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Showing posts with label celebrity body language. Show all posts
Showing posts with label celebrity body language. Show all posts

Brad & Angie In Sync

Life & Style's body language expert, Patti Wood, reveals what it means when a couple have their "bottom lips jutted out." Don't wonder, check it out at the link below!

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

Cuddling, Teasing, Holding Hands.....What Do They Mean?

According to US Weekly's body language expert, Patti Wood, Richie and Madden presented a united front in an interview with Diane Sawyer. Discover what their body language revealed at the link below.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

Who Has It, Who's Faking It?

Cosmo's body language expert, Patti Wood, analyzes the Red-Carpet celebs' poses. Who is confident and what are the gestures that reveal it? Find out more at the link below.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

What Do Handholds Reveal

First For Women's body language expert, Patti Wood, reveals what handholds say about duo dynamics....Kate Hudson and Anne Hathaway in the "Mommy Hold" and Ellen Page and Drew Barrymore in the "Thumb Wrestle." What does the "Tense Twist" reveal about Fergie and Ashlee Simpson-Wentz? Find out more at the link below.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

A Tight Twosome - Will They Last?

OK Magazine's Body Language expert and Success Signals author, Patti Wood, reads Tony and Eva's body language. Click the link below to see what Patti says about this twosome.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at
Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube channel at

Videos of The Bachelor Jake and Vienna's body lanuage in their TV interviews and recent photos.

The bachelor, Jake Pavelka, and his fiancee Vienna, insights on their body language - Are they in love? Recent photos show them kissing for the cameras but I notice that she often hold her head up without the typical head tilt and forward face of a women that has just been proposed to. She may be worried about messing up her hair and makeup, but I would like to see both their faces reach out and press together. Look at their lower torso when they kiss. They stay separated.

What exactly do you see from their behavior? Well I see Jake hold her face in one photo to try to get her closer and I notice his finger in the photos where she is wearing a white coat oddly gripping her with just the tips of his fingers. (the showing the ring shot and the one kiss. That is not a grip of love or passion that is a grip to be holding her for the photo. She is all about that ring in the one photos and on Kimmel. But notice in the photo how she holds the hand forward to the cameras and not toward him to include him in. Many newly engaged women hold their hand the way she is but I love to see the hand towards the guy. I do like how she is leaning in to him in the ring photo. Below are links to videos of more of their appearances that they have made,

1. Jimmy Kimmel: (Part 1) (Part 2)
2. GMA:
3. Ellen Degeneres:
4. Regis & Kelly:
5. Also, they are always making out in public. We have three or four pics of them kissing passionately for the cameras. Contrived kissing or the real deal?

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel

Check out "The Bachelor Show" Jake and Vienna's Body Language on Jimmy Kimmel

Check out the Bachelor Show Jake and Vienna's Body Language on Jimmy Kimmel

Kimmel. Do you watch in together. legs are crossed toward Kimmel , normal but look at the hand holding the wrist and the closed eyes and pressed lips as he goes to put his arm all the way around her to hide her eyes, She didn’t like having to watch him with other women and she really didn’t like him taking the lime light and trying to control her in that Kimmel interview moment. Though she smiles as he take his hand and arm down she does a pacifying gesture touching her hand to her shoulder to get back to comfort.
Man protecting his woman. His legs are “I am man’ feet placed far apart and and he is up and forward he locks his shoulders in a protective position over Vienna. And he protects himself by holding his hands together .with his fingers interlocked in a log cabin.

I love how she nestles her shoulder into him as she talks about him or their relationship. She goes to comfort for him when Kimmel shows her photos of Jake with his dancing with the stars dance partner.

At 2:26 on the tape as she talks about the woman who yelled Booooo to her out the window look at how her feet show her true lack of comfort with her bad girl rap, The toes and feet curl and twist to touch each other.

The couple goes into similar finger clasping as she asked if she will take her name. She is not comfortable with the long term marriage comments. Her head goes back her voice goes up.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel


The article on AOL

Actions speak louder than words, Rozlyn! Disgraced 'Bachelor' contestant Rozlyn Papa, who was booted from the show mid-season for having an inappropriate relationship with a producer, still has something to hide, according to our body language experts. When host Chris Harrison confronted her on the 'Bachelor: Women Tell All' special on Monday night, Roz was not being entirely truthful.

Our experts say declaratory statements often indicate deception, so Rozlyn probably wasn't telling the whole truth when she declared, "On my child's life, that never happened!"

The tone of her voice was also a giveaway that the blonde beauty wasn't being entirely honest.

"When denying the accusations, the pitch of her voice was considerably higher, this is indicative of stress," explains body language expert Vincent Harris. "When we are being deceptive or lying, we become more stressed."

Her stance also indicated fear. "She moved her hands to interlock around her crossed legs at the front of her shin in a log cabin guard. This low log cabin shows she is very fearful. She is still protecting herself. Even though her back is up and she is nodding her head, her lower body is showing she is scared of what Chris will say next," explains body language expert Patti Wood.

The other bachelorettes expressed their mortification at Rozlyn's actions through self-satisfied smirks while they watched her squirm in the hot seat. The camera continually panned to Ashley, who wasn't delighting as much as everyone else. Ashley was pissed!

"We see Ashley lips tightly pressed downward and her angry eyes. Ashley is dying to yell something," Wood explains.

As Harrison repeatedly asked Rozlyn whether anything inappropriate occurred in the house, her brow furrowed, another sign of anxiety and stress.

When Ella started to get judgey about Rozlyn's actions, if you watch closely you can see Rozlyn's top lip start to curl.

"This is a sign of her underlying anger; anger that she is working to suppress, but that is leaking out anyway. These small 'leaks' are all but impossible to conceal, hide or prevent, and give us a sneak peek at what emotion she is really feeling," Harris says.

But she isn't just lying about her relationship with the producer. Rozlyn seems to be lying about everything. At one point, she tells the other ladies that she never said anything bad about them after she left the show. Probably not true.

"She shoulder shrugs when she says she never said anything but nice things about the other women," says Janine Driver, author of 'YOU SAY MORE THAN YOU THINK: A 7-Day Plan For Using the New Body Language to Get What You Want!' "Which means it's deception. A shoulder shrug cancels out the verbal message so we know she has talked negatively about these women in the past."

And what's Chris Harrison trying to hide? When Roz bit back at Chris, claiming he hit on her producer friend's wife in New Zealand, Chris got a little cagey.

"Chris broke eye contact, looked down and appeared to struggle with making direct eye contact with Rozlyn again. Chris can clearly be seen swallowing -- a clear sign of anxiety and nervousness when read in context. My hunch is that there is probably more to the New Zealand story than Harrison would like to discuss," Harris explains.

Oh what a tangled web we weave when we appear on reality television.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel

Tiger Woods' mom Kultida was furious, heartbroken during his apology, say body language experts

Tiger Woods' mom Kultida was furious, heartbroken during his apology, say body language expert. Article in New York Daily News
barely controlled her rage as she watched her son apologize Friday for his cheating ways, body language experts said.

A famously guarded woman who reportedly dealt with infidelity in her own marriage, Kultida crossed her arms and glowered at the floor as she listened to Tiger admit his "foolish" philandering.

"She was extraordinarily tense. I'd say it was anger," said Patti Wood, an Atlanta-based body language specialist. "Her mouth was downward and pursed very tight, like she was holding back very negative emotions."

At the end of Tiger's remarks, Kultida eventually cracked a smile and hugged and kissed her son before defending him to reporters.

"You know what? I'm so proud to be his mother," she said at the heavily scripted event in Florida.

"People don't understand that Tiger has a very good heart and soul."

Still, she couldn't hide her personal pain as the camera rolled.

Kultida said her son would learn from his mistakes and that his return to Buddhism would "make him a much better person."

Read more:

Read more:
New York Daily News

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel

Celebrity feet, What the language of the feet say.

The secret language of the feet. Today I will be reading the body language of celebrity photos for First for Women magazine focussing on the feet and what they "say" This will be out in next's months issue.

FIRST for Women Magazine

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel

Body Language, Rozlyn on The Bachelor,

My Body language analysis of Rozlyn, Chrid Harrison and the bachlorett's on The Bachelor will be on AOL tonight at 8:00. Specifically I talk about Rozlyn's body language as she responds to questions about her alleged affair. I also discuss Chris Harrison and the Bachelorett's body language. Here is the clip. My rough notes are in the previous blog.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel

Rozlyn Papa's body language, Bachelor

My rough noes on Rozyn Papa from the Bachelor's body language as she is interviewed about her friendship with the now fired producer. The link to the video is below.
As she comes down the hallway in the back of the studio, she her shoulders are back her head is forward there is a nervous yet expectant smile on her face. Her lavender dress is flowing soft in ruffled tiers away from her body. She has chosen to dress in a very feminine dress not something tight and bold but at the same time short and exposing one shoulder completely and the other partially. She knows she looks good. When she comes into the studio, she faces the hate wall of the bachelorettes most with pressed down lips frowns and other more fierce facial expressions. If you screen grab on the way she sits down you will note how unusual it is. Under Neath her crossed legs she clasps her hands under her thigh. It looks like she is hiding the view of her underwear. Symbolically she is hiding her “femininity. “From attack. As the host says, he bears him, no ill will she bounces in a mock bow/strike to him with her upper body. Still protecting her lower body saying, “I thought we would get into a cage match.”
As she comes back, she moves her hands to interlock around her crossed legs at the front of her shin. in a log cabin guard. This low log cabin shows she is very fearful. She is still protecting her self. Even though her her back is up and she is nodding her head her lower body is showing she e is scared of what he will say next.
When she discusses meeting the producer her gestures and voice and words are in sync, and flow musically together she is telling the truth. As she gestures toward Ashley Omar we see Ashlee's tightly pressed downward turned lips and Angry eyes. Ashely is dying to yell something.

As the host says “so you didn’t have a physical relationship Rozlyn presses her lips together. Her hands have gone back to log cabin position. She is trying hard to not show how she feels or interrupt him as he speaks.
Her voice gets raised tense and angry as she defends herself saying she thought it was about the phone, “You wouldn’t let me talk to my son, …saying we don’t have a camera crew available to capture it.” She is really miffed about this.

The host again comes back to “Did anything physical happen in the house. She says the same thing no absolutely not….he asks again and she says’ ….Nothing.” again begins to lick and bite her lips with anxiety. She draws her crossed legs in closer to her body.

As the other women begin to speak one discusses her little rear end in the air incident where one of the women says Rozlyn” want to be put to bed by the producer”
The way she kept saying, “We are friends” was odd her voices tenses her chin comes up her eyes shut in an eye block her body occasionally tightens up all in a defensive manner. If she is comfortable with the friendship it should have been easy and lyrical as it came out of her mouth. Not desperate and angry.

As they start taking touching thigh, putting to be, sleeping. She sits up straighter. She attacks them she does not say to the other women I didn’t do that, she says why would I do that. She says she thinks they are beautiful. She tried again and again to take the discussion to some other topic, the cameras, the girls. These are all tactics of someone who is guilty. She would have looked incocent if she had come out and said. I am have been accused of this I didn’t do it. I was accused of this I didn’t do it. I was accused of this I didn’t do it.
The host asks her if she is and she says no. Her voice gets strident as she
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes

I read photos of Tom Cruise and Katie Homes for this weeks IN TOUCH weekly magazine. They where tired and stressed, and though there are rumors that the stress was between them the photos did not show they where upset with each other.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel

Kate Gosselin's Emotional Today Show Interview 8/10/09

I read Kate's body language and paralanguage in her recent Today Show interview. US weekly sent me two video's to read how she is feeling about her divorce and note any cues that she had an affair or feels she made a mistake in doing the show. Here are the links to the video's Notice how Katie’s keeps all her limbs close together. Her feet are touching her knees are pressed together her hands are clasped together her arms are held to her side, she often presses her lips tight together with the edges turned down. Symbolically she is keeping it together. The knees pressed together and the hands held up in her lap show the protection after an assault on her sexual trust of her partner.
When she is asked, “I notice you still have on your wedding ring, why is that Kate.” Kate pauses. She tries at first, to suck in her grief and then is overwhelms her. The overwhelming grief comes out in a rush of air and tears leak out as well as Kate says, “For them.” “I don’t want to upset them.” This is the only time in the interview Kate’s voice trembles. Otherwise, her voice is strong and confident. She is sure she made the right choice to do the TV show that this is the best thing for her children.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
I have a new quiz on my YouTubestation. Check it out!
YouTube- YouTube - bodylanguageexpert's Channel

Body Language Observations of the 2nd Presidential Candidates Debate - McCain vs. Obama October 08

The “fighting rules” were strict, allowing little interaction.

The candidates had to stay six feet apart, in their designated area.
******* (I have listed some of the debate rules at the bottom of the article).
Thank goodness there were no lecterns, just chairs upon which to perch while the other was speaking. This way, we could see more of the candidate’s bodies despite the fact that the other debating rules meant there was little engagement with each other. They would have very little interpersonal debate, but rather give “short speeches” in response to questions asked.

Obama came onto the stage in a long relaxed stroll. In this debate Obama was respectful and McCain did not have to tap him to get him to shake hands. They shook hands each grasping the other’s elbow in the classic politician’s handshake showing power and control.McCain had more energy than I had ever seen him have. His voice tone and energy was often positive and hopeful. He was coached well to be upbeat in the beginning of the debate but, overused that “we can do it”, “we are Americans” hopefulness later in the debate when he should have been mad at Obama for aligning him with Bush and calling him on it.

At the beginning of the debates Obama was calm, blank eyed and seemed more coached and less passionate and at times although he kept gesturing, his eyes seemed dead eyed. . While Obama spoke McCain paced the stage a bit nervously.McCain needed to be strong in this debate, show more energy confidence and power than Obama. Obama needed to be more cool, collected and in control. McCain showed more energy but overall did not seem presidential. He has more knowledge but his energy was wasted in attacks, verbal and nonverbal. He walked toward towards Obama as he attacked, but then would step back. Neither move showing strength. He often showed snarly smirking facial expressions as he walked toward Obama and pointed at him in little jabs. While discussing the Bush/Cheney-backed energy bill "stuffed full" of goodies for the oil companies. "Know who voted for it? That one," he says, not looking at Obama. "Know who voted against it? I did..." This was the biggest nonverbal memorable moment in the debate and was all negative for McCain. A big mistake.

Powerful debaters let attackers come to them and smile or act bored. Obama smiled as if McCain's attack didn’t mean a thing. McCain needed to show his confidence and superior experience knowledge but with the exception of a few questions, like what we should do about Russia, his true deep knowledge was not shown.

Obama attacked McCain during the debates by standing near his chair or walking forward using his hand to make fists. He didn’t look at him, and that worked. I didn’t like any of the attacks but Obama’s method of attack worked.
While McCain talked and Obama waited and listen for his next question, Obama sat on his stool with one leg down up with his foot resting on the bar with his legs spread open to take a posture of “cool power.”
I could almost see a black and white photo of him in that same pose on the cover of a jazz CD. This was not the same pausing, awkward Obama. His coaching between the debates was clear. Answer the questions quickly and strongly. Often Obama leapt out of the chair and strode toward Moderator Brokaw as he answered Brokaw's question. Obama loves a podium. He was more awkward in the town hall setting. He had a hard time at first approaching the audience and individual questioners. But, gained confidence later and scribbled notes more frequently. His notebook spilling over the small table.With the physical; contrast one tall and slender, the other short and older; their physical differences seemed more pronounced as they walked on the stage in this setting.

Remember, we tend to choose the winning candidate in a debate seconds after it begins. Typically, we make these choices based on the charismatic factors of Likeability, attractiveness and level of dominance. Though McCain was more comfortable in the town hall format and sincerely engaged the people and talked to the questioners in an authentically warm way, his gestures showed up too late. Obama had it made before he opened his mouth.More notes to come later today. In the meantime, check out this story with me and several other experts:,0,4755608.story********The format: Under the terms of a 31-page Memorandum of Understanding, Candidates must stay in their designated areas. The NBC host Tom Brokaw will moderate, picking questions from a pool 150 undecided voters from the Nashville area, pre-selected by Gallup so that they're demographically representative. The live questioners will ask their questions directly, and Brokaw will intersperse them with selections from a reported six million others received by email. Cameras aren't allowed to show the reactions of the live questioners -- just their initial questions. Tom Brokaw will identify a person and call on them; the questioner will ask the question, and then be seated. The candidate to whom the question was posed will have two minutes to respond, and then the other candidate will have two minutes. Then there'll be one minute of open discussion.

Body Language Notes to be Featured in Cosmo...

Here are some notes from this months Cosmo interview:

What His Touches Can Tell You

It’s no secret that guys aren’t big on talking. Luckily, their bodies communicate for them—if you know how to read the signs.

The lean-in from the side
You may notice this gesture when you’re sitting next to each other at the dinner table or at a bar. It’s subtle and may seem like an accident (for example, you brush shoulders sharing a menu or your knees bump), but may actually calculated contact to gauge your interest. If a guy is on the shy side, this approach seems like a “safe” way to see how you react–if you’re not into it, he won’t lose face if you recoil.

The playful punch.
This grade school move is what guys revert to when they like you but have no clue how to verbalize it (or they’re too nervous to). Men also relate to one another by rough housing, so your date may be trying to establish a bond. A punch between guys in a nonsexual way to say, “We are buddies” so for men it seems a sage way to say they like you.

The forearm graze.
If a man briefly places his touches you on your forearm as he is talking he may be reaching out to make sure he has your attention. He may be worried you’re losing interest and he’s trying to bring you back into the moment. If he touches you on the forearm while your talking it is more likely a sign of interest in you and what you have to say.

The hand on the back.
A guy who gently places his palm on your lower back (to guide you through a crowd, for example) is on his best behavior. He’s trying to make a good impression and let you know that he’s a gentleman. [Patti – this is from another expert, whom we cite below]

Notice how and where he places his hand. Is he gentle rather than possessivlivly gripping your back ? Where does he place his hand, in the sweet spot in the center of the back or lower. If his hand creeps lower, he may be testing the waters to see how far physically you’ll let him go.

Sources: Patti Wood, body language expert and author of Success Signals; Jan Hargrave, body language consultant and author of Let Me See Your Body Talk