Gender Bias in Medical Care and What Woman Can Do.

According to the latest research, women do not get the same level of care from medical professionals especially when it comes to pain and most especially female gynecological pain.
I suggest a few actions for female patients. Ideally, interview gather physician recommendations before and interview possible doctor before receiving care.

In your first doctor-patient interaction share what your ideal working relationship would look like and ask them about how they interact.

Take responsibility for your own health if you have an issue. One concrete way of expressing your problem of pain is to keep a log/journal of your health, any problem you are having when and how it shows up, a description of the pain and what seems to increase and lesson it. Your activities and diet.
And if you have an issue/pain how it affects your everyday activities. For example, "I use to go out with my family to school games and walk the dog every day, but the pain is so exacting that....."
If you are in pain write down in as much detail as possible what the pain feels like.

It's helpful for the doctor to know what you have tried to do for your self-care and that you are not expecting pain medication. One of the biggest issues in healthcare is pain medication addiction and you don't want your health care issue. Be honest and forthwith.  Years ago I had an emergency room doctor treat me abobdially because he thought I was after pain medication, when in fact I was passing a kidney stone.

It's helpful to have good relationships with your doctors for many reasons. So be a good patient, but don't be a passive patient if you don't feel heard honored and respected. If you have a concern use my ERASER method to make a request for a change.

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at