What Can You Say to End a Conversation Politely? 37 Ways to End a Phone Call, Zoom or In Person Conversation Politely.


                                       by Human Behavior Expert Patti Wood         

Be aware of your last impression. Exiting, impression:  Have you ever had someone abruptly turn away and leave a conversation with you? How did it feel? We have forgotten how to say goodbye. Technology can train you to end text and social media conversations abruptly without the normal bridges to a positive goodbye. It may seem inconsequential but last impressions are critical. Research in Persuasion Theory shows that people not only remember their FIRST Impression of you but also their last, or lingering impression of you. Ideally, you want to end on a high note before the awkward lull.

 Knowing how to end a conversation well can not only improve people’s impression of you, but it can also increase rapport with the people you are conversing with and maintain positive emotions. It’s not just a form of good etiquette it’s an essential relationship-maintaining behavior. If you do it will. After the conversation, people will think, “I enjoyed that conversation.”  Ideally, you want to end on a high note before the awkward lull and link those good feelings with you. And want to maintain the relationship with you. Know as you use any of these phrases you can reach out your hand to shake hands goodbye or hug if appropriate as you say goodbye.

              You can be polite and a bit abrupt, but not necessarily end on a high note by saying -

  1. “Please excuse me.”
  2. “Please forgive me I need to go.”
  3. “Please excuse me, It was great talking, I need to go.”

Or You can show you were listening and end on a high note by saying -

  1. “I am so glad we talked. I enjoyed your story about your dog, that was so funny, It’s been great talking.”
  2. “Oh, that was a great conversation about (fill in the blank) I need to go. See you later.”
  3.   Forgive me, it was great catching up, I need to get to class. See you later.
  4.  “I enjoyed talking to you about______ forgive me I need to go now.”(Again this is a great option because it also lets the other person or people know you were listening.  
  5.  “Have a wonderful time with (Insert plans they shared about a future event.) See you later.
  6.  It was great talking let's meet this week for lunch. I need to get to class see you later.”
  7.  “Another thing I wanted to mention before I go_______” “See you later.”
  8. “Oh, I see Frank over there and I need to ask him about a meeting I missed.” Forgive me I need to go.”
  9. “Oh, I just noticed the time, forgive me I have to run. Let's talk again soon.”

Right now, write down or put in your phone three conversation exit statements that you would feel comfortable using. Also, notice what other people say as they leave a conversation in a way that makes you feel good. Of course, if the conversation seems to be winding down you can say goodbye. I know it might seem easier to just walk away or leave, but it feels better for everyone if you smile and say something to create closure and show the other person or people you respect them.  Sometimes it pays to stick around and/or make yourself visible. Stay after a meeting occasionally. Remember to always be respectful, use a friendly tone, and thank the person for the conversation. It's also a good idea to leave the door open for future conversations or meetings.

      Here are more ways to say goodbye gracefully.

  1. "It's been great talking with you about [topic of conversation]. I should get going now. I hope we can continue this another time!"
  2. "I'm glad we got to discuss [topic of conversation]. Unfortunately, I have to go now. It was really nice speaking with you."
  3. "Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me on [topic of conversation]. I have to leave now; I hope we can talk more about this in the future."
  4. "I enjoyed our conversation about [topic of conversation], I have to head out now. It was lovely talking with you."
  5. "I appreciate the insights you shared with me about [topic of conversation]. I'm afraid I have to go, but let's catch up again soon!"
  6. "Our chat about [topic of conversation] was really interesting.  I am sorry, have to go now. It was nice meeting you."
  7. "I learned a lot from our conversation about [topic of conversation]. I have to leave now. I hope we can continue this another time."
  8. "Thank you for sharing your perspective with me about [topic of conversation]. It was a pleasure speaking with you. I have to head out now."
  9. “I really enjoyed our conversation about [topic of conversation]. I'm sorry to leave so soon. Let's catch up again soon and continue where we left off."
  • Asking for forgiveness is a way of exciting a conversation.
  1. "Forgive me. I have another appointment. It was a pleasure talking to you."
  2. "I'm afraid I have to leave now. It was nice talking to you. Take care!"
  3. "I need to get going, but it was really nice to chat with you. Have a good day!"
  4. "I should head out, but it was a pleasure speaking with you. Let's do it again sometime."
  5. "I have to run an errand, It was really enjoyable talking with you."
  6. "I'm sorry to cut this short, but I have to be somewhere. It was nice meeting you, and have a good day!"

It's also a good idea to leave the door open for future conversations or meetings.

Giving a reason to end the chat.

  1. "I hate to end our chat, but I have to head out. It was great talking with you!"
  2. "I have a meeting coming up, but it was lovely speaking with you. Let's catch up soon."
  3. "It's been a pleasure talking with you, but I have to go now. Take care!"
  4. "I should get going, but I really enjoyed our conversation. Have a great day!"
  5. "I'm afraid I have to leave, but it was wonderful meeting you. Thank you for the chat."
  6. "I don't want to keep you any longer, but it was great speaking with you. Goodbye!"
  7. "I have to make my way to another appointment, but it was nice talking to you. See you soon!"
  8. "I need to head out, but it was a pleasure chatting with you. Let's do it again sometime."
  9. "I'm sorry to cut this short, but I have a deadline to meet. Thanks for the conversation!"
  10. “I hate to end our chat, but I have to head out. It was great talking with you!"

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at www.PattiWood.net. Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at www.snapfirstimpressions.com.