Business First Impression Consulting Services

Please let us know, if you or your employees would like to receive one-on-one coaching from Patti. Patti also offers customized training in body language, first impressions, customer service, sales, and or presentation skills. She also offers a comprehensive consulting evaluation of your businesses’ first impression including your employee’s nonverbal behavior.

Business First Impression Consulting Services
·         Do you want to know what kind of first impression your business gives to your customers/clients?
·         Would it be helpful to have a fresh pair of eyes and the keen observations skills of a body language and first impression consultant look at your business?
·         When someone calls in or walks into your business how do they feel and what do they think?
·         Would it be helpful to know what you’re doing well and what and how to improve your customer service and first impression interactions?
·         Patti works with large and small businesses, hospitals, hotels and restaurants to improve their businesses.
·         There are several types 0f consulting available.
·         Observation and one-on-one coaching on you and your communication skills.
·         Observation and data collection of your business or businesses.
·         One-on-one feedback on your business.
·         Recommendations for training and changes.
·         Design for employee training.
·         Deliver of employee training.

You may be familiar with secret shoppers or had someone shadow your sales staff or listen in on your front desk or customer service representatives. Patti does all this and more and offers an in-depth evaluation of all your businesses first contacts. She follows up with one-on-one coaching, a log of all the data she taken about your business and evaluation and recommendation sheet and can also offer customized training based on her observations and data collection.

If you would like to learn more specifics about Business First Impression Consulting information, please feel free to call Patti or visit her website at

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at