Body Language Read of Sarah Hyland and Dominic Sherwood

The walking photo is intriguing.  Dominic has his left hand holding arm out away from his side so the elbow is almost locked into formal “Groomsmen” position. “This position is used to escort women down the aisle at a wedding or you are escorted into formal dinners at a royal court.” Then his hand is gripping around the front of her hand and lifting it up in a superior caretaking position used by parents with otherwise wandering away children or adult children guiding their elderly parents.  She is smiling but it’s a tight smile and her neck is straining in a way that shows she is trying to keep up and is stressed. I think he is trying to get her out of the camera’s range, but it does show that he wants to take a superior lead.  I give that photo a 3, but I would have liked to have seen how they were out of the paparazzi’s eye fifteen minutes earlier.

The above photo shows how they are very playful with each other and highly attracted and sexual.  I like how both of them have locked arms around each other as they press against each other in a way that not only shows they are in the world just for each other but also locks others out. Great energy for a celeb couple to have.  Her puckered kiss is fun and playful and shows she trusts him enough to be a vulnerable little girl with him.  His relaxed self-wrist hold says yes you are mine.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at