My Dad's Magical Visit on Father's Day - The Perfect Parking Spot

I can’t believe this happened. My father always had a white convertible and always got the best parking spot anywhere we went. As a kid, I thought he had magical powers. Since he passed away, when I am out with my family and we get the perfect parking spot we joke that daddy’s with us. The day before Father's day friends, who were on their home from the classic car club event came to my house for a visit, but as they left their classic white convertible broke down and they ended up having to leave it at my house. They asked me to move my car so they could keep their vintage baby safe in my garage. The perfect spot. The next day I woke up Father’s Day, missing my dad with this photo of him and my sister and myself (I am in red) and his white convertible on my Facebook Timeline, and then I went to go outside and realized there was a white convertible at my house in the perfect parking spot. Yep, my father came to visit me for Father’s Day.

Here is my friend's classic white convertible. 

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at