Great Speeches at the March for Our Lives,

    I started teaching public speaking when I was 20 years old and a graduate student at Auburn University. The students speeches amazed me!
    Here are some of the amazing things students said today in their protest speeches at The March for Our Lives.
    it’s leaders, skeptics and cynics who told us to sit down and stay silent: Wait your turn,” Mr. Kasky said. “Welcome to the revolution.”
    Another speaker, Edna Chavez, 17, a high school senior in Los Angeles, said she had lost her brother to gun violence. “Ricardo was his name. Can you all say it with me?” she asked.
    The crowd said his name over and over again, as Ms. Chavez smiled through tears.
    Alex Wind, 17, a junior at Stoneman Douglas, spoke about the need for legislative change.
    “To all the politicians out there, if you take money from the N.R.A., you have chosen death,” he said. “If you have not expressed to your constituents a public stance on this issue, you have chosen death. If you do not stand with us by saying we need to pass common sense gun legislation, you have chosen death. And none of the millions of people marching in this country today will stop until they see those against us out of office, because we choose life.”
    Hundreds of thousands of protesters, outraged by a recent school shooting, took to the streets in Washington and around the world, calling for action against gun violence.
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    For the kids. The song I wrote the day of the Parkland shooting and sang through tears. I am reposting the song today.
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    A friend just showed this to me. It just came out.
    I did the interview for this piece on cultural differences in body language months ago.
    I have to try and find the print version! I have a door hon this. My greatest challenge and fun as a speaker is doing my two day public speaking g class with only one or two members of the class who speak English! I had one class with miners from five different countries, my small groups were speaking German, French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese. Everyone tells you that Humor does not translate but my goodness whenever I do these programs we laugh all day long!
    Body language has four times more impact than words do, so make sure yours is saying the right things...
    I read the body language of Melania and Trump for Life and Style Magazine. I haven't been posting all my Trump reads, but I thought i would post this interesting couple photos.
    Body language expert weighs in on Donald Trump and Melania Trump's new Instagram pic outside of the White House.
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    I read the Chinese President XI's body language as he took his oath of office for the South Chinese News.
    When I do body language reads for foreign publications I don't always get the link to the story, in this case it will come out in print. So here are my rough notes.
    In the video you can skip to his oath, though i think the highly stiff and tense pomp and circumstance is fascinating!
    Xi Jinping on Saturday became the first Chinese state leader to take a constitutional oath, as the country’s president and head of its military. The ceremony – which took…
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    Group Narscicicm.
    As many of you know as a body language expert I write and speak to my corporate clients about about honesty, integrity and credibility as well as deception, narcissism and psychopathology. I am working on a chapter in my book about how other people respond and interact to the "dark triad behaviors like Malignant Narcissism and it struck me that most people don't understand how a group can tolerate a Narcissists in their midst. Someone they know is "crazy" a...
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    Jenn Downs This explains how so many rotten people thrive in bands...
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    I did the read of Trump and Melania on the winter photo.
    Body language expert weighs in on Donald Trump and Melania Trump's new Instagram pic outside of the White House.
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    How did this baby who toddled around the Taylor house get so tall!
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    Patti Wood Hey Michael
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    Ahhhh Will just sent a photo he took of me playing an electric guitar for the first time!
    Always start on a Fender!!
    Though playing rocking version Leaving on Jet Plane, the one song I know by heart was a stretch!!!
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    Patti Wood Diane Polledri, have you played an Electric Guitar?
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    Diane Polledri No I never have. You look terrific!
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    Patti Wood Linda, 
    Give me two years and I will rock in the hip music scene in Athens! In my dreams.
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    Skipped lunch to prep for two Media interviews, kicked it on a a new song in a session with Eliot, went to the grocery store to buy ingredients for dinner I am fixing for friends tomorrow night. I bought a box of ice cream bars for a treat.
    They were delicious!
    All four of them!
    ...See More
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    Carolyn Tucker This makes me love you!
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    Sue McDuffie Leave no bar behind
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    Patti Wood shared a memory.
    I remember the first time I had you all over to my house!
    Having a few wonderful friends over for a quiet dinner party. Beautiful.
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    While I was in the studio this week working on my EP Will gave me a lesson on mixing. ( He teaches production at Berkly ! I am learning g from
    A master!) Here is my voice on Sisters of Secrets and Shadows. I posted that song a few weeks ago. I’m learning so much about communicating what I hear in my head for my songs and how to make it come alive in the studio!
    I love how it’s effected my speeches! I am on fire!!
    Brian Theoret You rock Patti!
    Awesome day in the studio this week working on my second EP. Will played two different fender guitars on my songs Smoke From Spark. He is amazing!.
    I got the idea to have the sound of a match lighting in the song so we got to play with matches!! (Don’t tell my mom.)
    Creativity is on fire!
    I did this story this morning for The Independent. So fun when a story get millions of hits. Her Alpha cues in the photo are over the top. I feel it important to read “Grumps” body language, but today was a nice break!
    Celebrities receive a lot of scrutiny when they grace the red carpet, especially when they arrive as a pair. As one of the most famous couples on the planet, it should come…
    Colette Carlson How wonderful!
    Just found an article I am quoted in. Sometimes publications find other articles I have been quoted in to create their article.
    It's not what you say, it's how you say it. It's a cliché, but it's true. Body language is a crucial part of communicating. The way you act can warp the entire meaning of what you're saying....
    Will and I are doing something new in the studio on my secound EP. Yesterday we were reworking my song "Crazy Making" and he asked me to send hom videos of the music I thought of when I wrote it. I had two diverse influences one a "Stand by the piano in a smokey cocktail bar wearing a long dress and white gloves like Diane Washington and the other was a country version ala Patsy Cline. We recorded the country version and I realized as much as I loved the music it didn't fit t...
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    From the album "My Gentleman Friend" - 1959
    Hi all. There’s s name for a placement of our article on s a newspaper called “ Above the fold” meaning that your story is on first page at the top. I love that spot. Also in magazines or newspaper articles you want your name and your book mention to be first expert mentioned in the article. Love that spot too! Got it !!!
    #8 is so telling.
    Hi all. My insights on “Signs Your Marriage is in Trouble” is going live. I will put the link in my next post. The posts with links rarely hit anyone’s feed since the new agolrythmd came out.
    This new study says that Cleaning makes you happier. I am a generous person. I would like to offer my house! Call me and come on over clean it from top to bottom and get happy! In fact, I want you to stay happy. Come twice a week!
    People who keep a clean home are not only happier, but more relaxed and focused than those who are messy, a new survey finds. What's more: children in cleaner…
    Patti Wood Hi Myra! Your up late with the storm too, I just finished a song! I found a new super cool restaurant. Let’s do dinner soon.