Body Language Expert and Executive Coach

I am a body language and human behavior expert and I have coached business owners and C-suite executives for over 20 years.
My work has always included being a sounding board as well giving coaching on leadership, presentation, team building, and interpersonal skills. I am offering more coaching on how to recognize and deal with the fraud that arises in turbulent times,
lead through technology, and how to help them pivot their businesses quickly to adapt to rapid changes as well as maintain and build a strong healthy culture and healthy communication in their family life.
For example, I have several clients that I have worked with to change everything from their outgoing phone mail messages for their businesses,
their greetings, personal check-ins, and goodbyes on one and one and calls and conference calls, as well as what they wear, have showing behind them on Zoom calls.  
I have coached clients that have had meetings with politicians, government officials, and the media.
I also coach on grief loss and trauma so I have been able to offer that support to my current clients, but as yet I have
not marketed that. I am a speechwriter and often help clients create humor for their speeches and now I have pivoted to also help them use humor on their
conference calls. Our marketing material for the topics is evolving and I am currently creating a new website for the company.  

My cell phone is 678-358-6160.

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at