Nonverbal Green Flags Indications of Healthy Relationship with Long Term Happiness

By Body Language Expert Patti Wood


Eyebrow Raise We raise our eyebrows to make the eye's aperture bigger. It's often done because we like what we see, and we want more of it. If your partner raises his brows ever so slightly while you're talking, it means he's interested in whatever you're saying.

Eyebrow Flash Notice if he raises his eyebrows in a quick flash the moment he sees you. That is magical. We eyebrow flash when we first see people we love and trust. It signals both I like what I see, and I want more of it, and I am safe for you to approach. (A narrowed eye in greeting is the opposite and means the person may be focusing in for an attack)

Teeth Baring Grin- He shows you his Upper front teeth. In our primitive ancestors showing a full grin upper teeth grin, barring of the teeth can be a sign of aggression or great happiness. Boys typically stop smiling with the full upper teeth and gums showing around the age of 5 because it may be misconstrued as aggression. So they save it and typically only use that full barring teeth smile for when they are really happy,"  A man who loves you might not show off a toothy grin while casually flirting, but on a really comfortable and happy look to see if he shows a big grin. I tell my audiences to check out their wedding photos. If their groom/new husband is not doing a big upper teeth showing grin in the photos, it's a sign there may be problems in the relationship in the future. You man needs to show that he is safe and comfortable enough to show they grin and that he is often happy and joyful in your presence. ow in a big grin

Up and Back Chin when he laughs. That is a sign of true joy and happiness and typically indicates that he is very comfortable fully expressing joy in your presence. Notice if he does it when it's just the two of you.


He locks eyes with your face — not your eyes. You might think that a man enamored with you will find it hard to peel his eyes away. But now that everyone is used to being glued to their phones, constant eye contact can make people feel uncomfortable. That kind of stare is more indicative of a predator. That kind of gaze may seem hypnotic, but it's not a signal you're his prey. A man who likes you looks at your whole face! So, important rule: If he spends about 80 percent of your interaction looking from your eyes to your nose and lips, he cares for you. His eye contact should make you feel good and very comfortable. That's a signal that your central nervous system is calm and safe in his presence and that he wants to stay connected to you because it makes his central nervous system feel calm.  

He takes a deep breath when he sees you and smiles Yes, men do require oxygen, but this is a deep breath the moment you come into his view. Its limbic brain activated, and as he does it, he may pull in his stomach and puff out his chest.

The puffing is a subconscious way to make his upper body look broader and his waist looks smaller, two qualities that make him look more fit and, from an evolutionary perspective, more desirable. It should lift his upper body, and it should be accompanied by a smile and or eye contact with you. He may do this after you kiss, but you made him feel great!

When he holds your hand, he presses his palm against yours. This kind of full-fledged hand-holding signifies a desire to connect. The same goes for interlocking fingers, while an arched palm and less meshing mean he's scared or maybe holding something back (literally). Also, notice when they go to hold and when they drop the handhold. Who does he love and want to see him have hands with you?


He gives you your secret touch. Suppose you develop a secrete touch, perhaps to your side or a particular location on your back or kiss to the center or your forehead or a light touch on the back of your hand in the same spot. The location is typically someplace sweet, and the modality is special, say an extra squeeze in the handhold that is wonderful. That is your lovely, intimate little way of communication without words.


Lasts goodbyes and first greeting are for you. When he leaves the house. (with you in it)  you are the last person he touches and or talks to, and when he comes home, his first action is to go to you and talk to you or touch you. So primacy is the first thing you do, and Recency, the last thing you do, indicates how important a person, object, or action is to someone.



Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at