"Being Fully Alive" A Comment On A Quote From My Book!

I had to tell you.  I received your first book today and went into reading it immediately.  I have to thank you! 

Your paragraph in this book:

So many times we are distracted, by to do's and TV shows, by our own worries and wants, that we ignore the being right there in front of us. We become too weary, and so we close down, become automatic. We think if we push through the day, ignore this or that person, and get quickly through this interaction, we can avoid any pain, that at the end of the day we will have some peace.  I know that noticing someone's body language gives you so many gifts. By keeping you fully engaged, authentic and connected you share the pain of others and you share their joy. 
So today, choose some being, be it a child, sweetie, coworker or spotted pet and notice them, feel what they are feeling, be present with them and fully and completely alive.

This just hit me so hard.  It was one of the most meaningful things I have ever read.  Thank you for this book.  I can’t wait to receive the other.  I feel I was blessed to have been chosen as a participant in (your program).  This part of the course has been amazing.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at www.PattiWood.net. Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at www.snapfirstimpressions.com. Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at http://youtube.com/user/bodylanguageexpert.