Why Do People Yawn When Other People Yawn? Emotional Contagion. By Body Language Expert Patti Wood

Have you ever noticed that we yawn when someone else yawns?  Occasionally we yawn when someone else yawns, as a response to shared exhaustion, but most often a matching yawn is due to a phenomenon called emotional contagion.

It's part of the phenomenon of Isopraxism, the pull towards the same energy that occurs in nature. Isopraxism explains why birds fly together in formation, fish swim together in schools, and why we see the wave coming around the football stadium and say we are not going to do it, but we get pulled into the wave. We pull towards the same energy to save energy. In human relationships, we tend to match people we like and feel comfortable being around.

For years the research on yawning said that matching was not the cause of mutual yawning, but I disagreed. Now recent research supports the matching hypothesis. Though the original yawner may yawn because they are tired and or lack oxygen, the matcher yawns back out of kindness. Steven Platek, a research professor in biomedical science at Drexel University in Philadelphia did research empathy. He found highly empathetic people could not help but match someone's yawn.

You may notice this in Gorillas and great apes match their fellow Gorillas and ape body language. Not quite a case of monkey see monkey do, more like gorilla see gorilla do.

So next time someone matches your yawn, you will know they are a nice empathetic person. You might want to fake a yawn today, just to see how much people care!

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at www.PattiWood.net. Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at www.snapfirstimpressions.com.