Why We Take Off Our Shoes At the Door

Shoes are part of our “armor” that protects from harm and injury in the outside world They are also part of our “uniform’ to communicate status, and wealth as well as an “artifact” that communicated our style and personality. When we take our shoes off we feel safe physically and psychologically and can shed our need to communicate are artifices like status and style. For years as a body language expert, I have noticed how most people become more comfortable and relaxed when they take off their shoes in a house and interact. The shedding seems to help us become kids again, unpretentious and more vulnerable and playful.  Now shoe bottoms have been proven to carry germs, bacteria, and other pathogens so taking them off as we enter our home actually has a new meaning. I first noticed a shoe shelf at the door of my Physician niece's family house years ago and it made me realize how serious  And that is my home and or your home is sacred and I want to help you keep it safe so I shed the dangers I am carrying on my shoes when I enter your home.  So now the act of taking off shoes by friends and home service personnel like plumbers and such seems an act of consideration and honoring of your home. I encourage shedding shoes at my house by having a special pretty carpet and standing by the door where they see two pairs of shoes already there and place for theirs I don’t even have to say anything the “shoe station” communicated the ritual for me.