How to Improve Your Ability to Read People. How to Know if Someone is Safe Or Dangerous, Using Your Central Nervous System to Read Peopleorth Technique,

How can you improve your intuition?

Your central nervous system is your human lie detector, your early warning system for potential stress and danger. When you feel safe, when something feels right and true, and when you are with a good honest person with integrity your central nervous system is calm. It alerts if there is danger.

For example, your limbic system can read thousands of nonverbal cues in a fraction of a second in fact when you meet someone.

  1.   Receive the visual image of a person's face in a hundredth of a second.
  2.  Analyzes details in a quarter of a second.
  3. Synthesize all the information into a single whole.
  4.  Recognizes this face out of thousands, memory details second.
  5. Interprets expression on the face…
  6. Forms feelings toward the person
  7. Decides what to do with the person.
  8. Adjust the body to deal with them.

 How can you tell if someone is honest, deceitful, or dangerous?

When you are in the presence of an honest person who has integrity your body calms and unfolds, breathing deepens moving from high in the chest to the belly.

When you are in danger your Limbic system will respond with the Freeze, Flight, Fight, Fall/Faint, or Friend Response. Think of a squirrel in the road in response to your car coming at them. When we are stressed, doing something wrong or dangerous, or when we are in the presence of someone who is out of integrity, lying, or doing something dangerous our limbic system immediately gets the body ready. A first early warning perhaps hairs may rise on your arms and legs, and your body will tense and tighten, your blood pressure will rise, your heartbeat will increase, your cortisol levels may rise, your breathing rate may increase, you may perspire and you may flush to the surface of the skin or leave you pale as you freeze in place and or rushes to your extremities so you can flight and flee... As your blood pressure increasing the blood mu our blood pressure may rise your run-and-fight breathing may increase, at any point, your mouth could go dry, you could have trouble swallowing or yawning, you may perspire heave, start to heave, and or fight-breathing may increase, your heart rate may increase anymore, you may perspire, go dry mouth, have trouble swallowing, blink and you may feel nauseous, YOUR GUT FEELS BAD. You may Freeze in place holding your body tense and tight, Flight -you may pull back down or away, point or bounce your feet towards an exit, Fight -tense up and form your hands into fists, feel faint, and or Friend you may smile, tilt your head and lower and sweeten your voice to sound unusually passive, even childlike or seductive or charming its accommodating passivity.

You may give off Comfort Cues when you are with someone bad or in a dire situation. For example, you may hug yourself, hold your hand touch your face, adjust your clothing, hold on to the chair arms, or clutch an object because. Touch stimulates the nerve endings in the

skin so it sends signals to the brain to release calming endorphins. When we are stressed, the brain wants to restore itself to “normal” condition. The brain will enlist the body to provide comforting touch behaviors. In other words, the brain requires the body to do something that will stimulate nerve endings to release calming endorphins in the brain so that the brain can be soothed.

AGAIN, THIS IS COMPLETELY DIFFERENT TO HOW YOU FEEL IN THE PRESENCE OF A True North person. In the presence of a True North good person or a good situation, your body warms and relaxes, you feel safe, comfortable, calm, and sometimes both calm and energized in their presence. With free open relaxed body movements and gestures, you may even notice that your breathing changes, moving from high on your chest to your belly, is easy full, and deep with regular interval flowing breaths, and your voice changes, becoming warmer, fuller, and richer. You feel you can be fully yourself, say and do anything.

Below is a very short video of me talking about this and the technique to know if you are with a good person you can trust.

You feel good after you are with them. You can get a highly charged feeling of euphoria when you meet the Right Person, which means you still feel good after you are with them. Your body has not had to go overdrive, so you feel good. When you are with an emotionally toxic person, your central nervous system goes on in overdrive to protect you. It may push tons of adrenaline and cortisol into your system while you are with them, giving you a high, but that is your body in danger mode of Freeze, Flight Fight, Fall, or Friend response. It is quite different from the pleasant limerence high of love, and one of those differences can be monitored by how you feel AFTER you are with them and how you feel when you are about to see them. Do you think overstimulated with racing thoughts and worries about what you said and did or what they might say or do, or are you pleasantly excited?

2) How can someone tell if a gut feeling is based on emotion versus intuition? Why is this an important distinction? There is a difference between stereotypes and intuition. Stereotypes are based on past experiences and prejudice and are formed in the neocortex where word language is formed and is extremely low in accuracy, and you can feel highly emotional about your stereotypes or preconceptions. Intuition or your gut response should take place in the limbic system where emotions and body language are processed and is based on thousands of cues you're able to detect and process so quickly that you may not be able to have words to describe how you know

3) How can believing you are lucky increase your chances of being lucky? How does curiosity relate here and increase your chances for positive opportunities? Pay conscious attention to what your body is saying to you. When you are with new people, are in new situations, or making a decision do a “Check In” scan of your body. What is your body language? Are you relaxed or tense? Is your body open or closed? Write it all down. Record your gut instincts. Then see if you were right. The more you notice, the more you can improve. Research says that Judges are some of the best judges of deception detection because they meet new people and have new situations, they have a gut feeling they typically have notes on that feeling and then they see if they are right and keep improving.


Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at