Steps to take to Connect to Others and Deal With Stress During the Corona Virus Outbreak.

  1. If you are reading this you have to "interact remotely" down and you can pivot and adapt to the need to do so. Your tech confidence gives you an advantage as we move through this challenging time.  
  2. Call on your network including your social media network for support and to offer support. How are they doing? What can you do for them? What are the critical things you need or may need as you and your network go through this? 

  3. You may want to initiate check-in rituals for your key friends family and contacts where you just talk about your day and how you are. You may be used to checking in all the time and having full access but that may be overwhelming so I would suggest a ritual be it Good morning contact, dinner chat or a good night sleep well chat. To give you and your network a sense of continuity and security. That way throughout your day if it's stressful you know you can hold it together or if something good happens you can look forward to sharing it in that check-in interaction. Start all your interactions with a request for information about THEM, don’t rush to share. It will really help to focus on other’s needs.
  4. If you don’t already have multiple ways to connect to treasured contacts make sure you have phone numbers and email addresses for people you interact with on social media. Do that today an also print it out and have a hard copy. You can print out your contacts on your phone easily
  5. Have something you can do at home that calms you and gives you the pleasure that is in no way tech-related. A pet, a musical instrument and a how-to-play training book, an art kit with paints, pens and such, and or hard copy books. Plan on a ritual every night of doing something that gets you off of tech and away from the news. 

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at