The Most Serious Crises Facing Businesses in 2023

I am a consultant and professional speaker, and my core audience is business owners and C-suite level executives in million to multibillion-dollar companies. The number one issue has been and still is finding and keeping employees.

So many of my clients and audience members had issues like loyal employees who wanted to stay in their small town or the same city, and so they remained employees, but during covid, they were offered jobs with better pay and benefits where they could stay where they are, and work remotely for a company in another city.  

 I can't tell you how many business owners lament that they thought their employees were happy and "Like Family" but left for more money. They feel betrayed.

It's a combination of the employees having childcare issues,  being unhappy and not sharing it with their companies, being ok, but seeing greener grass offered, or owners and C-suite executives not being aware of just how dissatisfied their employees were. They talk to me about the difficulties, the time, and the money they now have to spend to find replacement employees.

 The other related cause is that their businesses have grown so much during the pandemic that they need to find many more employees.

I recommend

  • Getting consistent, timely, and specific feedback from employees on their job satisfaction, and
  • Exploring what you can do as a company to help employees with days off,  child care, and elder care issues.
  • Make sure your HR component is always actively looking for good employees
  • Give bonuses to employees that bring in a great new employee through their network. 

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at