How Can You Improve You First Impression? How Can You Improve Your Nonverbal Communication?

I suggest in my programs that people write down how they think people perceive them with a long list that includes things like, "Shy, happy, kind…." Then write down what their actual behaviors are under all the categories like, "I like to arrive 15 minutes early to all appointments, or I run about 15 minutes or more late everywhere I go,  I go straight to my desk in the morning and don't stop or make eye contact, I like to wear baggy comfortable clothes. Then look at just the list of behaviors, and beside each behavior, write how other people might perceive it, such as arrogant, lazy, uncaring, or unprofessional.

I also coach clients to do what I call "Check-ins." I teach them to do quick check scans up and down their body surroundings to see how others might perceive them. Whether that's a glace in the mirror before going out, an assessment of how you and your zoom box may appear to others by creating your own Zoom meeting and doing a check-in before a critical company Zoom call or check-in from toes to the top of your head to note important connection cues such as where your feet are pointed, if your knees are crossed, if the palms of your hands are showing, if you are making eye contact for longer than three seconds.  

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at