Selecting a Match Maker and or Dating and Relationship Coach

I am a body language expert, author, professional speaker, and coach. Years ago, when I began doing executive coaching to million and billion-dollar business owners and C-suite executives, I realized that many times the single executive men said they wanted management coaching. Still, their more profound need was to learn how to select mates, learn how to safely and effectively flirt, and form deep, meaningful relationships.

As you might guess, wealthy, successful singles sometimes find themselves sought after by people that want their money and power, so I teach body language and other healthy communication cues to know someone is credible and authentic. I also find that men and women high on the Driver and Correctors on the DISC type indicator are often successful. However, they may have trouble with the gentle back and forth flow of flirting and being still and listening that is required to create intimacy, and I teach those behaviors as well.  I also help them brainstorm places to go to meet future mates. I assign them tasks like joining a board on a nonprofit,  volunteering for Habit for Humanity, volunteering to help as a greeter, or sign in person at a nonprofit or art event, taking an in-person class on their interest in a university evening education program.

I don't advertise that portion of my business as I like how my executive coaching naturally creates a safe place for clients to seek that part of my coaching.

I advise people looking for a matchmaker or dating coach to look for someone who can assess their strengths and needs, coach them, give them "homework" assignments, and guide them through the growth process required to have a healthy, loving relationship.

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at