We Look at Different Parts of the Body When We Gaze to Show Our Different Interest and Relationships. Triangle Gaze

We Look at Different Parts of the Body When We Gaze to Show Our Different Interest and Relationships. Triangle Gaze.

Upper Triangle Gaze -
In formal interactions we focus our gaze in the upper triangle of the eyes and the bridge of the nose, zig zagging our eye contact between the eyes.We can show power by focusing on the upper triangle and extending the gaze length.

Upper and Middle Triangle Gaze - With friends we expand our gaze from just the eyes and upper bridge of the nose to go down and include the whole nose and the mouth

Middle Triangle Gaze - A signal of shyness, or lack of interest occurs when our gaze drops down to just the nose and mouth.

Full Body Gaze - Once we start flirting, the triangle gets even bigger - it widens at the bottom to include their good bits (like the body). The more intense the flirting, the more intensely we'll look from eye to eye - and the more time we'll spend looking at their mouth. If someone is looking into your eyes and lingering on the mouth as well it can be very seductive. It could be that they're imagining what it would be like to kiss you.