Patti Wood's Biography

Called the "Gold Standard" of Body Language by Washington Post and credited in the New York Times for bringing the topic to national attention Patti Wood is a true expert. Patti has degrees with an emphasis in Nonverbal Communication and taught Body Language at Florida State. She is the author of 10 books, Including SNAP Making the Most of First Impressions Body Language and Charisma, and she speaks and consults with Fortune 500 companies, associations, Federal State and City Government, Hospitals and Small Businesses. You see her on National TV shows like Good Morning America, The Today Show, The History Channel, and the National news. In addition, she is quoted every week in publications such as The Wall Street Journal, Psychology Today, Bloomberg Business Week, Fortune, Readers Digest, Good Housekeeping, Oprah, and USA Today.

A Sample of Patti’s Clients

 1st Franklin Financial Corporation

After Party Studios


American Management Assoc.

Atlanta Jewelry Show

Atlanta Leadership Conference


Over 150 State, Regional, National and International Associations

BDO File Exchange

BMG (Bertelsmann Music Group)




Coldwell Banker

Centra Technology, Inc.

Chase/ National Association of Realtors

City, County, State, and Federal agencies including the EPA, The FAA, The Federal Reserve, The IRS, and The CIA as well as various Law Enforcement Agencies, Judicial Agencies, and the Military

Coastal Construction Products

Columbia Greene Board of Realtors

Community Bankers Association


Del Monte/Coyne PR

Department of Juvenile Justice


EMD Serono/Merk

The Federal Aviation Administration


Fayette and Newnan Coweta County Board of Realtors

The Federal Reserve


Fujitech America, Inc.

GE Health Care



Gwinnett County Police Dept.

Harvard Maintenance, Inc.

Harvard Services

Healthcare Providers Insurance Co.

Heraeus Precious Metals

Over 40 Health Care Groups, Medical Associations, and Hospital


Huntsman Performance Products

Hyundai Capital


IHG Hotel Group

Institute of Internal Auditors

International Car Wash Association

International Door Association

Invest Atlanta

ISM (Institute of Supply Management)

Kimberly Clark

Levenfeld Pearlstein LLC

Malibu Assoc. of Realtors

Marco Cable

Merril Lynch


NANT (National Association of Neonatal Therapists)

NAPFA (National Association of Personal Financial Advisors)

NASW (National Association of Social Workers)

National Alliance for Grieving Children

National Cancer Institute

National Entrepreneur Center

National Funeral Directors Assoc.


Ogilvy Action PR.


Park N Fly

Pearl Street Productions

Pfielder Enterprises, Inc.




RNDC (Republic National Distributing Company)

Select Management Resources, LLC

SEMA (Specialty Equipment Market Association)

Shaw, Inc.


Syamarat, LLC

Texas A&M University

Texas NANT

Texas Roadhouse Restaurants

The Benefit Company

The Exchange

The Southern Company

Thomas Hortstemeyer LLP

TW Cable

UCB Pharma

Over 20 Colleges and Universities

Vistage International

Walt Disney World. Co Disney Entrepreneurs

The Wharton School of Business

Women of Power Conference

Zapata Technology, Inc.




Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

Patti's most popular high energy interactive programs Patti Wood MA, CSP. Communication Dynamics Inc. Patti Wood's Programs, Program Descriptions Patti Wood

Patti's Most Popular High Energy Interactive Programs

Patti Wood MA, CSP

Communication Dynamics Inc.


First Impressions and Body Language

You meet someone, and on average, within 10 seconds, you decide whether or not you like them. Would you like to learn how that first impression forms? Is your gut reaction accurate? In this program, you will learn to read the thousands of nonverbal cues hidden between hello and goodbye to make your interactions more genuine and productive. Patti has done years of research on the topic to create this high-energy, interactive program based on her book SNAP Making the Most of First Impressions Body Language and Charisma. It is excellent for an opening keynote or after-dinner speech. Participants practice their 10-count intuition, meeting and greeting, head nods, side by sides, and last chance dance throughout the meeting/conference.


Success Signals — Body Language in Business

Have you ever been to a business meeting and wondered what someone was thinking? Would you like to change your power and confidence through a simple shift in body language? Would you like to have the winning edge in sales and negotiations? Do you know how to spot a liar? Eye blinks to head tilts, palms up to leg locks. Based on Patti's research and books, this top-rated program teaches you to read and use body language to become aware of hundreds of secret messages. The insights will help you gain and maintain your business relationships.


Body Honesty, Building Credibility and Trust and Detecting Deception - A client says he had no problems with investment and rubs his nose. Do you know what that means and what to say and do next? You share critical information with a client but hide the palms of your hands. Will they trust you? What can you do next? Your client tells you she feels comfortable with the results of your investments then sweeps her upper lip with her tongue. What does that mean, and what should you say and do next? How can you create deep, authentic trust and connection? Can you read body honesty? In this interactive program, you will learn to watch for cues and use questioning techniques and unique "monitoring" cues of your own to check for honesty. In addition, you will learn how to be credible in your business and personal relationships.


 The Conflict Cure

Like traffic and taxes, conflict is inevitable. So many times, when you're dealing with a difficult person or situation, you often feel powerless. You think, "There is nothing I can do." But you do have power. You do have choices. In a conflict, you can see the other person as the enemy or choose non-defensive Options. This program will teach you clear, practical decisions to handle attacks and criticisms. This program helps you: analyze the choices you make in conflict, understand the origin of the conflict, utilize the seven Handshake Options, and integrate conflict management tools into your daily life.


Pitch Perfect - Nonverbal Skills to Enhance Your Pitch Meetings.

This program will teach you how to have a professional presence to pitch to high-level executives and wealthy individuals and learn and win over everyone easily. You will learn how to read the audience and their nonverbal cues that show their level of interest, understanding, and whether they are convinced and in agreement. You will also generate active participation and skillfully seek and answer questions. Based on Patti's books, Easy Speaking - Dynamic Delivery, Easy Speaking - Q and A and Dealing with Difficult Audiences and her chapter on presentation body language in the National Speaker Association's book, Paid to Speak.


  • Nonverbal Methods to prevent problems before they happen
  • How to meet and greet with finesse
  • Use the agenda method to make Q and A work for you
  • Practice three ways to get potential trouble-makers on your side before you even begin to speak
  • 12 secrets of making Q and A the best part of your presentation
  • Learn five ways to recapture the attention
  • Learn three ways to encourage participants to talk and participate
  • Learn four ways to project powerful, self-confident body language so you don't get attacked
  • Learn two ways to use your voice to project power and self-confidence
  • How to use breathing to relax with a tough audience and other methods to counter anxiety and stress
  • How to close and call to action with confidence


You Can Depend on Me — Teamwork, Team play and Teambuilding

Support, sharing, synergy. This program is a highly participative formula for creating esprit de corps. Participants walk out with a feeling of connectedness and have specific tools for nurturing teamwork. The program can also include: strategic planning, creating vision and mission statements, using personality type assessment, developing creative problem solving, learning team project tools, and mastering change.

People Savvy! - Use DISC Personality Type and Teambuilding Insights to understand yourself and others to get things done and get "buy-in," follow-through, and enthusiastic participation in the meeting and on projects, tasks, and goals. In this high-energy, interactive, and humor-filled program, you will learn your DISC personality style, recognize other people's personality styles, and use DISC to improve every communication in your life. 

Enhanced Listening techniques - Today's professionals need to listen more than ever. That means listening with enhanced focus. This course will show you how to become the kind of listener people open up to, respect, and admire. It will help you give and receive the right message and make the most of every conversation. Using the latest research, insights, and tools, you will become a listener who gets things done, accomplishes your goals quickly, assigns tasks that are completed easily, and successfully presents and sells their ideas.

How to Have Effective Meetings - The purpose of this workshop is to develop practical face-to-face, video conference, and phone meeting skills. Eleven million meetings are held in the U.S. each year. The average executive spends 3½ hours weekly informal meetings. In addition, many of us spend half of our business day in formal or informal meetings. In this workshop, you will learn; ways of involving others in solving problems and making decisions. How to give individuals with different personalities the opportunity to share information, plan, criticize, praise, or find out what went wrong with previous meetings. Also, ensure that meeting goals and actions set in place in the meeting are carried out.


Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at


Clayton and Susie's Body Language, The Bachelor Couple on TikTok

Another Bachelor season has come and gone, and there’s a new couple taking social media by storm. OK, so Clayton Echard and Susie Evan did not technically finish the show together (ahem, she told him that it was over and they weren’t each other’s “persons”), but they reunited after filming had wrapped and have been making memories (and TikToks) in the four months since. On March 17, the couple posted one of their first videos together, and Echard and Evans’ body language on TikTok reveals a lot about their growing romance—and it’s still a work in progress.

The rest of the article at the link

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

Dating Recommendations for Extroverts.

Extroverts – Extroverts, especially extreme extroverts, love loud, fast-paced, overlapping conversations filled with energy. Extroverts may think an introverted date is a great listener, but it may be because they are not given a turn to talk as they need silence to speak. So introverts can feel talked over and interrupted when extroverts feel they are just having a great energetic conversation.


So extroverts on dates can overwhelm introverts and may seem like a selfish, self-absorbed show-up. So to make introverts feel comfortable, they need to ask them open-ended questions; ask them to tell about a fun vacation or the best thing that has happened in their life recently. Then let them go for it and be silent (TOUGH FOR EXTROVERT.) According to research, Introverts like as much as 8 seconds of silence after being asked a question before they have formed the perfect answer and are ready to speak. Give introverts more eye contact even when they are pausing. Extroverts sometimes drop eye contact when an Introvert is talking softly or pausing. A listener should give more eye contact than the speaker. Research suggests that if you want to have good rapport, you should maintain eye-contact 60 to 70 percent of the time that someone speaks to you. Females have been shown to be better at this than men and need more eye contact from listeners to feel comfortable in the conversation

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

How to Recognize and Deal with Passive Aggressive People and Malignant Narcissist's at Work

Definition of Passive-Aggressiveness

In my book, THE CONFLICT CURE, I define them as people that don't deal with conflict directly and honestly. Instead, they may pretend that everything is great, but they may hit you, the team, or the project with a dagger later.

Signs of Passive-Aggressiveness

Complain to other people                

They leave the room without saying anything about how they feel but then don't do the work, sabotage it, or delay doing it.

Give a "Cover Smile" over their true feeling, so you think everything is great but then do something behind the scenes.

Say, "I'm sorry," then repeat the offending behavior.

Use sarcastic humor or teasing to put down you or other team members and then say they are "Just joking," but the message in their humor is caustic.

Give an excuse for late or poor work on bad behavior, then repeat it. 

Seem fine to the person's face then bad mouth them behind their back

Gossip about people they don't like


Sabotage the next project if they don't like what they have to do for someone.


Passive-Aggressiveness increases in toxic work environments, especially in groups with bullies and malignant narcissists and in situations where people at the top don't know and or don't care how employees feel.


What to Do


It's essential to find out how they are genuinely feeling as soon as possible, have them reveal it, and then deal with it directly, openly, and honestly.


So if you ask someone, "Can you get it for me Friday?" and they say "Yes." but give a brief grimace, pull their lips into their mouths, and pull their upper body back, their nonverbal cues are telling you they don't want to do it. Those cues tell you what the person truly feels. Please don't call them out on their behaviors; instead, investigate the problem and seek a comfortable, honest conversation.

Here is a further explanation of how to get usually passive-aggressive people to be more open, honest, and upfront.

"How do you feel about the contract?" or  "Can you get that for me by Friday?" you look for "Comfort Cues" someone gives off like shuttering their eyes, rubbing their nose or pushing up their sleeves, or freezing in place, and not matching or mirroring body language


From now on, you can find the truth and gain trust with phrases such as:

"What would make it easier to get it done by Friday?"

"What would make it challenging for you to get it done by Friday?"

"What changes should we make in our systems to make it easier?

"Do you want to share what's on your plate so we can re-prioritize?"

 Malignant Narcissist

1.    Lack of empathy,

2.    Need to look down on others with scorn

3.    Find Pleasure in Depriving or hurting others

4.    Play Victim Lay Blame of Don't Change.

5.    Break Boundaries

6.    Use flattery and compliments excessively

7.    Talk behind your back about you.

8.    Pit people against each other.

To deal with them

Some research suggests that their brains don't show the normal neural pathways to the brain's pleasure centers. So instead of feeling happy when someone they love is happy, they feel good when they CONTROL the happiness of others. They become addicted to the sense of power they have over someone's happiness


Malignant Narcissists crave Narcissistic Supply. They seek and create drama. So if you have to interact with them, you can Go "grey" or what is called grey rock, giving them emotion, no anger,  not a victim like not passive, not powerful, just boring, using a monotone voice and as little expression as possible, no matter what they do to trigger you or those around you. If they want to talk, talk about the boring aspects of your day, if they talk d Will a Narcissist Come Back After No Contact? Don't give any feedback. Be dull if they get mad. Don't be triggered. You can simply listen say you get it. You can also tell them you need to go and leave any attempt by them to create drams.

The other option is NO CONTACT which means no contact, which is not always possible.

I have heard stories from my clients who did business with some of the most famous MN, such as Jeffery Epstein and Steve Bannon, and most of those stories end with them quitting their jobs or ending business relationships.


Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

Does Familiarity Make Someone More Attractive? How Can You Become More Attractive to Someone?

I am a body language expert, with degrees with an emphasis in Body Language and Nonverbal Communication. Just as the research on song shows that repetitive lyrics increase the liability of a song and the repeated playing of a song increases our liking of a song there is “Familiarity Breeds Liking and Attractiveness. Effect” I use to teach this to my students in my Body Language Class at Florida State and now I teach in my corporate training on first impressions and sales.  I told my college students “If you like someone and don’t know how to ask them out find a way to casually cross their path on campus even if just to wave or smile Don’t stalk them just pass by them once a day or once a week and overtime the familiarity breeds liking and attractiveness effect” has the potential to make the person find you attractive. This familiarity opens the possibility of a connection. Nonverbal Communication Research and Research on Attractiveness sometimes called this the “Exposure Principal.” The Exposure principle has also been shown to increase our perception of someone’s intelligence. 

Here is a research study on the topic. 

A group of 22 single people was shown pictures of 112 faces that had rated reasonably highly on a 9-point scale of attractiveness and were then asked to give their own rating out of nine.

The photos kept scrolling so faces were shown multiple times and the scores out of nine increased when faces were shown multiple times.

Rather than love at first sight, it seemed that participants experienced love at fourth sight, which was when the repetition effect was strongest. 

At the same time, the brains of the participants were scanned for electrical activity and the pattern was backed up — the more times people saw faces, the more brain wave activity associated with excitement took place.

“Much to their surprise, people often find themselves drawn to individuals after multiple encounters, even when there was no initial attraction. Cupid’s arrow is often slow to strike. An important part of the phenomenon may be attributable to the gradual change in attractiveness from repetition,” Psychologist Dr Ravi Thiruchselvam told the Daily Mail.

Not sure whether this study is encouraging for those of us who don’t have Ryan Gosling wow-factor, or a little creepy that we can effectively be brainwashed into finding people attractive if we see them enough. But it seems that when it comes to flirting if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

Convention and Conference Speech and Breakout Sessions Topics Patti Wood M.A. Communication Dynamics Inc.

SNAP -Making the Most of First Impressions and Body Language Skills and Insights for the First Five Minutes

Patti is the author of, “SNAP Making the Most of First Impressions Body Language and Charisma”

You are using up to 10,000 nonverbal cues in the first minute of interaction to form a SNAP impression that determines how you’ll interact with that person in that particular situation and you’re sending cues that determine what they think of you! Patti is an internationally known expert in Nonverbal Communication. In this high-energy, interactive, humor-filled program you will learn how body language and first impressions impact your interactions, improve the signals you send, and your ability to read others. Based on Patti's research and book, “SNAP Making the Most of First Impressions Body Language and Charisma” this "Wow!" filled program will share the secrets inside each face-to-face and over the phone interaction. If you google Patti Wood, body language, first impressions, and or handshakes, you will see the amazing insights your audience members can gain in this program.


Getting What You Want From People

If you have an important idea to communicate to someone and you need to buy-in, you have a task to assign to someone and you want to make sure they follow through, or you want to make sure you will get enthusiastic participation, what’s the best way to present your message? You need to consider the personality of the person you are going to talk to and form a message and delivery style that suits them. Using DISC personality this program will teach you how to communicate more effectively.

Stand and Deliver
How to Deliver an Audience Focused Presentation
Patti is the author of “Easy Speaking”

 Whether you are a beginner or seasoned presenter, this training will enhance your abilities by giving you fresh, new tools to deliver dynamic, audience-focused presentations. Practicing these new techniques will help you powerfully connect with the audience, create buy-in and excitement.


Body Language and Deception Detection

Would you like to know the newest research and cutting-edge techniques to discover if someone is telling you the truth or lying?  Would you like to learn how to ask questions to get the most honest answer and or question effectively if you think they are lying? You need to be aware of what customers are saying to you and you need to be closely monitoring for honesty and deception cues given non-verbally. In addition, you will learn how to present yourself credibly in your business and personal relationships.

The Conflict Cure -Giving and Getting Criticism Effectively

Patti is the author of, “The Conflict Cure”

Do you ever feel that people are getting ruder? Perhaps all the pressure we are under is just making it harder for us to "play well with others."  After years of training people on interpersonal skills, my participants are telling me that there their coworkers are not as "co" as they used to be, and their customers can sometimes be very upset, and sometimes it is difficult to deal with our working relationships.  This program is designed to give you tools to gain confidence and skills to prevent and deal with conflict-related to giving and receiving criticism. 

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

Why We Take Off Our Shoes At the Door

Shoes are part of our “armor” that protects from harm and injury in the outside world They are also part of our “uniform’ to communicate status, and wealth as well as an “artifact” that communicated our style and personality. When we take our shoes off we feel safe physically and psychologically and can shed our need to communicate are artifices like status and style. For years as a body language expert, I have noticed how most people become more comfortable and relaxed when they take off their shoes in a house and interact. The shedding seems to help us become kids again, unpretentious and more vulnerable and playful.  Now shoe bottoms have been proven to carry germs, bacteria, and other pathogens so taking them off as we enter our home actually has a new meaning. I first noticed a shoe shelf at the door of my Physician niece's family house years ago and it made me realize how serious  And that is my home and or your home is sacred and I want to help you keep it safe so I shed the dangers I am carrying on my shoes when I enter your home.  So now the act of taking off shoes by friends and home service personnel like plumbers and such seems an act of consideration and honoring of your home. I encourage shedding shoes at my house by having a special pretty carpet and standing by the door where they see two pairs of shoes already there and place for theirs I don’t even have to say anything the “shoe station” communicated the ritual for me. 

Do Face Coverings, Masks Help or Hinder Defendants in Jury Trials, Body Language of Elizabeth Holmes

Elizabeth Holmes' lawyers stated before trial that Holmes had a "strong preference" to go unmasked in the courtroom, but she did not challenge the judge's decisions regarding mask-wearing. Photo by Nick Otto/AFP via Getty Images.

Before her fall from grace, Elizabeth Holmes’ ability to court and charm establishment luminaries fueled her meteoric rise as head of Silicon Valley blood-testing company Theranos. In her ongoing criminal fraud trial, she might be hoping she can work the same magic on jurors.

But could wearing a mask weaken her defense and make her less likable in the eyes of the jury?

That question appeared top of mind for her defense team in the run-up to her federal criminal trial, which began in August in San Jose, California. Her lawyers told Judge Edward Davila that she had a “strong preference” to go unmasked. But with COVID-19 cases trending upward because of the delta variant, the judge said he would allow only testifying witnesses to go without masks. Attorneys do not have to wear them while examining witnesses.

Judges across the country are balancing public health with the right to a fair trial. In some cases, they have left it to defendants to decide if they want to wear a mask in front of jurors. And while Holmes’ case is a high-profile example, the subject of mask-wearing and whether it helps or hinders defendants is broader concern for both civil and criminal defense lawyers. They know that the nuances of facial expressions and body language are as much a part of courtroom dramas as explosive witness testimony or damning smoking-gun evidence.

Link to the rest of the article.

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

Elizabeth Holmes Body Language, The CEO of Theranos, The Inventor: Out For Blood in Silicon Valley By Body Language Expert Patti Wood

 What does the body language of Elizabeth Holmes, the founder, and CEO of Theranos tell us? In June 2018 she was accused of fraud by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). (Holmes and Theranos' former COO, Sunny Balwani, who was also charged, have pled not guilty to the charges.) After the publication of journalist John Carreyrou's Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup, and ABC's podcast The Dropout, HBO has now thrown its hat into the ring with its documentary The Inventor: Out For Blood In Silicon Valley.

 The documentary is the first to compile footage of Holmes in the context of the accusations that the company's machines did not work. And this new flood of footage has people wondering what Elizabeth Holmes' body language says about her — especially that whole not-blinking thing. Patti Wood, an expert in deception detection and author of the book SNAP — Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language, and Charisma, tells Bustle that "laser focus" allows people to charm those around them.

"It's a charismatic body language behavior. When you're in their presence, you feel like you're the only person in the entire world, that you're the center of their focus and attention," she explains. "It's a superpower, really, and it affects your ability to think logically and go to your [brain's] neocortex and analyze what's going on because it feels so good."

 Holmes founded the healthcare company that eventually became known as Theranos in 2003 at age 19, after dropping out of Stanford. The company claimed to be developing technology that could analyze a fingerprick's worth of blood to detect myriad health problems. Before Theranos was accused of fraud, Holmes was lauded as the next Steve Jobs and became the youngest self-made female billionaire in the world. However, the technology was eventually shown not to be functional and the company was defunct by 2018, according to a Theranos timeline of events reported by Business Insider.

 As people try to unravel the mystery of how Holmes was able to court investors to fund the development of a product that allegedly did not work, many have made mention of Holme's ability to focus on people without blinking.

Wood says this prolonged eye contact is part of the laser focus tactic. She explains that the four factors of a first impression are credibility, likability, attractiveness, and power. When you're dealing with someone who is highly charismatic, the last three factors override your need to find the person credible, she says.

While anyone can fall prey to a charismatic person who is not well-intentioned, there are some red flags to be aware of. "Watch out for 'robots,'" Henderson advises. "If the person you are with looks a bit stiff and robotic, [it means] they are gesturing without any connection to their spine in an attempt to suppress their real behavior. Essentially, they are putting on a show for you which is not genuine and could be a scam."

Additionally, Wood says that your body may alert you that the person you're dealing with is being less than truthful. You might feel unsettled, uncomfortable, or experience a rapid heart rate. Sometimes this can be mistaken for excitement. 

Patti's additional notes 

Signs of a Dangerous Person

Trust your gut. Your central nervous system alerts you to danger. Your limbic brain alerts you through sight, sound, touch, smell, and kinesthetic cues.  Your body may tense or freeze. You may feel heavy, oddly fatigued, or pumped up, nauseous, or headache or just have an odd feeling that something is off.  If you think you may be scammed, it is your limbic brain reading their behavior at a subconscious level. And alerting you with that 'Ask questions, see if you are right, or simply end the interaction. 


Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

Clayton And Susie's Body Language At “After The Final Rose” The Bachelor, Secrets and Insights into The Bachelor Body Language

The link to the Video is below this article

Clayton Echard’s season of The Bachelor was tumultuous, but he eventually got his happy ending (even if it didn’t involve a proposal). During the live finale on March 15, Echard revealed that he and Susie Evans reunited post-show and that they’re in a happy relationship now. Still, Echard and Evans’ body language at “After The Final Rose” was full of tension, according to a body language expert — not exactly the comfortable ease you’d expect from two people deeply in love.

Of course, some awkwardness is to be expected. The last time audiences saw this duo together, Evans was leaving Echard brokenhearted in Iceland. Not to mention, before that, he unkindly asked her to leave, and Evans said that he made her feel like a “stray dog.” And lest we forget! This same night, Evans had to watch Echard devastate his two other exes, Gabby Windey and Rachel Recchia, in Iceland and hear them confront him in real-time.

With that kind of history, it only makes sense that taking their romance public could be a source of stress for Echard and Evans — and it’s palpable. Patti Wood, body language expert and author of SNAP: Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language, and Charisma, says, “They’re not good with each other under stress. They haven’t figured that out yet.” Here’s how she breaks down their “ATFR” interview.

During the couple’s sit-down with Jesse Palmer, Evans’ vocal cues and body language were all about regaining control. “She didn’t stop talking, she didn’t let [Echard] talk, she repeated herself — those are power language cues,” Wood says. “They indicate that she wanted to take power over the situation.” Considering Evans’ wasn’t been able to share her side of the story for the four months since filming ended, that determination to be heard makes total sense.

Evans’ body language sent a similar message. See how she sat down next to Echard? “You’ll notice that her body [her knees, pelvis, stomach, and face] is oriented toward [Palmer]. She felt challenged and had to defend herself, so she looked to who she felt was her criticizer or opponent.”

Wood also points out Evans’ posture. “Her shoulder was hunched forward and down to prepare for the battle.” Fortunately, Palmer came out of their ~brawl~ unscathed.

Deserved or not, Echard did not have an easy night — and the toll of it was apparent in his body language. In this interview, he seemed to know Evans needed control, but ceding it wasn’t necessarily easy. After sitting down, Wood notes that he “moved forward in front of her, [it’s] sort of a grab for attention.”

Still, he didn’t interrupt Evans’ spiel. While Evans spoke to Palmer, Wood notes how Echard “tilted his head in submission to keep eye contact with her as much as possible.” But that doesn’t mean that he felt at ease.

Wood points out the way Echard reached for Evans’ leg — “the fingertips are on and the thumb, but the hand is arched up, it’s almost fearful.” (Apparently, if it was a more comfortable stance, Echard’s palm would have been down and soft around her leg.) Though his hand eventually relaxed, Wood says that “the first touch is critical” in body language analysis.

Here is the link to the video I analyzed and the full article. 

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

Dating and Relationship Tips From Body Language Expert Patti Wood

Answers to questions from Medium Magazine about Dating.

1.  What do you think about dating apps?

They work well if you are levelheaded. Do your research on the person you chose to interact with and head warning signs/red flags that someone is deceitful or dangerous.

2.  What tips would you give to someone who has to go on a first date? I am not sure why you say, "..has to go on a first date." You shouldn't feel forced to go on a first date. The essential tips would be to pick a safe place, let friends know where you are and who you are meeting, plan on the way to exit if you need to gracefully. If you don't feel happy and excited about the prospect of dating the person rethink the date. Have topics you like to talk about and that they may enjoy discussing. And number one, be interested and curious about your date. Expect to have a good time! You are discovering a new human being, and that is glorious.

3.  Choose one of the following questions:

o    What are some great conversation starters for a first date? Why?

What's the best thing that has happened in your life in the last week? In the last year?

What's the most unique positive thing about you? Examples: One set of twins, lived in another country, have skied in the Swiss Alps, you volunteer at Foodbank, you have lobbied with your Representatives for World Peace. You have been in the parade at Comic-Con. You are asking for a positive story. This question leads to great conversations and insights.

Who is a person in your life that is your True North, the most hones credible person you know? What kind of behavior do they demonstrate? What do they say?

4.  What are some original date ideas?

Do something fun, playful exciting. For example, Go on the Farris Wheel,  Blacklight bowling, Karaoke, an international farmers market, find a fruit or other food you haven't eaten, eat or cook it, go to a bookstore or library, and give each other a quest to find something in a book. You will get your adrenaline up and see how the other person enjoys the excitement and good adventure.

5.  How long should someone wait before entering a more serious relationship with someone? That depends so much on you. Do you feel comfortable and safe and your best self in their presence? Do they make you feel the world and other people in it are overall good? Do they like your friends and family. Do they speak well of people with whom they have close relationships? Do you feel good when you have spent 24 hours with them? Is your life even better because they are in it?

6.  In your opinion, what are some personality traits men find irresistible in women? Pretty, Laughs at their jokes/humor, Exciting.

7.  In your opinion, what are some personality traits men ( do you mean women? find irresistible in men? Funny, Tall, Handsome, good job/income.

8.  How can people find you?

9.  Do you have a book/online course/app you would like our readers to know about? Snap Making the Most of First Impressions Body Language and Charisma