How can your space negatively impact your relationship? Decoration, Clutter and Your Relationships

How can your space negatively impact your relationship? Your space/territory is not only a reflection of you, your personality, your mood, and your energy it affects you profoundly.

If you have for example the clutter of too much stuff or merely make design and purchasing or decorating items that may mean something to you and give you pleasure, but have no meaning and nor give pleasure to you partner you may be sending the message I have all the power over this space and or my stuff is more important than you and your needs and pleasure.

How do things like clutter, not compromising over the interior
decor, etc. affect your relationship? In addition to what I shared above clutter may create a barrier between you and your partner. Sometimes that barrier is obvious such as pillows that keep your partner from sitting next to you on a sofa or getting near you in a bed. Or more subtle such as a collection of salt and pepper shakers Dolls or Star Trek or Sports memorabilia that take over the house and create clutter and dust and space for the other partner to mark his or her territory and or that take up the attention and time of a partner.

Sometimes it can be a color choice that significantly bothers a partner. For example, When my fiancé and I were getting ready to marry we talked about and redid my house to his comfort level. I had a turquoise guest bath that my fiancé hated as he thought it was too girly. I loved it but it was painful for him to even look at it so we went on home tours and he fell in love with this moss grey-green color and we went that day to get it and paint the bathroom and he was so extremely happy. I also had a collection of fiesta ware on display in the kitchen and he was a bit overwhelmed by it. It was not his favorite thing, but he knew I loved it so we compromised and we went through a scaled it back. I also had terracotta bunnies in the front yard and he again thought they were a bit too feminine and they were not that important to me so we moved them to the side yard.

What are some solutions to overcome these negative effects?

What are some other surprising home-related factors that could
have a negative impact? Lighting temperature and sound and size Some people like dark cool small quiet spaces that they can retreat to like a cave and recharge and relax.
So people like bright light airing large spaces filled with happy music. So creating spaces that give both partners their own happy space or that compromise on those needs is important for the overall mood of the members of the relationship. Again in my relationship, we had a cool lower lighting space to watch TV and the kitchen brighter. As a side note, when we were dating I painted my kitchen floor with bright colors like the partridge family bus. My sweetie was not overly fond of that floor, but to show me how much he loved me, he got down on one knee and proposed on that very floor!!! It was very symbolic of him embracing my happy bright personality!

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at