Is Their Tension in the Relationship Between Today's Shows Savannah and Honda? Human Behavior Expert Patti Wood

 Here is the video I analayzed.

 FYI I have been on the Today show with Savannah.

What is noticeable in the screen grab for the video is that Honda is in the background reaching under Savannah to taste and Savannah is looking directly at the Chef and speaking to the Chef while reaching out with her palm making a patting down motion in front of her to stop her and flicking her fingers toward the check to move her along.  We see Honda, ignore the command, but put her head down showing she is doing something, “Bad” and tasting it anyway as she gives a stuttered slightly tense, but still playful laugh.

In the short segment, Savannah is showing that she feels she is the grown-up, the parent, and in charge and feels like the laughing playful Honda is not paying attention to the rules. Savannah is more of a Corrector on the DISC personality assessment and wants to get things right and Honda is more a combination of the playful Influencer/ Supporter and their personalities clash in this segment. For years their personality differences have created the perfect balance on the show, but stress makes people go to their personality extremes, so Savanna is showing more perfectionism and Hondo is showing more of I just want to have fun carefree attitude.  

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at