want your baby sitter calling you during your job interview asking you were the TV remote is hiding. Make it a ritual in you interview rehearsal to turn off all your technology. Also ideally keep everything out of view. Don't have anything clipped to your belt and or in your hands or sticking out of your pocket. The focus is on the interviewer. If technology is in view it says symbolically that another person's call or email is more important to you than the interview. Turn off technology and put it out of site before the interview.

S -mile
O- pen windows
F- orwad Lean
T- urn off technology
E- ye-Contact
N- od your head

This information is from Patti's video Nail the Interview Get the Job for information about the video or Patti's coaching or training contact us at To purchase Patti's body language book Success Signals go to our website to the products section at the link below.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
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