Why the SIX Second Kiss Hack Works to Increase Intimacy and Other Hacks You Can Use With Your Mate.

By Body Language and Relationship Expert Patti Wood

Recently, TikTok has become been sharing a six-second kiss relationship hack to increase intimacy and connection by kissing for six seconds or longer every day. 

Some of the reasons it works.

Time/chronemics is a nonverbal communicator. By extending a kiss to six seconds, instead of a quick peck you are communicating to your partner, you are worth more to me.

In addition, it may offer an opportunity for each partner to take a deep breath from the diaphragm and hold it and release it as they kiss, creating a moment with your partner to be connected for both pleasure and relaxation.

Also, the way we hold our body sends a message through the central nervous system to the brain to create matching chemicals and hormones. For example, the LOVE hormones oxytocin and vasopressin are produced in the part of the brain near the hypothalamus and cause stronger feelings of attachment. Those chemicals and hormones can be created and released back into the bloodstream in as little as a 1/40 of a second. Extending the kiss to 6 seconds extends and increases them.

Other rituals to increase connection that I recommend.

Hold hands more. Create an anchor cue, such as when you are out walking together at night, or as you stand in line at the grocery store or coffee shop, or when you sit together on the couch watch certain kinds of movies and or television shows as the time you hold hands. This creates a bonding ritual in your lives.

Intertwine your fingers occasionally to send a message that you are connected physically and emotionally.

When one of you is washing the dishes or standing at the kitchen counter or bar preparing food create a ritual where the other person comes behind you and hugs you gently for six seconds or more. This offers a bonding ritual, a sexual attraction signal, and a thank you to the partner who is providing a nurturing cleaning or cooking service to you.

Working out can increase adrenaline and research shows that there is a significant positive correlation between adrenaline and attraction. So you could create a ritual of either both of you working out and ending the workout with a long hug and kiss and or one of you working out and immediately going to your partner and giving them a long sweaty hug and kiss.

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at www.PattiWood.net. Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at www.snapfirstimpressions.com.