Malignant Narcissism and the "Collapse of Time" That Makes their Pain Never Ending

Many of you know I write about malignant narcissism. This article explains “ The collapse of time phenomenon” that explains among other things, why malignant narcissists lie with such conviction! They have to need to stay in the present moment. And why they bring up past events in a never-ending fashion and seek revenge!
Most of us have a sense of time that is liner like we are traveling on a train.
With a “collapse of time” events that occurred years ago carry the same emotional power (and impact upon decision making and behavior) as events occurring at the moment.
So a Malignant Narccissts lies to protect himself/herself at that moment.
Past hurts, hurt, just as much as they did when they first occurred so the MN’s pain is never-ending.
Since time is not linear, They need to save themselves now at this moment at any cost to anyone and don’t think about how their actions affect the future. Consequences don’t matter. There is no possibility of redemption.

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at