How to look and feel more attractive Even On Bad Days When Your Feeling Down

How to look and feel more attractive

Be "UP!
Create Attractiveness energy confidence and by moving and holding your body “UP!” If you follow me you know that I created the label UP!  to describe all upward posture and movements and facial expressions such as head held up, gestures with up motions. When we are happy our body naturally moves up and holds itself up.

When you hold or move your body the way you would like to feel the posture actually sends a message to the brain, “Hey I am feeling hot, attractive ” As you hold your body the little pharmacy in your brain starts producing the chemicals that match that state, (in as little as a 40th of a second.) and pumps them into your body and you begin to feel up. The combination of your up posture and movement up and chemical "Up" state is felt by those around you.  They start to give you attentive nonverbal cues and that makes you feel more attractive. I call this the fake it till you make it technique. You only have to fake it for a fraction of a second before it actually affects how you feel.

Attractions is also communicated by gestures. Our eyes are designed to go towards movement so our ancestors could find food when they hunted and prospective romantic partners and others are drawn towards the movement. Also, Research shows that charismatic leaders use gestures four times as many as others do when they talk. Charismatic speakers from Orpah and Martin Luther King from Cesar Chavez to your favorite motivational speaker punctuate almost every sentence with a strong gesture. 

Choose how YOU want to feel. 
You chose a word that expresses how you want your listener to feel, then choose a word that expresses how YOU  would like to feel in a particular situation and then get into a posture that matches it. So if your word is Beautiful or Confident you put your body in an open position, arms away from your body, legs uncrossed, shoulder back, heart forward, extending eye-contact for as long as three seconds, and make your voice go down at the end of sentences. I shared this tip with one of my coaching clients and had him act out his word for a job interview.  He chose the word Excitement. He smiled and laughed as he finished doing it. He said that he didn't feel excited at the moment before he started moving his body, he felt afraid. But he said,:"... when I did it was weird" "I brought my shoulders back and smiled and put some energy in my voice. I really did get excited" "It felt like I had just had a big cup of Starbucks."

Lower your voice- a low voice is perceived as more sexy and attractive. In men, it’s a sign of testosterone that makes low voiced men more attractive to women and voices in women are perceived in the emotional center of the brains in men and low and soft voices are interpreted as more attractive.
 By the way, we tend to tighten the vocal chords when we are tense and the high, sometimes screechy sound does not sound sexy so move up your body language but bring down your voice.

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at