Sample Handout For Body Language For Meeting and Presentations by Body Language Expert Patti Wood

By Patti Wood MA, CSP Body Language Expert

Patti is called “The gold standard of body language experts” by the Washington Post and credited in the New York Times with bringing the topic into the national consciousness. Patti has degrees with a specialization in nonverbal communication and was a university instructor in body language and other communication topics. She is the author of eight books including the new SNAP – Making the Most of First Impressions Body Language and Charisma”, “The Conflict Cure” and “Easy Speaking-Dynamic Delivery.”  Patti is a professional speaker and consultant for fortune 100 companies. Her clients include; AT&T, Hewlett Packard, Proctor and Gamble, Kroger, UPS, Porsche, Coca-Cola, and Cisco Systems as well as hundreds of National Associations. She speaks on PBS, the BBC, CNN, FOX News, FBN, HLN, Nancy Grace, Dr. Drew, MSMBC, In Session, The History Channel, Inside Edition, The Soup, The Discovery Channel, and more. She appears regularly in hundreds of newspapers and magazines around the world including; Esquire, Us Weekly, Psychology Today, USA Today, People,, Women’s Health, In Touch, OK!, Reuters, ESPN, Men’s Health, Details, Oprah Magazine, Entertainment Weekly, Family Circle,  Parents Magazine,  The Wall Street Journal, and hundreds more.

1.    Start with Something Powerful

2.    Watch Your Stance and Posture

3.    Face Towards the Audience

4.    Movement—Room—Space

5.    Facial Expressions and Body Movement

6.    Hands-Gestures

7.    Eye Contact 

For “ How to Make a Positive First Impression”  article go to   to Articles on the menu click then scroll down  to Featured Articles to “How to Make a Positive First Impression” (
For the handout on  Powerful Presentation Body Language  Go to  On the Menu on the left side of the screen scroll down to Articles and click then go Articles with Tips then scroll down “Powerful Presentation Body Language”   (

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at