Men find women more attractive with LESS make-up on – Attractiveness new research mentioned on the Today Show. Body Language expert Patti Wood comments

The results of the study are below. But this is not real research. They used photos of women with tons of make up on rather than subtle make up and they didn’t randomize the test and the subjects knew what the research study was on creating bias. If they had just been shown photos of women in normal make up and photos of women without make up in a random study with other photos say photos of men and asked to rate on several factors it would have perhaps been an effective study. 

Bare really is beautiful: Men find women more attractive with LESS make-up on

  • Study found men prefer women when they wear less make-up
  • In many cases, men preferred the opposite sex to wear 40% fewer products
  • It also found women think fellow females look better in natural make-up
  • Participants in the study believed other individuals find greater amounts of makeup attractive, but the research proved otherwise
Published: 09:01 EST, 21 March 2014 | Updated: 10:37 EST, 21 March 2014
Women all over the world have been wiping off their make-up and taking photos of themselves to be part of the #nomakeupselfie phenomenon spreading across social networks.
And they might want to consider making the natural snap their profile picture, because a new study has found both men, and women, find females who wear less make-up more attractive.
A Welsh psychologist said people often misjudge what the opposite sex find attractive and, in the majority of cases, men prefer women who wear up to 40 per cent fewer cosmetics. 

Put down the blusher brush: Men think women are more attractive when wearing 40 per cent less make-up, a study has found. Katy Perry is pictured as a more natural beauty, (left) and with bright make-up (right)
Dr Alex Jones, from Bangor University, said there had been an ‘overwhelmingly positive’ reaction to no make-up selfies posted by people on social networks.
While nobody seems to know where the idea came from, it has taken the internet by storm and is thought to have raised over £1million for charity.

It works by women posting a fresh-faced picture of themselves and then nominating friends to do the same, with all people posting that the photos were to 'raise awareness of cancer'.
In Dr Jones' study, he examined the misattributions people make when considering what the opposite sex find attractive in a new study be published in the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology.

His research project specifically examined the use of cosmetics and found some surprising results.

Dr Jones said: ‘The take home message from this study is that our ideas about what the opposite sex find attractive are often inaccurate, whether it relates to body size, weight, or even something like makeup use'. Kim Kardashian is pictured with a a more natural look (left) and full face of make-up (right)
Participants in the study believed that other individuals find greater amounts of makeup attractive, and he said that women in particular think a full-face or perfectly applied make-up is attractive to men.
In fact, both sexes thought that other men would find greater amounts of make-up more attractive.
However, he said it ‘couldn’t be further from the truth’ and when reporting their preference for make-up, men found women’s faces more attractive when they were much fresher faced.
In some cases, they found women more attractive with 40 per cent less make-up.
The study also claims women shared similar ideas and thought females looked better as more natural beauties.

Natural beauties: Participants in the study believed that other individuals find greater amounts of makeup attractive, and women in particular thought a full-face or perfectly applied make-up is attractive to men. Here, Lady Gaga is shown with a fresh face (left) and in full makeup for a show (right)
The first scientific study to examine the close-up was conducted in 2012 and researchers found they can make people less attractive, regardless of how good looking they are.
According to the study from California Institute of Technology (Caltech), the distance between the subject and the camera makes a big difference in how someone is perceived.
'It turns out that faces photographed quite close-up are geometrically warped, compared to photos taken at a larger distance,' said Ronnie Bryan, who worked on the study.
'Of course, the close picture would also normally be larger, higher resolution and have different lighting - but we controlled for all of that in our study.
'What you're left with is a warping effect that is so subtle that nobody in our study actually noticed it.
'Nonetheless, it's a perceptual clue that influenced their judgments.'
Researchers also found close-up photos made people look less trustworthy, according to study participants.
The close-up photo subjects were also judged to look less attractive and competent.
‘The take home message from this study is that our ideas about what the opposite sex find attractive are often inaccurate, whether it relates to body size, weight, or even something like make-up use,' continued Dr Jones. 
‘The misconceptions play a role in body image and self esteem issues and are sadly based on simple misunderstandings.
‘I hope everyone takes the positive response to their no makeup selfies on board, and well done for raising awareness and money for a good cause!’
The #NoMakeUpSelfie trend shows no sign of dying down.
Earlier this week, Kath Abrahams, director of engagement and income generation at Breakthrough Breast Cancer, said: 'We are delighted to see the success of the no make-up selfie viral campaign.
'It is great to see the British public getting behind the campaign and helping to raise awareness of breast cancer.
'Here at Breakthrough, we have seen a huge spike in the number of unique visitors to our website, smashing our record to date. We have received hundreds of donations from people.
'We would like to thank all those who have supported us, enabling our scientists to continue their life-saving research.
'Breast cancer is not yesterday’s problem; every ten minutes a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer. Anything that gets the public behind this important cause is to be celebrated. It isn’t too late to get involved, so go ahead and text PINK to 70300.'

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at