Insights from Patti Wood, Body Language Expert

What qualifies you to be a one on one coach and help people improve their body language for dating, flirting and relationships?
Being a personal coach is incredible. There is so much to teach. When I work with clients that are trying to improve their ability to date it’s so much fun to do the work. I share that I feel that the greatest gift you can give someone is to understand them. Reading Nonverbal Communication increases your understanding. In a healthy loving relationship you want to present your best most authentic self. You want to be seen to your heart.  I speak to audiences and work one on one with coaching clients on their nonverbal skills. I have a passion for teaching and coaching others in nonverbal skills. I love to see people light up, lean forward, learn and transform.

My BA Master’s Degree and Doctoral course work are in Interpersonal Communication with an emphasis in Nonverbal Communication. I know the science and the latest research, and how to apply and teach the latest concepts and techniques in a way that is informative and fun. I can quote to science and make a client laugh in the next breath. When I taught body language at Florida State University my students LOVED to come to class because they knew they would laugh and have fun. My corporate audiences feel that energy. I work one on one with clients to improve their image, flirting, dating and relationship skills. I have clients who are college students, young, older and divorced, from just starting out to owners of several companies, from clients working two jobs to get by to billionaires. I love this work. I am also the first body language expert to read celebrity couples' body language for magazines. I did weekly reads of couples reading their current relationship and predicting their success. I did this for four years for US Weekly, two years for OK! Magazine and I'm in my second year for reads for Life & Style.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at