How to Get Glee through Isopraxism

Last summer on Sunday night I would stand up in the living room and dance around singing. On various nights I was moving and vocalizing like a Lady Gaga, Tina Turner or Kate Perry wanna be. I was pulled into the energy of the kids performances on a TV show. Isopraxism at work. All this to the amusement of everyone around including Bo the wonder dog who thinks my singing is mesmerizing and who is always willing to dance with me. After all his name is Bojangels Robinson.  

Why was I singing and dancing so jubilantly? Because Sunday night the Glee Project was on.  It’s a reality show with real teenagers trying out for a spot on the TV show Glee. It was a positive show. One with truly talented singers. If you haven’t seen it there are clips on the internet. My favorite was a sweet rendition of Blackbird in a final competition.  Check the link in my next post for the flash mob dance to promote the next season of Glee that shows Isopraxism, the pull towards the same energy. For more on the science of Isopraxism go to: or

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at